Uff da, it's probably not a good sign when thousands of birds and fish just die in Ark and Lu... here in scandinavia our neighbors, the swedes just reported something very very similar to what happened in the states, but funny enough (or maybe not so funny da) is that the birds in all places just all of a sudden just died, not a disease or sickness of anykind. Hmmm. That gets me thinking about all the crazy things that actually happen on the planet each and everyday, and how the mainstream media chooses to be lap dogs to the powers and ingnore the suffering. Maybe most people don't want to think about it, will choose to live like an osterich with their head in the sand, and that I can understand in a small way, it's like the movie the Matrix where you want Nemo to take the red pill, but maybe the blue one is right for some? Bla bla bla, I know..
We got lots of snow here in my part of Norway, in inches it was probably about 10-15, and there is more on the way.. Lucky for us that the county's have a pretty good system of snow plows, dump trucks, farmers with their tracktors and just about everyone has a snow plow of their own to take the driveway... Maybe a good idea? ;-) Gotta run and lets hope they find out what killed all the birds and fish da..