September 7, 2010


Kindergarten, he's there again today, it's his third week with it and I don't know what to do with the time alone. .-) Nah, but seriously, it's weird to not have him here at home during the day, I wonder what he thinks and feels about it. I know he says he likes it there, he even looks like he loves it there, he's always excited to go but I am still wondering/worrying. I guess that's what it's like to have kids huh?

Amanda went to the same one and it's the same group of people working there, so that gives me confidence and makes me relax a bit .-) He goes a 3 days a week and it's not all day, maybe 5-6 hours tops. Ya, ya... I have more than enough to keep myself busy da... work, bball work, house work - both inside and out, trying to maintain a level of fitness... no easy da.. but super fun! Gotta run.... take care everyone...