July 7, 2010


Had a dream 'tonight', meaning it was during the day today, I worked a night shift last might and while sleeping durin the day today I had dreams. Good dreams, bad dreams and what to make of them. Is there something to be said about them? Can they be dechiphered? Can you find 'the truth' through them? Is is God talking to you somehow? Or the Devil? What is making the dreams so real? Why do the feelings stay with you when you wake up? Do they comfort or lead to dispair? Can you believe what is in them? I have always had questions about dreams, sometimes upon waking I'll feel like wanting to go back into them, escape into the dream reality and be there. That has been the case when the dream is 'good'. When the dream is 'bad' I might awake scared, sad, mad, confused, frustrated, you name it. And why is that so? Shouldn't I be moved by 'happy' or 'good' dreams as much as the bad? Is there more to 'read into' the bad dreams than the good?
Our mind is an incredible thnig and I am fastinated by it da... Gotta run... See ya'll in the dreamworld ,-)