September 14, 2009

Handball Player

Amanda played a handball game yesterday. Rade vs. Skiptvet, they lost 4 - 16 if I remember correct. Now, the following opinons are based on watching a large majority of the girls scince they started playing handball (team handball for you non norsk readers)at the age of 5 or 6. To see the improvement of each girl as an individual and how they play together as a team very fun to follow. Given my coaching experience I also find it hard to sit there and not judge the new coach. She (the coach) is, if I remember right is 18 years old or something. I personlly have not had any kind of conversation with her but she seems engaged in her job and from what I gather from Amamnda she has the trust of the girls, which is a big part of teaching them anything. Amanda played super in the game, she scored 2 tough goals and played goalkeeper for 10 min. The first two games Amanda has played every minute and has had to play some goalkeeper in each game. This last game the girls were unlucky when they only had one referee, there should be two and I don't understand how the handball club complains about things as such. In their first game the girls had played real well and in my opinion had the win taken away from them by inexperienced referee's. Yeah, yeah.. funny how us old coaches see the small things that add up in regards to the total package. In the game yesterday the girls were missing their main goalkeeper (who is real good), middle player (who is real good), plus when Amanda has to play goalkeeper the team loses maybe the one player that can really create her own shot in the offense plan of things. Amanda has made her wishes clear that she wants to come to basketball pratice with me as well and if this becomes an interest for her then I wonder what will happen with the handball in later years. In terms of that I am not so sure if the kids of today are aware that basketball can give or open doors to possibilities to scholorships in the US for college prospects. Team handball is a very popular girls and women's sport here in Europe and the chance for Amanda to play that at a high level for many years to come is of course 100% up to her. I heard something kind of funny while watching the game yesterday, Amanda had just scored her second goal, a real tough and good shot with the defence players hanging all over her, someone man in the stands said "oye, oye, that girl has the body for this game.." and of course this man didn't know that I was her pappa but I just had to smile and think to myself that yep, that's my little (or now maybe not so little) girl. Ha ha ha... Amanda, like I have always told you, you will ALWAYS be my little gull klump. Anyway, I must admit that seeing these girls play is real fun and I look forward to watching every game that I can. The hoop games will be starting in a month or so, and I am not sure what weekend day that most of these games are on.. I hope saturdays because Amanda's handball games are all on sunday's... Maybe I should talk to the new coach and say that if she wants some help or advice of somekind, that I'd be more than happy to give her my help. Not that I'm a handball expert or anything, but after seeing these girls play for the past 7 years, I'm pretty sure this old coach as an idea or two. ;-)