December 5, 2010

Civil War - Oregon vs Oregon State

Kinda weird, on the travel channel has had hour after hour of a show called Oregon Discovered or something like that. And tonight is the civil war game, where as I understand it Oregon can play for national championship if they win tonight, da it'll be that I root for the ducks, not that I really do care, but it would be cool for a school from Or to win a national championship at anything, not to mention college football. If they do win they will be playing against the U of Auburn who is crushing my home state U of South Carolina... That would be a great game, U of O vs Auburn.... for the national championship, the Ducks... who would have thought that 15 years ago? Someone must have been. And that's what's so great about sports really, people can actually make a difference for their school or club, one must have a vision for the future, the long term future, how to make the unthinkable come true... GO DUCKS!!!