April 9, 2011


Moving, make the move, move on down, move on up, moving to the beat, moving, moving... One can move to the music, move with the flow, move... One can move his or her meaning, body, soul, understanding, one's life... Is it possible to move a life? What does that mean? How does one get over moving on? Can one do that? Or are we in a way stuck and really can't make any serious move? Being serious is up to the individual though, for me, moving on, or moving up is an important step in understanding this life... If you stop moving, stop moving towards ones goals, the what are you saying da? Giving up? Maybe yes, maybe no... If one does not move towards ones goals, is one then not satisfied with ones life? I don't think so, not nessassarly, I think there are people who are satisfied with what, where and how they live.. maybe people that stop moving in some way are really happy with their lives and don't need to? Maybe? I have no real answers, many, many questions... I am on the move anyway and that's a good thing for me da... More to come... Peace and love world...