December 23, 2009

Snow Bound Boy

The little guy is having his first real winter with snow and all the fun surrounding that. One more day and it's christmas eve and I am looking forward to seeing what his reaction is to the tree, decorations, food, and of course the presents. We will be having a white christmas and that's nice. Where I grew up we never had a white christmas, and that's ok, but with the snow, the 'spirt' of the whole season has the chance to be even better. Golf wise, nada here and I assuming that will be 'par for the course' for the for-see-able future. Still taking the heart meds, and sometime after new-years I'll be having a procedure at the heart clinic in Moss. Once the heart is good, then the knee will be next and after that maybe, just maybe, the desire will come back to play the game again. As of now, I can't really say there is any of that to be found.. Ya da, anyway, for all the folks that read the blog(s), just wishing you all a happy hoilday season!