January 22, 2011

Bob Hope

Bob Hope, one of the big helpers of golf. He did do a lot of good when it comes to bringing golf to the people. Golf is in some ways still a snobby sport, but lucky for most of us though, we are not so snobby ;-) I think it's pretty fun to watch tis tournament and the Pebble Beach Pro-Am. The thing about the Hope is that it's played over 5 days and if I remember correct Pebble is not. I've been to palm springs a number of times through my life and it is one most popular places to visit and play golf, but I must add that palm springs has nothing on Myrtle Beach though, I'd say the beach is a much better place to travel with the whole family, while palm springs is, well, not as easy for people with kids. In MB one has the beach, and oh what a beach it is... Ya ya.. Interesting post again? Sometimes I wonder why I have this strange need to write and share my thoughts, worries, joys, frustrations, I guess everything, it is about me and my life I guess.. I know that most people who 'surf' their way here are searching for something ' a little different' than what I have to offer. Maybe I should put in a donation button with pay pal or something? Ha ha .. makes me laugh when I think of all the people searching something else, they open my site and I wonder what goes through their head? I know that I'm probably the only one to really give a shit about it anyway... And that's 100% ok with me. Having many friends is for me a thing that I think is overrated, maybe I'm not a good friend, maybe it's hard to like me, maybe I'm just me and am not so concerned in 'making' new or good friends -  I believe that those relationships just happen and if someone is supposed to me a good and long friend, then those things just happen. Some would say that having and keeping friends is work, some say hard work, some say it's work that they enjoy, for me, if having or keeping a friend is 'work' in any degree, well, then I guess I can do without it or them. I hope that being my friend is not work in anyway, I just hope that I'm there for the people I consider my friends, and it's never work to have them either. My good friends are like family and that being said, besides my own little family I have, my friends are the only family I've ever really had. My parents tried, but were, well, not good in many ways and that is a subject for my book anyway.. Speacking of that, I've been a bit lazy with that the last couple weeks and need to get with the program. Deadlines and all. ;-)