August 2, 2010

Reaching the end....

"Vacation" is over, the offical three weeks is over, the place I work follows the school calander and is closed the entire 5 weeks during summer vacation. I have enjoyed my three weeks at home with my family, trying to do some painting, organizing the garage, yard stuff, inside work and at the same time enjoying the time of being with my family and just relaxing at home. I have no need to actually take a vacation to another land during this time of year. The best chance to have good weather here in Norway is of course during the summer, and Saltnes is actually a place where many Oslo folk have their summer cabins. The pop of Saltnes doubles during the 2 to 3 months of summer. But of course that's just my opinion, and who really gives a crap what I think? ,-)

We have a number of friends that feel the same way, who choose to travel abroad during the spring or fall and that's what I've always done. Norway is beautiful country, but during the summer the people are different, and they say so themselves, and after living here for 15 years, I can say that I agree... after 7 months of cold, rain, snow and darkness, it really is nice to see the sun and the great thing is that the daytime light is extended by at least 5 to 6 hours during the summer... I have really enjoyed the last two summers, esp this one and I am already looking forward to many more to come! Bla bla bla, I know, gotta go.