May 25, 2016

Kl 1300 og vi er 'back in business'...

Opening the course at 1300 hours today!  After a couple days closed because of big spring showers the course is the most green I've seen it this season and it's really great to see. Last night after a lesson I went home grabbed a hot dog and then went back up to the practice area to do some putting. The greenkeepers had just clipped the practice green and that's the perfect time for a little close tot he hole practice. Hit about 100, 1 mt putts and some length control training. Was windy and a bit cold but the hour went by fast and I felt good about the putting.

Later we had the Juniors and were lucky to be able to sneak out on the back nine with the gang. I made the choice to walk with the younger juniors this time and that was fun. We played a little scramble where they actually made 3 pars and 2 bogeys! Fun to watch for us adults and even more fun for the kids. It's all about making it fun, the way you talk, the amount of enthusiasism one uses in his voice, all that stuff makes it more fun for the younger juniors. Cool to see how the Junior group assistants talk to, instruct the kids and all the small things that make for a successful junior program. This is going to be really fun!!

Other than that, not much else than golf going on here in Norway  and for those of you following along, spread the word about the great course we have here at Aas Gaard Golfpark & Hakadal GK that opens again today at 1300 hours!!

Good golfing and we'll see you all at the club!

Best Regards,

Kevin Michael
Head Golf Professional
Aas Gaard Golfpark & Hakadal GK