November 11, 2010

Trust and Backstabbing

How are you to trust people that go behind your back? I have no idea really, when this has happened to me in my life I have had the response of being angry, hurt, sad, frustrated and more or less wanting to kick the persons butt. It's even worse when it happens and affects other innocent by-standers, people who have no control or even a chance to control the situation and or outcome. When someone goes behind your back, it leaves little room for trust building afterwards and for me I tend to write people off after things like that. People can make mistakes yes, I know a lot about that from my own.. but when someone goes behind your back and does something to undermine your posistion at work, on a team, at school, whatever, then it is real hard to give that person a second chance. I for one can't and the reason is this: Backstabbing is a pre-thought thing, the person has to know that they are doing it and thus they have to know it's wrong... can you go beind someone's back as a chance thing, something that just happened, a freak occurance? I don't buy that and I never will. That's about the worst thing another can do, backstabbing someone is done by cowards who don't have the balls to do the right thing.... Rambling on here I know but as you can tell, somethings happened in my life and I have to deal with it, straight forward and I have no qualms about it. Do the right thing and you'll never backstab anyone... AND if you do, well, expect the worst reaction, because being a backstabber is one of the lowest types of people and thus the response can sometimes be large and fitting..... Gotta go, take care and be good world. NO BACKSTABBING DA!!