January 14, 2013

Doors of this life. . .

If I was to say the past week or so has made me think about life, the choices we make, the good ones, the bad ones, choices that define us, not only who we are now but who will have the chance to be in the future.

Some might argue that each choice one makes through life opens and closes the doors of our life itself. What does one do when the life one lives is turned upside down?  

Is it possible to be so confused about someone that each word, each sentence that is turned upside down in one's mind that it might be better to do maybe the hardest thing to do here in life. . ?

Taking what life gives you is an  important part of being happy Id think.

How to take the hardest things in this life, that chill your blood, make
you wish for anything else and actually make sense out of it all and learn from it.

Sometimes your heart gets broken, your insides feeling the fall to the bottom.

Making a choice and living with it, even if it is going to change life possibly forever and always!

Living with meaning, that is important and something sometimes has to give way to make it happen. .

Luck and unlucky.