August 22, 2012

Golf Golf and more Golf....

Time is in, making no buts about it, one does only live one time, if one will be whole so must giving all to the dream a given. Is it possible to not understand one's self in things of this nature? Have I been wasting my time the last years? Why have I  not seen the opportunity before me? I believe that if one is willing to give everything in going after one's dreams than the dream is possible... I know now that for the most part people don't really care, they are like most humans, concerned with "theirs" and very little with the world around them or at least the world outside of their fist. Is it wrong to give everything for a dream? Or is it just selfish and if one does it with other people in their lives that might be affected, is it wrong then? I don't think so but I of course, I do not have any real answers myself, just the experience of living.....