April 27, 2009

"Swine Flu???"

This swine flu stuff looks a little scary. Our whole family have been sick with some kind of stomach sickness. Leon had it first, then Tanja, me and lastly Amanda. Looks like everyone is getting better everyday. As is typical I have had the worst of it... ;-) I've been in bed almost three days trying to stay close to the bathroom. Feeling a bit better and was actually able to hold down my three pieces of cinnamon toast I ate about an hour ago. First "meal" that I've been able to hold down in the last three days. Some of my friends have said, "oh, great for you da.. you'll maybe lose some weight".. hahaha real funny guys. Seriously though, feeling better and am hoping to be fit for fight in a couple days. No, but in all seriousness, this swine flu looks like what we call "shock and awe" again. If one looks into the state of affairs in Mexico in the last years all know that the country is headed towards upheaval and quite possibly revolution. In the last weeks it's been getting worse and worse, and then comes this "never seen before" flu virus. Many reports state that this is a combo of avian flu, swine flu and a "regular" human strand combined into one. Hmmm, now Mexico is more or less in a state of martial law and that's just what the government there "needs". Scary business. The United Nations is stating this can become a world wide pandemic. Once again this reminds me of "shock and awe" strategy, which the nwo uses to keep the sheepeople in order. Look into Baxter and what happened with their recalled vaccinations that were sent to 18 different countries outside the US. Baxter sent vaccines tainted with the avian flu virus. This is fact that never comes into main stream media. Please do your own research and follow the trends of Big Brother. I am not trying to scare anyone, my personal belief is this is a scare tactic, you can see on different Norwegian news websites that this swine flu scare is the number one reported news. Having to wear masks at Gardemoen, stay away from places where many people congregate, and all the typical fear mongering. Mexico is in serious trouble and this is another test run for the powers at be. Not just for Mexico and their people but for the whole of the civilized world. I'm not saying the "swine flu" epidemic is not real or people are not getting sick and even dying, but I have a hard time believing the end of days mambo jumbo. Not to say the nwo is not working hard to suppress and make people used to the idea of martial law and the like, but people are waking up at alarming rates and that's great!! Take care everyone and thanks again for checking in with my site.