November 2, 2010


It's rainy and cold here in Norway. It reminds me of when I lived in Oregon. Every year there were weeks in a row that it would rain like it has here in Saltnes the past couple days. It's been pouring down and lots of wind, we have all been fighting somekind of sickness the past week or so.. Everyone has it except for the little guy. I am feeling probably the best as of now. Lucky for us/him that little guy has kindergarten during the day, he gets to play, talk, discuss, learn and all that, it's for sure much more fun than being home the whole day with Pappa... (nah, we always have fun us to, and if it was just up to me, I'd have kept him home another year) but he seems to like himself there and thus I feel like it's also a good thing. Not much happening here golf wise, the course is still open, but I can't imagine who would be playing out there now, it's cold and I'm not just talking about the last couple of days.... it's been cold for about 7-8 weeks. Hoops wise it's rolling along, I love coaching the high school kids, maybe somehow I can make a difference in their lives and help them as much as my coaches helped me... I know I have written it b4, I know I need these kids more than they need me, it's just the way I am, or the way I have become because of my life and the struggles and successes I've had. They are probably not reading my dribble so often or if at all, but if any of you read this, just know it's true and I'm not afraid of admitting it either, that's the first step of the long journey of finding out the truth of ones-self. I know that some of the kids have problems, many different kinds and sizes of them but if I can make a positive change or assist them in life someway, then it's all worth it and that's the point, right? We are here as humans to learn to treat each other in good ways, help each other in all lifes struggles and successes, protect one another from dangers and hopefully seeing the joy/wonderment of the afterlife. I'm rambling on here I know, but lucky for you I gotta go.......