October 14, 2010

For the Love of all that's Good....

For the love of all that is good in this life, please click on the link below and read the truth about the silent killer Aspartame. I heard about this many years ago while listening to a radio show, and I did the research then and I just feel like it's my duty as a human being to warn people to the scary world that does not want the rest of humanity to actually understand. This is a killer and the proof is there.


On the lighter/better side of life.... No golf to speak of, saw a little of the ryder cup and enjoyed the incredible shots and putts. That being said, I watched maybe a total of say 3 hours total. Seeing the euros win is ok to, after living here for 15+ years has made me I guess a little euro myself da. But just a very little... ,-) The hoops team won their preseason game tonight with ease and that was a good way to start the season. Amanda is enjoying learning bball and seems to take to it really easy, some might say it's in her blood and I guess they'd be right in some degree. The little guy likes the days he's at kindergarten, learning some social skills 'on his own' in a way....seems to have fun and has always a big smile and hug for pappa. T is working with her nursing a lot and is enjoying that. Life is moving along and that in itself is a good thing.
Take care all the visitors and be good to oneanother.