For me playing the game is the most important, not my results, and the nay say people can kiss my gritts... After playing the game for over 30 years, whew that made me feel old writing that and that's cool. Results and scoring come with playing and practicing. Being so lucky, having the opportunity to play the game I love injured or not it does not matter. Being on the field of play, giving my all on each shot regardless of what just happened the shot before and loving each moment of it. . Having a good or bad round is all in ones head, of course playing well is more fun to a large degree but Having a chance to, well that's the big thing isn't it?
Spent the day almost littaterly licking my wounds and getting body and mind ready for new challenges and demands. . Have a start time tomorrow 0930, south course, Himmerland Golf and Spa. We are ruffing it at a nice camping ground 10 min away. .
Feeling like this is all good and that doing this this fall is important for my mental practice this winter. It will be to many months with out playing that's that sad fact. . But fillin the days with positive steps towards the end goal is easy. . .