February 25, 2010

Bode MIller - First Gold after 12 Years

Have had a few people that have asked or said they would like something about the Olympics. Well, Bode Miller won his first gold medal after 12 seasons of trying, whew that takes resolve and dedication. Even though the athletes like Miller are very often pampered beyond what we 'normal people' would understand, it's still him or they that put their lives into something like he has done. Not that I watched him getting his medal, I just read it someplace on the web but what I took away from what I read is of course above. Just goes to show ya that if you keep at 'it' and don't give up that you can achieve your 'dreams'. Would be interesting to talk to him and ask him about his mental strengths and how he kept his goal in his mind's eye for so long. I respect all athletes at all the different levels, have understanding for the joy of competition and all that, but I must say seeing people achieve a long term goal like Miller has done is something special. It's one thing to win something if your 'in the right place at the right time' and this might occur more in team sports than it does in individual sports. Does that take away how special it is for first time winners that just do it the first time out? NO, but I'm just saying it's maybe more impressive in all aspects when it comes to older guys like Miller who never say never and in the end get the job done. As far as golf goes, I am hoping David Duval gets it going this season, that would be super cool if he could turn it all the way around. Yeah, yeah... bla bla bla.... blog.