February 15, 2010

Been Wondering....

I know it's always dangerous for me to think to much, but I have been and it's good. After setting up this map thing (you can see it on the right side of the page) I have been wondering about why there are many 'hits' or 'visits' on my site, the answer is of course my last name... I really do think it's kind of funny, I had no choice in the matter, born with it, like many other things I did not choose but it would be cool to actually know how the people from south africa or the middle east have come to see the site.... I probably will never know, but it's something I've been wondering about. I also think about the kids, what kind of effect will my last name have on them, if any?? Who know's? I think it's interesting to see the use of one word or even a shorting of a word can have such an impact on the view of whatever it might be. I know I am rambling on here, but afterall it is my site and by the sure number of different countries represented here... maybe I should make a better effort to do something with it... Maybe call mister Flint da... .-)