September 21, 2010

Nfl and why...

I admit, I enjoy watching grown men beating one another up, playing games or sports if you will and I shouldn't have to feel guilty about it. Or is the opposite true? Maybe I should do something else with my time too, which I do, but if I have the chance, oh so great it is to sit and watch a game. Of course watching your favorites is the most enjoyable but almost any nfl game that isn't a total blow out is fun to watch. I think it's just part of the human experience, playing and watching sports. I love watching my daughter play handball and basketball. Come to think of it I love watching the girl and the little guy do anything ,-) Team sports can be a great thing in young people's lives, and I think why does it have to stop there? As long as people don't get to be fanatical about it, or what? Why am I talking about this? Trying to make myself feel better about wasting my time watching it....? Yup, I think so too.... but that's the great thing about having my own reality, my own world, my own blog.... barf, hack, barf... Later sheepole..