May 23, 2016

Rain, golfing in it, and waiting for something big...

Rain, rain, go away, come back another day...a silly saying we learn as kids in the states. Sitting here in my office at the golf club I\m thinking just that. I have the door open and can hear the pitter patter of the tiny dropplets outside. Looking out the window at the rain beating down outside makes me remember my childhood and all the rainy days in Portland, Oregon. We got used to it and people from there say often that they have webbed feet because of all the rain. Hehe. Maybe so. The picture up top is of Lag NM in 2006 I think and it rained and rained and rained that week....

Playing in the rain is something all golfers must do, esp if they are tournament players at any level. Being able to post a score in the wet and wild world of golf in the rain is nothing easy. The most important is to have a rutine that keeps your grips and hands as dry as possible. If the grips and hands get slippery, well, it's not going to be a fun round, Use a trolly with a umbrella holder. Have a dry towel under your umbrella and an extra in a platic bag along with some several dry gloves. I for one have never liked the Rain Grip golf grips, whre they say you can just let the grips get wet and because of the glove it's supposed to be just as good, Well, for me it's never been the same and I have tried just about everything and to post the best score I feel like one has to use the equipment one uses to everyday play. Same glove, same ball, just keep your grips and hands dry when your going to hit the ball...

Often when it rains one thinks about the things one could be doing outside if it wasn't raining.


I think so. So, if your a golfer and sitting inside like me looking at the rain and wishing... just remember that it stops at some point and then something big might happen, maybe not but it just might be the case... Nothing can be so difficult than waitng for something, a date, a good meal, love, a sporting event, graduation from school, getting married, having kids, starting school, christmas, getting a new pet, a set of clubs, a movie or theater tickets or other things that us people find important. Waiting is tough. No matter what it might be but when it's something big than it makes it even harder.

I have experience with waiting, probably no less or no more than the most of you around my age, waitng for things throughout  a lifetime is just part of living.  I have heard the saying that the older one gets the easier it is. I for one am not so sure. I still think it's hard. At the age of 45, I still really do. I can have problems sleeping before a big golf round and I know this is not something that is uncommon but part of being human. But how do we deal with it? How can one relax if your waiting for something big? Well, there are many options but how many of them are good ones? I'm really not sure. If I knew the answers to all these questions I guess I could write a book instead of a blog and make a million. :-)

Hoping the weather people are right and that summer is around the bend. Long warm days with golf into the late evening. The smell of new cut grass, the sound of the ball being cracked from a solid iron shot, the occasional 'fore' and all the other sights and sounds of being at the course on a warm summer day.

We'll all just have to wait and see... :-)

Good golfing and I'll see you at the club!

Kevin Michael