Having it, or not, wanting it, or not, searching for it, or not, getting it, or not, accepting it, or not, listening to it, or not, Feeling it, or not.... Understanding... How does one understand? Can one really understand another? Can one have complete understanding of something or someone? Maybe yes, maybe no... But one thing is for sure one can think one has understanding, but when one really understands and it is a true thing, one realizes real fast that the only thing one can really understand in this life is oneself and how you work... If I can understand myself first and foremost, then and only then can I have the possibility to have a chance in hell in understanding someone else or in the extreme cases understand that persons meanings and or holding to something or someone...
What happens to someone when they meet a lack of understanding? How does one make others understand or even care to understand? Can one make another understand? Is understanding an art? Being able to understand is or can it be learned? Hmmm... many questions here... any answers??