December 18, 2011

Bball and Life...

The qualification for the Norwegian National Championship for kids 16 and under was this past weekend and my kids did their very best. Being a group of 13, 14 and 15 year olds made it tough from the get go but I thought we just have a great learning experience no matter the result. I believe that is what happened and that is cool. The kids just impress me more and more with their fight and willingness to work extra hard both in the gym and out. It's something that inspires me to do my best for them and myself. I am looking forward to see the progress of all my players, on both my boys teams... it's a pleasure and blessing to have the young men in my life.

Moving on to life da... I have golf clubs in my house again, or should I say more directly in bed room, living room and just about everywhere else I might be within the four walls... Have been practicing my putting technique and it seems to be getting more comfortable. Being that it has been almost 5 seasons in the closet, the clubs are at least happy to see the light of day... I am hoping for the best, and if my body is willing, I am going to climb back into the ring, see what happens and have fun doing it... Nothing more to say about that... Just a whole hell of alot of work ahead, something I actually am looking forward to and that in itself is a positive thing I'd guess. Gotta run now, but we are getting there...

November 28, 2011

Ok da....

After many days of thinking and re-thinking things I have decided to keep the blog going, there are some changes happening in the slow and when all is said and done, maybe I'll have more to write about, and yes, it will be about golf and it's not anything anyone can really imagine. Not sure myself really, not that the idea will or will not work, but in the idea of time, how much time will be needed, to reach the goals set, and how the twists and turns of life will affect the adventure of making it happen....

Nothing will happen in life without making it happen....

Under which means do goals achieve themselves?

Goals are people living their dreams.

Giving all to live your dream is it, to be happy...

All it takes is the effort to live it and happiness is there...

Interaction between ones soul and the matrix of life can and does change reality for the one making contact. If living ones dream can be, and I mean if one can just make a change, to make it be, than one would be dumb not to, or what? I am of the opinion that one is dumb not to, and thus life changing, goal setting, dream living can and does happen each and everyday on the globe and why not me, or better said why not you, or even better than that, why not everyone.....??

I know, I know... there are a lot of haters out there, people who for whatever reason, just have to hate, it's not even worth the time to wonder why, it just is and that's that. If one could really understand people like that, well, then society as a whole would weed those who are such out, would it not?? Or is the fact of the matter this, that haters are the ones who have the inner drive for some reason to achieve high goals, high social status, being politicians in a way, both figuratively speacking and in the real reality of life....  One, and if I can be so bold as to say yes, one being me, then I will stop.

Stop. Period. Just stop.

What do I mean you say? Well, by saying stop I mean just that, stop playing the game, stop playing by the norms of society, change the rules to fit yourself better if you have to, but for gosh's sake, just stop. Stop being a debt slave to the banks, stop the buying, stop the wanting, stop the materialism that has a grip around the neck of society, stop it all. Stop all the norms that society has been lied to about for generations, the lies about 'making it' or not, being successful or not, being the right kind or not, all the bs, it stops now.... Just think if everyone understood what the heck I'm writing about here, and just took the time to stop and think about it and then do it...?

Keep dreaming I know.... I will.

November 11, 2011

Almost a Month

Ya ya ya... Almost a month now... Am I getting tired of this blogging thing? Maybe or maybe not. It could be something in the water or not. It could be the time of year or not. I could be that I don't have anything to say or not. It might be a good thing or not. Maybe I'm losing it, or not. It can be positive or not. Anyway, it's been almost a month and I am not worried about it at all... How many years have I had this website/blog? At least four I'd guess off the top of my head, four years of writing, sharing my thoughts, sharing my life and I guess now I am wondering. Wondering, what's the point, is this some kind of record of my life in some stupid way? I mean really, who really reads this blog? I'd guess for the most part it's people that I don't like for the most part anyway, huh, your asking? That's right, after all the years and the few comments I've received I am starting to wonder if there is a point to it and if so, what the hell that might be.

Keeping it going is something I have just done and have no idea if I will continue or not, maybe if I start playing golf again or something along those lines I'd have more desire? Who knows? I certainly don't. My life is rolling along and I'm real happy with all things in my life that's for sure, but writing this blog, for the most part for it's for myself and I'm not sure that it is something I want to keep doing... I guess the right answer for all this is who cares...

October 17, 2011


Making choices is always there, right in front of our faces, everyday, every minute of each day is a battle of ones inner choices for this that and the other thing...Making the best and or more properly put the best social norm of a choice, one then has to concentrate every time then? When can one know for sure that a choice is one for the best? Or does one need to decide what best is first? How does one come into the choices of what is best or not? Is it a natural thing, does someone teach us from an early age how to make the right or best choices? Or not? I confused as the reader can well figure out for him\herself, but that's ok, being confused about something can be best soemtimes as well... Huh??

Being confused about something I'd guess would make a person think about what might or moght not be best for him or herself at that precise moment... I guess a state of confusion once in a while can and just might bring about what is best int he long run? Maybe, maybe not...

Being at work and the time being 3am and having many thoughts speeding thru my head, not actually all that confused about anything to be honest... I'd like to think that I maybe understand something now after all... or not... hmmm... back to work da

October 13, 2011


Having it, or not, wanting it, or not, searching for it, or not, getting it, or not, accepting it, or not, listening to it, or not, Feeling it, or not.... Understanding... How does one understand? Can one really understand another? Can one have complete understanding of something or someone? Maybe yes, maybe no... But one thing is for sure one can think one has understanding, but when one really understands and it is a true thing, one realizes real fast that the only thing one can really understand in this life is oneself and how you work... If I can understand myself first and foremost, then and only then can I have the possibility to have a chance in hell in understanding someone else or in the extreme cases understand that persons meanings and or holding to something or someone...

What happens to someone when they meet a lack of understanding? How does one make others understand or even care to understand? Can one make another understand? Is understanding an art? Being able to understand is or can it be learned? Hmmm... many questions here... any answers??

October 2, 2011

Fall Vacation....

Each and every year it's this time to celebrate a little time called fall vacation... A week free from school for my kids, the bballers and for those of us 'normal' working folks who choose or have the time free and every time it works out, it's always nice. I have always enjoyed the fall days, the changing colors of the trees, the different colors of the times of day, here in the north we have some pretty good sunrises during the fall and winter months, the cool crisp air and the few lucky days with an indian summer about it...

Played golf with my man Rikard the other day, we just got in the front nine at Oppegaard and it was fun, well, getting beat 3 and 2 is never fun but we did have a good walk and talk... Rikard played 3 under and I played well, do we have to talk about it?? Hehe maybe 4 over or something... The putting and short game was awful, but from tee to green it was ok... Fun it was and thanks my man for getting me out there... it took a few, or should I say a few dozen phone calls, but thanks for keeping up the telephoner's dudester...

Giving my bballers the week off in a sense, we have open gyms during all practice times this week and for those players who really wanted to get in some individual work at the same time being able to get a good run in... stay in shape and all the good stuff... Third season with my oldest team, they are getting to be 17 and 18 years old now... many 17 year olds and some 16'ers... will be a good season for all of them, a great learning experience and one that will be a spring board until they turn 21. My youngest team is a group I have had my eyes on the last two seasons and it's more than my pleasure to take them under my wing from the coach they had, a good guy who has done his absolute best... Looking forward to seeing what happens with the core group of this team during this season and the ones to follow....

Ya ya ya.. gotta run, but this is a thought for all, and this time I mean it Peace - Love - Goodness to the world  will always rule in the end, always has been always will be...

September 24, 2011

Being with...

Being with... What does this entail? How much of being with is a good thing and how much is a possible bad thing? I cannot understand parents that can't seem to understand what it means to have the chance to be with and take every minute for what it is, precious.... Have heard of the situation where the one parent always does one thing that always affects the being with if the other... I can't understand this way of thinking, does it not matter the feelings of the one sitting and waiting? The one who in many ways does not have a choice but to be with under the circumstances given by another... is this moral or not?  How to deal with another's inability to see this clear and with compassion for all is beyond me in so many ways....

Babbling I know but, this is something I have thought alot about the past day's and have been struggling to see the light through the dark thoughts I have for people like this, or I should say the kind of people who are like this, or even the people who just don't know better or don't really give a damn... It's all about being with... 100% and doing ones best to give love, peace, harmony, direction, caring and all the other goodness that comes with really being with... always. Is it easy?? I think so, but if one works at it maybe one can improve and even change things for the better and become more with, being with...

Gotta go for now, I have to go and be with for real... ;-)

September 17, 2011

Open Gym, Music, Playing Hard, Quitting....

The bballers are starting to understand the importance of it, seeing the gelling effect it does has, the chances for getting better at the same time the player has the chance to prove is metal against some of his better friends.... What kind of long term effect does a setting like open gym have on a player, team, club....? The answers to this question is of course easy, but of course like all things it needs to nurtured and taken care of, not let to grow uncontrolled, making sure it is a safe place of youngsters and older players alike... It's super cool to see the players I've helped through the years come to a such setting and just play for the love of the game, the music they listen to, the social affect cannot be measured through just one or two seasons... this must be something that becomes a part of the club's system for keeping and recruiting players of all ages... Having a place to come each week to meet their friends, to play the game they love and just be... I know for myself open gym was an important part of my growing up...

The transition in going from being full time golf pro to bball coach, social worker has been interesting and very rewarding actually.. I know I have written about this subject before and will not 'punish' the reader with a full summation of the real feeling deep behind the opinions I have about the subject.... Short and sweet the point is the bballers really want to work hard, be the best they can and are willing to put in the hours of practice needed to be to reach ones potential both on and off the court... The youngsters I have worked with the past 20+ years in both golf and bball have been super for the most part, they have all been good kids for the most but the difference in the two is the actual love they have for their sport and what they are willing to do to reach their goals... Basketball wins, hands down... I guess it really does have something to do with the team side of balling and not in the golf?

Gotta go, my daughter just got here!!! Peace, love and all that's good....

September 16, 2011

Basketball Coaching Sample...

For those of your interested here is a sample of my basketball blogs that I write for my two teams that I coach here in my hometown of Fredrikstad:

Hoopsters: Really good work tonight..Getting in a real good practice in that small gym is a credit to you all and your ability to focus, compete and cheer each other on... Just so you guys know, when we get the gym at Seirsborg done, it will be a little bigger than the small gym we have to use at Glemmen every other week. Next week we have the big area and will make the most out of it... Just like you all did tonight. I must say fellas, you all make coming to practice so much fun and seeing the long term progress of each one of you is of course real cool! And another thing I know to be true, this group of young men, that is you dudes are fighters, friends, competitors, fans of each other and like I wrote to Mo from Skiptvet we are a family, one that takes care of each other, through thick and thin... Right guys?? Hehehe I know the answer already and that's one of the reasons it's o fun to ask the question.. ;-)

Keep working hard guys, keep your thinking caps on during practice, I know I can say a lot of info in a short amount of time, and you all should be safe to raise your hand and ask if you don't understand... Please do that guys, or should I say keep doing it!  Seeing you all starting to have a better grasp of the idea's behind a good man to man defense, understanding is maybe over half the battle guys... and then the way you all competed during the 3 on 3 drill was just so cool to watch... ALL of you played your hearts out and a special shout to Mo from Hvaler, Ebay and Si Ming... those guys won 7 games in a row with exceptional effort on defense and running the floor... good work all!!

Hope to see so many of you as possible at open gym tomorrow night, come and play, get a run in dudes, come and battle against your teammates, club-mates and possible guest players from other clubs.... For those of you I don't see tomorrow, have a good weekend and remember to eat and drink the good stuff, listen to the bosses at home and do your school work to the best of your ability...

Coach Kev

As stated, I have two teams, this blog is for the oldest team, the one I've been coaching the past three seasons, young men now, born in 94/95. The reason I posted their blog post as a sample is because I know these young men best and I guess I might think I write a little more natural for them... who knows and I hope those of you that are interested will follow along for the fun of it... 

Gotta run folks... tired after a long evening of coaching and am looking forward to chillin a bit before beddy bye... ;-)

September 14, 2011

Websites.... goodness and life....

Googled my name the other night... Looks like someone is using it for something I don't like or approve of... I am not sure for the course of action as of yet, but I will be trying to see what can be done... unreal... I can't think there are to many men in this world with my name... oh well, I didn't choose it, and of course I have thought many times about changing it too... My kids have and that is a good thing. It has cost me, this name of mine, people are cruel mostly, laughing at it, making jokes about it, for the most part not even thinking about how it has been to live with, my whole life... I guess the only thing about it that can be possible, is the fact that people never seem to forget it... maybe that can be a negative thing sometimes?? Duh.. yadagit.. 

Anyway, other than that, things are good here in the world of oil and high taxes... Nah, we have it good here in Norway... With a population of just under 5 million, these people have done some really good things with their little country... no doubt about that. I just have some questions that I am sure will never be answered to my satisfaction and to be honest I am ok with that... sometimes one has to just let things be, let life go on, let things happen the way they were supposed to, in other words, get out of your own way, step aside and let life lead you... Believe in life, believe in the goodness of what life represents and the fact that it is good, no one can look at life and say it's not good... times in it can be tough, but the overall meaning behind the word is just goodness.... so, be good people, think about love, life and the pursuit of happiness... Get out of your own way once in awhile and try and feel life moving ahead, flying ahead is more like it, and we can if we want to, just hang on for dear life and enjoy it... all of it ;-)

September 8, 2011

Rain, rain and more rain...

Here we have rain, lots of it... The most in over 110 years 'they' say... It was a whole heck of a lot anyway, flooding in the streets and some people's basements were a it wet... I wonder what that means or if it one could predict what kind of winter one might have in regards to things like that... and if so, would something like this mean that this winter is going to be real tough, or maybe the opposite is true... No one knows I guess for sure. I have just feelings about stuff like that, no real knowledge and no real desire to learn anything about it either, hmm, I wonder what that says about me? Maybe nothing, maybe a whole bunch.. At the same time I write the words I know that I really don't care, or can be bothered to find out.. hehehe. Night shift makes me a little weird I guess.

Basketball season is coming into full swing and I am looking forward to this season a bunch and am hoping for the best for the kids, I hope they stay healthy and improve steady. Ya ya ya... nothing really happening here otherwise, have been spending a good deal of my free time in our hippie corner in our new place. Having a new 'roommate' if one can call it that, I don't even know if we have a name for that in the states? Anyway, it's been nothing short of amazing for me, being able to have the same feelings about so many things is a pleasure I have not had in a long while... not that not agreeing is a negative thing by itself, of course many great things, ideas and the like are made out of people not agreeing, but in this case, right now in my life, just being able to agree on the smallest, stupidest little thing is like so large... I can't really explain it, at least not well enough I guess but I just wonder where it will all end? In total complete happiness? So far so good...

Gotta run back to my J.O.B. and all that good stuff... I will try and post more, gets a little hard to do it everyday now, but I am going to try and prioritize it more if possible... Take care world and be good to each other, think love, peace and all the other things that we all know each other needs...

September 1, 2011

Stevie Wonder... Graveyard shifts....

Pushing another night into the dawn.... Having my man Stevie with me is pretty cool, gotta love Spotify and the cordless internet. ;-) Been busy with life, basketball, work, kids... you all know? I know you do, and just that makes it a little easier. Life is very good and with each day I learn more and more about how I think this thing called life works, how the in's and out's of things function and then all of a sudden you realize that you don't have a clue really but that's what is so damn cool about life huh...?

Norway is getting colder and the rain is here to stay it seems... Well, at least until the temp gets cold enough, then it snows and snows and snows and snows.... Hehehe, no but seriously it can really get cold here and the fall winter seasons can be brutal for a guy used to growing up more or less close to the ocean and much warmer temps... One would think that I'd have gotten used to the weather over here after 16 years, but I can't say that I really have... bla bla bla bla... I know...

Gotta get back to work anyway, but maybe I'll have the time to post a bit more here now..

For those who are interested in basketball, click on the basketball coaching button on the menu area on the right hand side, check out the two teams I am coaching this season and the club I coach/work for.

Take care everyone, think good thoughts and flood the world with love and positive vibes!! If we all do our part then we can change the world... one person at a time, and maybe it just starts with us, each one of us, one at a time... bla bla bla... hehehe... gotta run...

August 15, 2011

Summer, not much of it and now it's over... Bball is next!!

The summer was not more than a couple weeks and if it was much more, then it's not been much.. I have taken a break from posting for the summer, wanting to concentrate on just being and living each and everyday to it's best without thinking about posting, blogging, surfing and all the other things that come along with using the laptop daily. Leon has grown lots in just the past few months, has become a 'big boy' and uses the bathroom like 'everyone else'... hehehe funny little dude. He's not been to much at the golf course this summer, that being a fy fy  for his pappa, but in all real thinking about it, he's too young to really start 'playing' golf for real... His best shots might go 50 meters... Amanda is of course a big girl, going to be a 9th grader this coming year and is looking forward to what comes with that... She also had a great report card this last year... Smart, beautiful and funny, good combo.. It has been real nice to move into a different aprt, being able to spend more time with my two special kids, and it seems like they enjoy the new house much better too..

Personally, things are going great and I have a special person to thank for that, she knows who she is and I am just so lucky to have met someone like you, my soul-mate... We are just starting the journey of living our lives together, making each and everyday a special one for each other, letting the small things of life be the ones that we put in the forefront of our daily thinking... I know you, you know me... Thank you sweetheart :-)

Basketball will be starting up soon, as soon as school starts I assume.... Check out the bball blog for the guys at the right side of the page... take care world and I'm looking forward to posting a bit more now, after taking a summer break from it, it's actually fun again ;-) ;-)

June 20, 2011

Where's the summer???

Here it is the middle of June and I am still waiting for summer.... I have been going in a tank top now for a couple weeks in a type of demonstration to the weather gods... Warm weather??? Not to easy to find in the northern hemisphere for the past 4-5 years.. The last time I can remember the real nice Norwegian summer I have had here, must be the last year I worked in Halden. That was a good summer. The weather was totally super, I can even remember being in Bergen for almost a week without rain.. That is unheard of... We have had some nice weather, but no warmness... Yeah, yeah, yeah... not to much to do about that I guess, other than move the hell away da, but that is not going to happen, at least not in this life, having kids living here makes it a non-issue... In the future? Oh yeah... then the game is different, maybe my kids will choose to live in the states, being that they are American and have that opportunity.. Bla bla bla.. I know... Having some time free soon, have about three weeks + vacation this summer.... what to do, what to do?? Maybe nothing this year, stay at home and save some cash for once?? Here in Saltnes, if the weather is good, there is a lot of outside things to do actually, biking, golf, hiking, beaches, boating... Noway can be a real nice place in the summer, at least the few weeks a year we have it da..........

Golf wise? Nada Mucho... Would be cool to pick up the sticks and play some soon, been a long time since I tee'd it up for real... the nine holes I played on the 17th of May does not count... but I do miss it... maybe when the little guy is a few more years old, then maybe I'll have the time to devote to playing... If there is one thing I know about golf, it's almost always fun to play, it's just about your mindset in regards to what the purpose of the round is... bla bla bla.... gotta go anyway... peace, love, and all the good stuff people...

June 8, 2011

Another season...

Basketball season is over for this time... each and every year it's like a chapter in a a book, each player playing his role in the storyline, each having his role within the whole... The bball season here is actually about 10 months long, something that is not usual for at least most people from over there... the hoops season is maybe 5 to 6 months and is of course more intense because of it. Looking forward to letting the guys get some time free from the regular practices and let them play some 'open gym' and just enjoy the game for what it is. Hoping that I'll be able to use some more time with each player next season, individual time that is necessary for the progress of each player as individual but the team and club as a whole. Things are seeming to be good and plans are moving to things being all good vet du :-) Nothing would be better than seeing the players after a few months of individual work and how that would affect everyones performance in a positive way... Gotta go..again :-)


Has it come? Feels like it, wearing shorts and tank tops... in my mind nothing is better than being able to take off some layers and let the sun hit my skin... Not that I'm a big sun worshiper or anything, but sun in some senses is good for the body and soul?? Right? I guess one can argue just about any side of any issue nowadays, but I have to just admit my human feelings... and that is that warmth and sun = good.  :-)

Been nice the last weeks here in the north europe, nothing is better than a good norwegian summer, really, the the landscape is beautiful and it has some very nice beaches, golf courses and other 'things' to do outside... But the overall beauty of a nice norwegian summer is something one just has to experience I guess, and the thing is, they are sometimes so far and in between that even living here for the past 17 years or so... well, I've had maybe 6 or seven really good warm summers.. Hope people... keep the good thoughts pouring in da :-)

Golf wise? Nada... hehe.. really sad in a way, but the knee would never let me to compete for real again, until the operation is done, and the thing assessed proper, maybe, just maybe, I'll be able to train myself into such alright shape that the knee won't be so bad to deal with for the next ten to fifteen years.... then it's probably going to be a full change job on it... bla bla bla bla I know... gotta go da.. be good world, peace and love to the masses da...

June 6, 2011

Good Bye Gothenburg (Goteberg)

This has been the best 6 day trip I can remember... Being together with my loves, the bballers and my one and only.. The weather was super, the basketball was fun and the rest of the time was spent well, doing what people do who are in love... We walked the streets of Goteberg, all hours of the day and night, talking, holding hands, around each other,  thinking about two things, each other and bball... hehehe... true so true though.. This has been one very special trip for me... has brought me closer to what I have been looking for, and for that I will never forget, learning and accepting each other for who we are and cherishing each other anyway... Goteborg, we will always have it, and the great thing is it's going to happen again, each and every year... I do, and will continue do believe that this will be something I write about in my book... yes it's been more than special for me sweetheart... I'll relive this vacation again and again for years to come... but the fun thing is we have all the time in the world to make new memories, here, there, anywhere....

May 28, 2011


Add caption
It's almost june here inNorway and the warm weather is no here as of yet.. maybe we'll have a couple weeks this year with real warm weather? I do miss that, having the knowledge that the next day was going to be so and so witht regards to the weather... Here in Norway, well, it's niot that easy, even thought when the weather is good and it's summer time, Norway can be one of the most beautiful places I've been... But the real good summer days are sooooo far and between, and sometimes I really do wonder how people actually came to live in such a place... hehe.. well, I know why I'm here, but way way way back in the day... why?? I know the answer is out there someplace, and knowing me I'll of course have to google some stuff to find out.. Bla bla bla... I know, I've been bla blaing now for a while... Summer, summer, summer.... looking forward to seeing you this time.... I'm thinking this might be one of my best summers ever!! One does never know what the future will bring and when you have people in your life to share the suspense, well,that makes it all the better.. Even that one special person, know this to be true... hehehe... Gotta go... Later dudes...

May 21, 2011


Love... The key to life... Period. Without it people die. Period. New born babies die without it. Period. We all do. Period. But the great thing is that there is so much of it to go around... Period. Here in this life, we humans have actually so much love to give each other that it's incredible. Just think about it yourself. All the things, people you have loved up to this point in your own life.. Lots huh? Yup. Me too.. If one adds up all the love that everyone has in the world, and if one realizes that the power of love crushes all other the negative feelings flying around... If you have, or have had love in your life, then you know exactly what I am talking about, and I'd hope you'd be able to spread the love you have in thick layers over the life you live.

I am in love, no doubt... it's a great feeling, a life giving one, the best... having and meeting the people in ones life that we not only love, but also receive the great gift of it from... well, I am soooo very thankful for each and everyday I have in this life, to live and and love the ones close to my heart... I am very lucky and blessed. Thank you, and you know who you are... All of you. Without your love, my life would be, well, not my life I guess... because of the love I feel, give, and get, that, and only that is what makes me, me... Bla bla bla... I know... but sometimes we have too... :-)

May 18, 2011


You got to love them... I guess it's how one knows, something one can't describe, an inner body thing I guess I'd call it... Powerful they can be, these things we call feelings. One can hear the common sayings running through their heads... How are you feeling? What's your feeling? Trusting your feelings. Listening to one's feelings. That was a good feeling. That was a bad feeling. You made me feel. I feel. Your feelings. My feelings. Ikke sant. These are things one hears day in and day out... but how many times do we actually think about our feelings? Or is it the combo of mind and body that makes the thinking natural, uncomplicated, easy?? I'm in the second camp on this one.. Trusting ones feelings, listening to your body as well as your mind, that, to me, and it's only my opinion but that sounds like the most natural and wisest thing to do. Trust your feelings. Hmmm. Listening to that inner peace when you have it and see things clearly for maybe the first time. Seeing without trying, feeling without thinking, just being and feeling good. How many times in ones life does this happen? Is it possible to have this good feeling, being content with ones feelings, ones choices, based on the feelings one feels?? I am a believer in in it, all the signs are there, through out time and space we have these feelings that have a effect on oneself, others close to us, and I believe the world and universe in a whole... Whew... Gotta go to Hoops.. Been a while I know, going to try and keep up with 'it' da.. ;-)

May 9, 2011


Life is good. That's the Celtic Symbol there, the tree og life...

"When a tribe cleared the land for a settlement, they always left a great tree in the middle, known in Ireland as the "crann bethadh," or Tree of Life, that embodied the security and integrity of the people. Chieftains were inaugurated at the sacred tree, for, with its roots stretching down to the lower world, its branches reaching to the upper world, it connected him with the power both of the heavens and the worlds below. One of the greatest triumphs a tribe could achieve over its enemies was to cut down their mother tree, an outrage punishable by the highest penalties." -

This should show one the importance of the symbol and maybe even the overalll importance of the message being given, or at least the one that is open to interpertations and or belief. One has to believe in something, right??? I mean if one has no core beleif in something, well, what does one have then?? I don't really know, but of course one has to find these beliefs on one's own. There is actually no one that can really tell another the 'meaning of life" the 'correct' meaning to many, many questions that the masses have had for 1000's of years. I can only assume to know my truth, because in some sense the history of 'us' is open to interpertations, and I should want to believe that 'we' as humans, would if possible 'make' our history most or best for ourselves in the long run... What the hell?? Are you thinking that?? I have always been..thinking about it.. People can and do change the history they report or write down for the future of us to read or learn.. NO doubt.

Not that I have any more facts at my disgression than everyone else that has access to the net... but the info is out there to be read and thought about... like finishing a good meal, over time... let it sink in... do it, today.
Everyone should be waking up sooner rather than later.... :)

Otherwise things are real good, there is one thing that one can always count on, the universe does not stop for anyone.. We are all along for the ride, good or bad, we are there, sailing thru the space of time and light, thousands of miles an hour, spinning around the source of yours and mine lives.. We are good and that's one thing I do know for sure..   Gotta go and spend some time with my son... the other sun that gives me life... :)

April 28, 2011

Dru Down...

West Coast Rap - Bay area is the king for me actually, this dude is one of my favorites, been a looooong time since I'v heard him and a lot of his running mates.. I can remember back in the day, when I lived in the usa, growing up on the west coast in Portland... Playin ball, going to school, girls, cars, music, all that's good.. I can remember takin some road trips with the boys to the Bay area, San Fran is a great town, people forget that the music scene is pretty strong there and lots of solid rap has come from there. It has it's own sound really, west coast - bay area rap is all good... I was never really into the east coast/west coast rap thing... I was always in it for the music, I never really cared about the differences between the boys, 2Pac, Biggie, all that was tragic and so unnessassary loss of life and not to even mention the music lost. Hmmm.. Been a while since I've posted, been busy you know... Living life takes it's time.. Been busy writing on the book, it does take time, esp because I don't seem to get anytime other than during the nigh shift to really devote to it...yaya... I have time to finish it, could have been alright with some press to get it done too.. I think it happens at it's own time and if I try and rush it then the effects will be poor... Gotta run now da.. things moving along here in life, going to take the little guy out to the golf course today.. I know he's looking forward to that.. Hope the greens are not to bumpy after a long winter.. yaya.. first golfing day of 2011, fun stuff that :) Take care world, think peace and love for the masses... maybe it helps!?!

April 24, 2011


Not a new band for many, but one worth ckecking out... The girl who sings is good and somehow makes the metal of the band work pretty damn good. That is the one thing Rap music has never been able to do, for me at least.. I wish someone would give me more examples of female rappers, who also can really sing.. I of course could name a couple.. but what's the fun in that? Hehe..

One could guess correctly that I am listening to this now... Enjoy pretty much all the songs I've listened to so far, which has to be around 50 or so.. It's not that often you can put some thing on and not really think about it.. Just my boring ass opinion ;-)

We are still 'on' our easter vacation.. for some of us we are just home, and were lucky not to have to work during the holiday. Things are moving along and everthing is good.

Gotta go now.. good thoughts dudes.. ;-)

April 23, 2011

Still Easter...

Easter still.. here in Norway, most people have a holiday during this week +, not all of course, and those who choose to work, or have to, well, they do get better paid, so in some ways it might actually be a good thing. I have enjoyed my time this easter, that's for sure.. it's always nice to spend some time with people who you really want to be with.. Makes the 'holiday' that much better. Spring looks to have come here in Norway, we've actually had some real nice weather, warm (for Norway), and sunny. Hmm.. hoping for a super summer with lots of good sunny days. It does make a big difference, no matter what might be said. Good warm weather is nice. Every time, and for some lucky devils, they have that almost year around... I do like the seasons, but here it can be a short summer, been a few years since we have really had a summer that would be cat. as Very Good. But one can always hope... ikke sant??
Golfwise.. need to get the little guy out at the club, maybe in the next couple days we can take a little visit and putt and chip a little... I know he would be real happy.. Just loves the golf.. For me, I am still waiting for the knee opperation, unreal actually, it's been going on three years now, but I do understand that my heart stuff has stood in the way, and there is nothing that can be done with the fact that my heart is of course much more important than that screwed left knee... I have actually been working out more or less, 3-4 times a week and have felt the improvements both mental and physical. Bla bla bla... how many times am i going to have to write about it... uff da.... last time now?? We'll try da.
Nothing really else going on here... work, hoops, maybe a bit of golf now, kids, other hobby type stuff  ;-)
Gotta go here, take care world, be good and think as always peace and love for humanity...

April 19, 2011


Rabbits, Eggs and Hunting... Easter... what is it with all the holiday's? Are they real now? Many, many years ago the whole idea of easter was different, the meaning was more known and practiced. What about today's world, our society and how do we understand the bigger picture... Easter sales, all over the place, save, save, save... Spend, spend, spend... well.. it just so happens this easter I did just that... not planned actually, if I was in the same situation a month to or from, I'd have spent the same on the same... but it's all good and I hope that it will be a long time b4 I have to d,o the same... even though it's always fun to get something new. I just wish money was something we could actually do without somehow.. No clue how int he hell that would happen, even though I can see how a society like that would work in some ways, I have of course no chance of either devoting alot of time to it, but maybe if my mind and brain thinks positive about it all... well... maybe someday we will realize the trick being played on us all... Banks, Big Business, war, and the machine keeps rollin along.. uff da really... but hey, life is good and each day is a chance to make the little things be real good and not only affecting life, but actually bringing something positive to the universe... well... It is not just a nice thought... it happens each and every day and we all do it... actually without thinking... amazing us humans really... the average human, just like you and me... it's just the physocpaths that ruin it all.. hmm hehehe.. Happy Easter then ;-)

April 17, 2011


G.  Hmmmm There's a letter, it's not only a letter though, is it? Nothin but a G thing, what's up G, how's it hangin G, Yo G, pass the ball G, got your back G, skip it G, sink it G, play it G.... G...

When using the term "G" one must really understand what is behind the term... G thang is all bout gangster life... nothin mo nothin less.. Only people who have been in that soup can know what it tastes like... I wonder if there are just G's in the states... I guess not, or should we be so bold as to say, it's over the whole planet.. But can being a G a good thing??

Oh yea.. I assume one can change people's lives for the good even being a home G.. I have met some G's in my life, good but hard people.. hehe.. for real. These G's can, if they want to, make these changes happen, even thru the use if the G code. No?Maybe yes, maybe yes....

G is nothin but a good thing... that's for sure!!! Hehe.. Cryptic.. it might need to be and without it, well, then one's ass would be hanging out there, you know? Hard and ready, and that's always a good thing ;-)

Gotta Run G... :-) Take care all you out there and remember that peace and love will change the world, nothing else.. All other means will not work... Just look at our history... Peace and Love... No more is needed, no less will be allowed....  hehehe ahh yea

April 13, 2011

The graveyard shift....

It's been awhile since I've talked about working the graveyard shift... working from 23 to 0740 without sleep.. It's a job that I actually enjoy.. of course there isn't much action in the middle of the night, but the responsibility is actually quite large and if the kids need help, you are more or less on your own, we have another night shift worker in another section but we are alone in our respective sections and bal bla bla.... ;)

I am pulling a graveyard now... that's the spark that got me going.. That and I was in to change a couple things on the website, I am going to change out the adds being run, they are producing like crap and I wish at least for something that might actually be fun and help people that of course can fund my little projects... hehehe wishing some suuuuuuper rich dude, would stubble onto the site and like donate a few million dollars.. think about checking your paypal account and wow!! One can dream huh...

Not much else going here in Norway, I watched quite  abit of the Masters this past weekend, was a great tournament and I was real happy to see tiger making Sunday move.. Anyway... spring is on it's way to Norway now.. we have even had some nice days with decent weather... still cold, but not bitter like it has been much of the winter. Maybe around 12 C during the warmest part of the day, Iknow.. who cares?? hehehe

Gotta go anyway... take care people and thanks for all the support!


April 9, 2011


Moving, make the move, move on down, move on up, moving to the beat, moving, moving... One can move to the music, move with the flow, move... One can move his or her meaning, body, soul, understanding, one's life... Is it possible to move a life? What does that mean? How does one get over moving on? Can one do that? Or are we in a way stuck and really can't make any serious move? Being serious is up to the individual though, for me, moving on, or moving up is an important step in understanding this life... If you stop moving, stop moving towards ones goals, the what are you saying da? Giving up? Maybe yes, maybe no... If one does not move towards ones goals, is one then not satisfied with ones life? I don't think so, not nessassarly, I think there are people who are satisfied with what, where and how they live.. maybe people that stop moving in some way are really happy with their lives and don't need to? Maybe? I have no real answers, many, many questions... I am on the move anyway and that's a good thing for me da... More to come... Peace and love world...

April 2, 2011


Getting there, being, coming, throwing, sending, lifting, wanting, shooting, supporting, rise, longing, playing, understanding, following through... on and on and on. I wonder sometimes if we will get any higher... In our humanity, our ability to see, the ability to feel the higher values of being human and wanting to achieve it together. In all honesty I don't know, I really don't think as a whole we will achieve the higher(ness) that I am rambling on about here. At least not now with the lack of truth and openness. Without understanding myself, I just have to go by my gut feeling.... and remembering how that might have been in another time and place... As a being, we have all felt it at some point, maybe in the womb, but I believe it is in us all... finding it might be the one thing we can do for ourselves and no one else. I know rambling on like this will most likely distance myself from some of my readers... they(you) might think that I have lost it... maybe I have just a little... And I like it. Thinking of all of it makes me almost sick, but it's what we have been delt as a race... ok? Deal with it. For your kids sake at least you better try...

April 1, 2011

It's been awhile....

It's been awhile... true statement, about quite a many things, great song and a good group that made it... Those of you who know me well, will know what I'm talking about, when I refer to that song, and it's cool that I also will understand the meanings of it all sometime in the future...

Knowing what it is to be me, it's alright to share, I almost need to in some strange way, almost twisted as some people have said... I don't know if it is twisted... different, unique, hard, honest, soft, bitter, thoughtness.. but twisted, no I don't see it... not in a negative sense anyway.. look at it in a twisted way if it's your wish, but remember that the overall good of it all STOMPS the bad or with the negative feeling usually applied to that word... I mean it with all my soul.

People are never forced to come here, read my shit and all the good bad or that one might come away with. It's not for everyone that's for sure and that's just how life works, Right?? Not everyone can, will, want to like you... it's impossible to achieve... some people like or dislike for seemingly no reason and I have learned through my life, being me, having the struggles that are usuall for all and the ones a bit out of the ordinary... Blablabla... F it.

This blog might take a different twist in the future... to make the most of it all.....

March 25, 2011


Waiting... what to think of it... I don't really know. Doing it can be tough, exciting, boring, thrilling, deadly, scary, you know.. all of the above. It's like when you waiting for something, whatever that might be, the time can seem to go a bit slow, fast or nominal. It has to be the 'thing' one is waiting for that makes a difference in the time experience. Bla bla bla I know... Sometimes waiting for me to finish a post might be at least a few of the these things above huh? hehe... anywho.. nothing really going on other than the usuall.. Sad all the stuff in Japan.. I end up wondering, and learning more because of it... is it not just too typical that the storm would include a nuk thingy.. just after the oil thing... how many months ago was that... every few months there is something new... terrible thing happening around the world. Uff da.. Maybe all this info sharing can be a little overboard. I mean think back a few hundred years just... and if something happened like such in Japan.. well, I think people in Europe and beyond would have never learned of it... Who knows? My own feelings.. Other than that, spring is coming to Norway... the snow is dripping away and that's all good.... Spring is good. Gotta go...

March 19, 2011


Growing up in the states I had a picture of how "they" were, you know, over there. The land of such great and tragic history. A very proud people, I always thought... When I was about say 10 or so, my family helped about 4 family's from Russia establish themselves in Portland, Or. The four families did everything together and we were so lucky to be part of several Russian weddings, births, and other high times. Anyway, the thing I learned about this people was, that all my pre-concieved notions about who and how they were as a people were totally wrong... These were people who loved their kids, each other and everyone who they considered their family, and after awhile they did, considered me a part if their family. Now to think of it I still have a wind up watch with the Star of the soviet union on it... and it still works. Hmm nice to think about... Now I have met myself another Russian, and this person is incredible.. Has shown me again many things that I can learn from, a way of thinking maybe? Maybe it's just 'their way' or something..But I am in love with the Russian people again, all the good memories come back about and this time the feeling are a bit different, but powerful indeed.. Cool and unexpected, but a gift from 'the gods'? Quite for certain yes. Hmm this is going to be a life changing thing, I can feel it... and it's all good ;-) Sometimes we need a life changing thing to happen to us all.... those occasions only come about once in a blue moon, so it's important to grip the day and go for it!!

It's starting to feel like spring here in Norway.. the snow is starting to melt during the day, the piles and piles of it are getting smaller... it still is cold and under freezing at night, but it's going and that's the important thing... soon it's all gone and in some sense life can start a new... Gotta run... Take care world...

March 12, 2011

Championship Week

It's sooooo cool to be able to watch the college hoops way over here in Norway. You all must understand that I NEVER had the chance to to that until two years ago... It was just not avaliable... Now the Norsky's have at least imported espn america.. Yippie!! And all the digital dipty du dads that enable one to 'tape' all the ones you miss... yayayaya... lots of hoops. Don't get the chance to watch all of them... that's like a full time job, but fast forwarding to the second half and seeing what kind of game it is. I encourage all my players to watch as much basketball as possible... everyday if they can. They need to drench themselves in it...Cover their whole lives in it and try and visualize as much as posible... What you can see in your minds eye is possible... how to make it happen is another thing. Think about it, we (humans) are making progress in a lot of areas, but are we really making the most of what is really possible.. are we able to, allowed to see the real froots of our knowledge?? One would hope so...

Whew... out on a tangent there... I know, my spelling sucks, but it is the way it is. Blogger has no spell checker, and I cn't be bothered to run the text thru a program before I post it.... Ya da.. Bla bla bla... Championship Week was the main topic and I'm really looking forward to seeing if there are any upsets or in other words some surprises...

Gotta go... the little man is demanding my attention :-)

March 11, 2011

Butterflies = Good??

Picture: The Butterfly Nebula from nasa. I thought about it, since the last time... Butterflies, are they good? The physical being, the butterfly is a beautiful thing yes, a sign of something in itself? I have no idea, maybe in some cultures they have a special place and meaning for the butterfly? Anyway, what I'm talking about are the ones people talk about, you know, the ones inside yourself. I've had them my whole life, and in many cases I caused them myself. Playing sports often has that effect on a person. I started playing bball games in maybe the 2nd grade, it was some church leauge... haha.. funny to think about. But the point is of course I had butterflies then as well, I got used to them, grew to like them... Hmmm. I have people I know thru my coaching that have no butterflies. None. If they do, it would be becasue of somthing very unexpected, almost maybe scary. I have not met many, but they are out there and it's cool to try and understand them. In some cases they are top athletes, others, it might be someone I've only met over the net... Can you imagne going through life almost never having butterflies? Uff da. I would have never made it without them. Just knowing that playing a hard shot in a golf tournament, shooting some game changing free throws, maybe just waiting for the game to start, for myself, it was yes to all the above and more. I got butterflies before practice even, growing up like I did, I might have even had butterflies just getting up in the morning... My point, (like anyone really gives  crap ;)) and for most of my players/students, when the topic has come up, they almost all say they like the butterflies, really, maybe they say they 'bother' them a little, but in the end, they almost all really like getting them. I have known a couple people who would get sick before games, tournamets, speaches... that's way to many butterflies :) Uff a meg.

Through my practices I hope to give the players/students a chance to understand things like these butterflies and make them work for them, and not against them (like the guys puking their pre game meal) :) Being able to understand how to control the energy of the butterflies is very important to the athlete and I am convinced tha it also has the same value for 'us normal', everyday people... Think about that for just a day, try and map out your butterflies, when, where, why, was it good or bad? And maybe why? Bla bla bla I know, but for a few interested readers, this might be gold da.. :) :/

March 10, 2011

Love = Drug??

I had someone tell me today that being in love, the mental state of it, creates a chemical reaction in the brain that is like a drug.... Now I trust this person very, so, this is something that I want to research a bit more, do some 'homework' on the matter/issue/idea.  My first impression of the idea is one of wonderment. Is it possible to understand such a thing? How to 'they'(the doctor's, all the phd folk) how do they know this info to be true? My contact says whole heartedly that it's true. Hmm, if that's the case then everyone is not getting the drug... If everyone was in the state of being in love, then everyone would be walking around on cloud nine wouldn't they? We know that is not the case... Interesting, how does one maintain the 'being in love' mindset? How does one create an enviroment that will be a help, not a hinder in the culltivation of such a state? How does one get out of that state if it is not wished? Or how does one get out of 'being in love'? There are times that people are in love with someone and that person does not know it, there ar time one does know but does not feel the same and there are times when two people actually do love each other but can't seem to 'find their way' to each other... If love is a drug, then how does one know how good it is and is there anyway to test it before 'buying in'? I am wondering about all this, right now... hehehe I guess I should do some research and then post again.. Take care world... Think good thoughts da!!

March 9, 2011


Things.. how are things? Have you seen the thing? What about that thing? Things in general... they are good. Nothing really happening than life, its taking it's twists and turns thru the universe much like the mother herself. When you have things, that's good. When you don't have some certain things that is also good... Of course things can be bad sometimes. I meet and hear about that from time to time... I know just one thing, that things do get better, and for the most part they get much better. I believe that... Life has it's twists and turns and for a large part of the time we are along for the ride... to see if 'things' work out.. Just think to yourself... how many times in ones life do 'things' just work out, without much help of oneself... sometimes the act of trying to change things, really does help. At least I believe that. Nothing is more sad in life when 'things' get bad and out of ones own control... That is the worst... having nothing to say about 'things'...

One 'thing' is for certain, and that life has this way of working out... People have 'things' they need to do, 'things' they really need, 'things' they want, 'things', things... things... In a rare mood da ... things are good. :)

Take care of each other people, love, life, light, peace, harmony, joy, all the good stuff da... wish it and wish it often da... ;)

March 5, 2011

Lazy Sat....

Yada... Sitting on the sofa, watching the hoops, takin in the past weeks games, looking forward to all of them... Just like a little kid. It's so fun to see the kids working sooo hard, just for the name on the front of the jersey. The nba guys don't do that.. I understand that they play many more games, longer season, bla bla bla... The fact remains the same, everytime the college guys lace em' up they are really trying their most everytime out, every second, through out the whole game and that is the way it's supposed to be... Could have wished the nba guys did the same.. Then maybe I'd watch more of the regular season and no just the playoffs. Beacuse I must say, I almost never watch the regualr season for the nba.. To boring I think... I know there might be some of you readers that are saying huh? But I really do believe it, and in many ways I see it, all one has to do is watch the games and see the intensity level the players have... Bla bla bla I know...

Not much else happening here in Saltnes... Today we actually had plus degrees! It was about +3 at it's warmest.. Yippie... maybe spring is on it's way? Hahaha.. I never believe it until all the snow is gone, the degree's get over 10, the birds return in full, never do I celebrate the coming of spring until these things happen.. Only after living here for so many years will do that to you.. I can remember the first years I lived here.. I was always thinking, 'now spring is here'.. Only to suffer the cold and snow one more time... No more ;-) Now I just wait it out... but it's a little funny though... you do, after all the months of cold, dark, lots of snow... your stomach tinggles with anticipation with the coming of warmer days.. The biggest change now is the lighter mornings and evenings... It's light now until 1730 or so... So spring is coming, when it gets here I have learned to wait for da.. More bla bla bla I know.

Take care people, thanks for all the kind words and honesty I have recieved through the past weeks.. The online coaching is picking up a little which is fun and rewarding too.. Global Coaching... hmm maybe I should start a company with that name, there is now one that has that one yet.. hahaha.. Later folks, be good, think peace, love and all the good stuff!!!

March 1, 2011

Night Shifts...

Jada.. Worked the night shift, just got home from taking my daughter to school, dropping off the little guy to kindergarden and now am lying on the sofa trying to get caught up on the ncaa hoops I've recorded in the past days... Lots of games.. sleep through most of them, but it's at least on and I get some of it ;-) I really do enjoy watching the college guys. Playing their hearts out for each other and the name on the front of the jersey.. It's closer to being a pure form of the game, now that's just my opinion and I know there are many of them, on both sides of the issue. Bla bla bla...

Anything happening ellers? Nah, things are going there course, one can and ofen does become much oblivious of what the wants and needs are, to and of oneself, others and in a sense, to most of the other humans of the planet.  Now after having worked a night shift, REAL tired and being one to think these things wide awake, I guess the senses multilpy when one is physically real tired, exhausted in some regard. Bla bla I know. Hoops wise? Getting started up again after the winter vacation for the players. I really do hope that they took the time to stay in shape, just for them of course, for me it makes no difference really. If they are not in shape, well, then there is just one thing to do well? Yup and uff da. Hoping the first anyway, that they kept in shape da, but my experience and instinct tells me the latter... No biggie, and for most of them I assume it's just a good thing, for the ones not in shape, they get in shape and the ones that are in shape, well, yes my friends they just get better in all regards, better shape for one and they can push themselves all practice, which of course makes them better than the guys playing catch up so to say..

Now it's time to turn off the L top and relaaaaxzzzzzz ;-) Take care of yourself(s) and please try to think positive thoughts about the future, hope, love, peace, harmony and then more love. Heap it on folks. All of mankind are in desperate need of it!!

Use the force people ;-)

February 27, 2011

March Madness is Coming!!

There is less than an month until IT starts... March Madness is the one event every year that is sooo exciting that yes, it can be posted and maybe even more often than I do. The ncaa college basketball tourny is the best, in my opinion anyway, the best championship in sports and it's hard to match for any other sport, any...The nba has it's playoffs, which is good, but it's not, win you continue towards a possible championship or you go home. One and your done.. Not a series, which enables the underdog to have a real chance, which is on of the best things about sports, I think anyway.  Which team wins has to win 6 games in a row over many weeks of stress and fun... Looking forward to it? I am. Have also been watching the college hoops that I get here in Norway, I get espen america which is a good channel, which shows the most of american sports except for nba and nfl. Those two are so big that you have to have a pay for it channel or watch/buy something online. Bla bla...

Nothing muxh really happening here in the land of snow and ice.. more of that came down yesterday and last night, now is enough, more than enough if you asked me and I'm the one asking ;-) Life goes on, trying to make the best out of one's situation is what life is all about. Is having a good life really just about working hard at it? Or is having a good life not having to? Maybe a bit of both? For me anyway, life, and being happy is work, but it can be and often is fun. Not always though, and it is these times that I have to remember that life is all about keeping at it... Whatever it is the 'it' might be. For me the it has to do with my kids, friends and the people I coach. Maybe that short list should be better, longer or whatever, but for me, having a short is a good thing and I am all about keeping things simple. That is often always my advice to my kids, friends and my students.. keep things simple and it will be easier to 'manage' ones life and thus, one's happiness.

Tiger lost in the Accn. Match Play tourny the other day... wonder what is happening with that man, his skills set is the best in the world, has the ability to be the best, no one doubts that, but one has to see the results of his play the last year.. Not Tiger-ess and it's a little sad for me to watch. He has been my favorite golfer since he won the us amature tournament at Pumkin Ridge, just outside of Portland, Or. I was working there when he won it, was amazing to see, it was like he was willing the ball in the hole, and I can't ever remembering seeing something like that. I am maybe one of the few, but I really like Tiger, even after he stepped on his own success with being stupid with the chicks... I didn't want to believe that he'd done all that, but it's his personal life and I think that should remain that.. Just my two cents.

A long post here, but like all good things, they seem to come to an end and this is no exception. So later folks, be good, love each other, be supportive, listen and then love some more.... Peace out.

February 25, 2011


As you can see around the blog there are some changes happening on it. Putting up some ads for a couple different things. A donation button and the like too. Why? For the fun of it really. The eventual monies that might be made are just fun money. Finding out the how's, do's and don'ts to set it up took some investment, both in time and money, but that's ok and I think it's fun so what's the harm? Have been a little quiet on the posting because of that and other things da.. Maybe other changes will be coming down the road as well...? That's the great thing about life isn't it? You never really know what is going to happen, until it does. Of course one can 'make' things happen through hard work and dedication, but it does not make anything 'a for sure thing'... A thing called luck has something to do with it. Maybe it's just life? If there is ONE thing I am certain of here in this life, and that's you never know what's going to really happen, one can plan for the best things, but there is always a chance, no matter how big the chance is, but there is always one that can make things happen either way, or what?

Not much else happening here in Norway golf wise... There is somekind if ski thing in Oslo this weekend and there is a lot of talk about that here, but around most other places on the planet I can only assume that most are using their time and energy on something else than watching cross country sking, or maybe I'm out of touch? Don't think so also ;-) There is still LOTS of snow here, we have had a whole winter with snow and ice and I'm really waiting for spring to get here and then maybe, just maybe we'll have a real nice summer. Gotta go....

February 16, 2011

Back in Business...

Yada... Been busy as of late, both with my own physical things and work. The head is better I guess, maybe the concusion was a good thing? Nah, never can, hitting your head on the ground that hard is never good... But like someone has said to me, 'I am a little hard headed sometimes and maybe this time it was a big help...' Anyway... Back in Business... I am hoping for the best tomorrow.. going to try and sell the Burban and get something a bit cheaper to drive, insure and all the rest.. It's been fun to have, but it is WAY to expensive to have an older burban like mine... I have never had any problems with it really.. but a 16 year old car will always have 'something', so... Maybe tomorrow is the day? Hope so. Gotta go to bball practice! Be good peoples and remember that love and kindness will get you more out of life than the opposite da..

February 8, 2011


Have had them before, and got one at bball the end of last week, uff da one can say. Hitting ones head is no good, and when it's your own fault it's even more stupid. Maybe during the winter I should walk around with somekind of helmet? I am lucky and seem to be getting better, have a small headache still, and am staying as relaxed as possible, doctor's orders. Good to have a good dr, means a lot actually and after switching to my new one, I am SUPER happy and feel like I can talk with him and all that good stuff vet du. Nothing really happening otherwise, I am a little behind on the basketball blogg for the team, they are waiting for me to publish the stats for the last three games, and if there are any of you players that read this, which I doubt, but if you do, I'll be putting them up tonight sometime.

On to something else da, I have been having fun seeing where some of my visitors are from and seeing what or how they find the site, interesting search terms sometimes but it's cool to see that people from all over the world are direct linking to this 'site'. My blabberings about life and god knows what, ikke sant? I know it's weird. I am weird maybe too,  but it's always fun and in some way maybe a bit unnerving that there are actully people following along. People I don't know, at all, but I do say, when someone does take the time to contact me with questions, comments, suggestions, whatever, I do appreciate it and always look forward to meeting new and nice people. Of course if this 'site' does anything, I mean if it really happens, that I 'help' someone, somehow, by sharing my life, ya ya... then it's worth it... Right?

Everyone has their doubts, fears, struggles, you know? I know I've had my share, both good and bad. Almost everyone has, I guess it's how one deals with it that makes the biggest difference in the 'end result' of our lives. Some people will say, you have to 'learn' to deal with it. Or, you just have to forget it, move on. I don't think you can forget anything, it's there some place in the mind, if one could only know how to get all those memories on somekind of digital something and maybe there will be a chance for us all? Things are good, I beleive that most humans are good, have goodness within them, and it's these people I hope find my 'site' and enjoy I guess my tidbits and 'contribution' to the global 'mind' of our reality.... Be kind to one another peoples and think of peace, harmony and love for the masses.. Gotta go.

February 1, 2011

Duke and Bubba

Was so great to see Bubba Watson win the last tournament this past weekend, made a great birdie putt after an ok sand shot on the 18th. Got to like a guy named Bubba. He's a self made pga player, never really had any instruction and seems to have done pretty good for himself. I think it's his third victory total and his second this year. Have followed him since his rookie year and have been waiting or should I say hoping to see him come out of his shell. I like all the guys who have a 'non-textbook' swing and that have 'done it on their own'... And then later last night I watched the Duke vs St Joseph's and St Joe's really gave it to the Blue Devils. It's not often that I get to see them get crushed but they did in that game ;-) I can almost think that coach K almost looks forward to those kinds of loses in a small way, gives them quite a few things to work on plus it's so very seldom it happens... Bla bla bla... Going to watch some other games now too... Gotta love college hoops! Those kids just busting theri butts for the love of the game, they do it for free and get a good education in addidtion. I know it must be impossible to not 'come out earlly' for many players. but the ones that go four years in college and then the nba, well, those guys have my utmost respect, even though I completetly understand those players that choose to be pro's asap. Money, money, money... Uff da... Good bye world, be good and peace 2 U all. . .

January 29, 2011

College Hoops and Tiger

Looking forward to spending my day watching college hoops and the tiger. He's back playing at Torey Pines in San Diego. I know I wrote a little about this last time... Hope he gets on the winning track this week, and blows everyone away. Have a bunch of college games I need to get through, got to love digital tv and the recording possiblities. Not to sure what the other people in my life think though.. Maybe a bit much? Probably, but hey it's my job and I use that one every chance I get. ;-) Not to sure how many games I have saved up, but it's a couple, haha. No seriously.. if possible, the M State vs Michagen was a great game, it was the first time the Wolveriens beat M state in either bball or football since 2007. Big win, and real entertaining. Bla bla bla I know. Nothing really happening here otherwise... Norway is covered with snow and ice, lucky for me, I work inside and have no real need to go out unless it's with the little guy or big girl da. Funny to think about all the years that have gone by so fast, funny might be the wrong word, interesting maybe is better and a learning experience to say it mild. Learning to speak fluent norwegian was a long but kind of fun experience, and nowadays it's more natural to speak it and I do think in it for a large degree. Ya ya.. enough? Gotta go anyway.. Later world and be good to each other, peace, love and light to all...

January 27, 2011

Loose nerves can be better..

Been holding myself in a little more relaxed frame of mind the last days, I have not really had a choice, my back had been giving me fits for the past week plus, a pinched nerve is, or has always been the problem with my back, from the one foot landing on a fadeaway jumper... ya ya.. it's feeling much better, and I'm hoping it stays that way, I have not had a problem with it for at least 5 years. Blame it on the ice I guess. I did fall and almost slide under the burban a couple days before it started... Yippie!! Got to love the ice a few inches thick covering almost the entire parking places.. Golf wise.. the only real news that Tiger is back playing at Torrey Pines in Cali. Always been a huge fan and still am, what the guys does in his personal life is his bus and until he does something personal towards me, then I guess I shouldn't be throwing stones.. Cool that he's back and I hope he kicks everyones ass.

January 22, 2011

Bob Hope

Bob Hope, one of the big helpers of golf. He did do a lot of good when it comes to bringing golf to the people. Golf is in some ways still a snobby sport, but lucky for most of us though, we are not so snobby ;-) I think it's pretty fun to watch tis tournament and the Pebble Beach Pro-Am. The thing about the Hope is that it's played over 5 days and if I remember correct Pebble is not. I've been to palm springs a number of times through my life and it is one most popular places to visit and play golf, but I must add that palm springs has nothing on Myrtle Beach though, I'd say the beach is a much better place to travel with the whole family, while palm springs is, well, not as easy for people with kids. In MB one has the beach, and oh what a beach it is... Ya ya.. Interesting post again? Sometimes I wonder why I have this strange need to write and share my thoughts, worries, joys, frustrations, I guess everything, it is about me and my life I guess.. I know that most people who 'surf' their way here are searching for something ' a little different' than what I have to offer. Maybe I should put in a donation button with pay pal or something? Ha ha .. makes me laugh when I think of all the people searching something else, they open my site and I wonder what goes through their head? I know that I'm probably the only one to really give a shit about it anyway... And that's 100% ok with me. Having many friends is for me a thing that I think is overrated, maybe I'm not a good friend, maybe it's hard to like me, maybe I'm just me and am not so concerned in 'making' new or good friends -  I believe that those relationships just happen and if someone is supposed to me a good and long friend, then those things just happen. Some would say that having and keeping friends is work, some say hard work, some say it's work that they enjoy, for me, if having or keeping a friend is 'work' in any degree, well, then I guess I can do without it or them. I hope that being my friend is not work in anyway, I just hope that I'm there for the people I consider my friends, and it's never work to have them either. My good friends are like family and that being said, besides my own little family I have, my friends are the only family I've ever really had. My parents tried, but were, well, not good in many ways and that is a subject for my book anyway.. Speacking of that, I've been a bit lazy with that the last couple weeks and need to get with the program. Deadlines and all. ;-)

January 20, 2011


Why is it everytime I watch Duke play I always root against them? Are they just that good? Is it because they are the best almost every year? Is it out of respect for Coach K? They have always had players I've liked, Singler this year comes from Oregon, where I spent about 20 years of my life and Kevin Love is also from Portland, Oregon, so, they are developing talent in that part of the u s still ;-) Yuck, yuck...

Nothing really happening here in Norway. I need to pay some simple bills to the states this week, it's not tat I put it off, I really to just forget and when I do remember it's usuually late at night here, which means it is closed there. Ya, ya... no biggie I guess.. Going to have to do it this week though, or within a week I should say. This week is almost over, duh. We have many minus degrees here and because we had a few days with pluss degrees the roads are, in places, real slippery. I can remember the firest years I lived here, I had some problems driving in the ice and snow. Now 16 years later, I am more comfortable yes, but I still don't like it.. I get more nervous in those conditions and it makes me drive slower. That would be the biggest or best advice, take your time and it should go ok.  Bla bla bla... I know.. Cool to see the PGA season is up and going, they are playing in one of my favorite places in the states, Palm Springs, California... Real pretty place evern if it's out in one of the driest places in the world.

Gotta run world, be good to each other and remember we can change the world, each one of us, think positive and love each other....