September 24, 2016

Have you ever....?

Always, like an absolute positive. It's gonna happen at some point and you, or me, will be asking the question....have you ever...and the stories that follow those three words are as unique as each one of us and that, will always be so.  Each of us, every person has to fill in the blanks and somehow make heads or tails of the answers. Sometimes the answers will be in accordance with times, while other answers can really make a person wonder about life, the people we meet and the small details of it all that one can almost chalk up to fate. Hmmm. I don't know.  A person can never get away from asking the question from time to time. Have you ever...

I had a friend in the states that was down on his luck, was actually homeless at the time I met him, he was living a few hundred yards from Disney World in a tent city. My friend, who I'll call D was actually living from hand to mouth and was dependent on handouts to survive. I for one never would have thought it when I first met him at a Mac'ern. Nothing could have prepaired me for what was going to happen to us and our friendship during the following 5 or so weeks. Seeing and living that life in a way was a learning experience that I thought I actually would not have enjoyed and I guess at the time I didn't enjoy a lot about it but without a doubt it was an experience that changed me forever, Have you ever lived hand to mouth and slept out under the stars because you had to? Or was it a free choice to put yourself there? Was it a learning experience that continues on to this day? Have you ever leaned something the hard way? Many many have and it's normal,  Knowing how lucky one is might not be that easy for some and if one can't seem to judge the difference than things can and most often do run their course and one learns in the end anyway. Blabbering on here I know.

Have you ever...the weird thing is, I have not talked to D in a long while now, and while writing this post he got in touch with me on the road back to Orlando from Texas. Weird or not? In my life I have experienced a lot of those kinds of things and it just proves to me how much we are interconnected with each other and espescially the people we  l o v e.

Love has to be that one all powerful 'thing' it just has to be... have you ever felt that way?

Have you ever...