April 30, 2016

Oops... forgot my wallet...Movatn and Fredriks Grandparents with Portland ties...small world and thanks!!

The VTG course I had today was done a bit before planned and I got a ride from a friend to the train stastion here in Hakadal. While we were sitting there waitng for the train to come, my friend lent me his train pass, for which I am now even more thankful for. After I ger situated in my seat, the conductor swipes the card and I am on my way into Oslo.

Well, about two stops later I realize that I have forgotten my wallet on the kitchen counter at my appartment at the golf club. I get out at the next stop assuming (I sometimes forget, never assume..it makes an of ass u me ;) that I could just catch the next train coming the other direction. Correct yes, how long must I wait? 1,5 hours. Movatn train stop. Population 317. :-)

Lucky for me, there was a car that stopped to fix something with their tires and I asked them about this train stop (the picture above)and if they knew anything about the area... yes they did, and no there wasn't any other public transport going my way except for the train coming in 90 min.

I call my friend and we try and figure something out, and out of desperation I ask the gentleman if I might be able to sit with them down to the nearest gas stastion or store. The kind man explained that there was nothing between there and Oslo but dense forest land and of course I could sit with them.

Aftrer getting seated in the front seat, his kind wife sitting behind me with their Grandson Fredrik sitting in the back watching a dvd. Within a few minutes we found out that they had lots of family in Portland, Oregon which is where I grew up as a boy/young man. Funny how the world is really so small. These kind people drove me all the way to Oslo S train stastion where I met my friend for coffee and was on the next train back to Hakadal.

Upon reaching the train stop in Hakadal I was ready to walk back to the golf club or the Farm as we here call it-- or the golf park.. took about 20 min and was actually a real nice walk even though it was raining. I might have forgotten my wallet but my umbrella- I had that... ;-)

Thanks soooooo much Fredrik's Grandparents! You saved me from catching a real case of the Norweigian spring cold... here at Aas Gaard Golfpark it's snowing again, even though it melts fast and warm weather is probably a little ways off...

Practice indoors then!! Work on your swing at home!!! All good players do that!!

Golf er Gøy!!

Leaving your wallet at home is not.
