November 27, 2012

Missing. . .

Have you ever been missing something, something that should be there but when you look-- it's gone? What can a person lose and then for whatever reason never find again? Is it possible to lose everything without knowing its actually happening? Can important things one day mean nothing the next? Is it possible to lose oneself?

Everything without knowing its actually happening is hard to understand.  Moving towards the future without belief in itself will allow for a set up against the sun that will leave no one waiting for a kind of understanding for the one. And only that one will really have the real opportunity to wake the stars in a concept only created in ones soul. . .

Without belief and understanding no one will be able to see, not even with perfect or honorable wishes will the change really come and that might be a twist of fate that will never be understood or even recognized before it's to late. .

Nothing but the unconsciously fibers of our minds will ever possibly have the real chance in understanding this existence or what we call a life. .

I do not understand....

Gotta try and sleep. . .


Saying it, hearing it, writing it, thinking about it and of course you have the act itself. The hanging up with someone, driving away, walking the other direction. . you know the feelings. I know the emotional circumstances of the situation will always add a heightened positive or negative twist to the act, but this being said there is nothing like it, both ways...

It can be very hard, especially when you don't want someone to leave, feeling very unsure about the future and not really knowing if you'll ever see or be with that person again. .

I remember some goodbyes, both good and bad, each leaving it's own mark on my being and it is also strange to think how permanent it can be.

Gotta go . . goodbye...?