Yada, yada, yada... Didn't see to much of the ball in the hole this past weekend, so I thought maybe this might help my mental picture of what's important in golf... getting the ball in the hole asap!!!!! Played my last tournament this past weekend at Trifjord Golf Club just outside Oslo, played ok the first day, but had no more in the tank the last day. Now my thoughts drift to an upcoming knee surgery, rehabilitation on that, next years plan for Jr's and the other sport groups at the club. This season has been a busy one with a few unexpected travels to and from the USA. I believe this has hampered me in my presentation on the golf course, without the time to practice the wedges, overall short game and putting the scoring will suffer. I can not expect to score well if I have not put in the time required to do so. Se la vi... Next year is right around the corner and we must live in the now, do the best we can to plan ahead for all the groups at the club and make the next season best possible. There are two more weeks for those who have training, the jr's and the men's group. I'm planning on using these training days for brainstorming together with these players to get some feedback to use in planning for next year. Thanks again to all who have used my site and have given positive vibes concerning this. Keep it up!!!