December 4, 2016

Imagine and taking a chance....

I took this picture on a trip to New York a good many years ago, John Lennon and his wife Joko got permission from the city to put this in Central Park a few years before he was sadly taken from her and the rest of us. Imagine though, imagine the possibilities of this life, and the chances that come into our lives that we choose to take - some of them can change our lives forever, simple things like a letter to the right person - making a trip someplace that your actually unsure about but think is a good idea - you imagine what might happen and the results can be magic to say the least. When we dare to imagine the good in someone or something we open our hearts to the universe and the possiblity for it to maybe guide us forward with a new future...

Imagine that the chances we dare not take are the things we will regret the most in the end. I believe this. Of course taking risks that include personal harm or injury are probably not a smart idea but even jumping out of perfectly good airplane with nothing but the faith that the parachute will open and save you might for some be worth it -Imagine that. There are many times in life we jump - with our whole self and we have faith - sometimes it's faith in ourselves and other times it's faith in someone or something else, but we imagine the results of the chance we take and we judge the risks and rewards - and we jump... 

I beleive that's part of being part of it all - life - the incredible universe and this wonderous spinning thing we inhabit that is sometimes called Mother Earth - Absoultly amazing isn't it? We are all riding this earth and it's spinning through the universe at unbeleaveable speeds and we can imagine so many things that we can not only feel but things that we believe without knowing actually why- love is one of those things, and for me the most important. Imagine a world with more or less love being the reason, the cause for everything...

Imagine that. Unreal? No way. I know it's possible and I beleive it with all my heart... Love is the key to being able to imagine the best in each of ourselves and the others we are so lucky to meet in this life, the chances we take with our hearts and love. I dare every one of my readers to imagine their lives filled with more love than they can hold in their own hearts and imagine what you could do if you took the chance to give all that extra love away to someone who really deserves it and open your heart to the chance of getting back so much more than you could ever expect...and imagine how wonderful the world would be...peace and love would rule forever!