January 20, 2011


Why is it everytime I watch Duke play I always root against them? Are they just that good? Is it because they are the best almost every year? Is it out of respect for Coach K? They have always had players I've liked, Singler this year comes from Oregon, where I spent about 20 years of my life and Kevin Love is also from Portland, Oregon, so, they are developing talent in that part of the u s still ;-) Yuck, yuck...

Nothing really happening here in Norway. I need to pay some simple bills to the states this week, it's not tat I put it off, I really to just forget and when I do remember it's usuually late at night here, which means it is closed there. Ya, ya... no biggie I guess.. Going to have to do it this week though, or within a week I should say. This week is almost over, duh. We have many minus degrees here and because we had a few days with pluss degrees the roads are, in places, real slippery. I can remember the firest years I lived here, I had some problems driving in the ice and snow. Now 16 years later, I am more comfortable yes, but I still don't like it.. I get more nervous in those conditions and it makes me drive slower. That would be the biggest or best advice, take your time and it should go ok.  Bla bla bla... I know.. Cool to see the PGA season is up and going, they are playing in one of my favorite places in the states, Palm Springs, California... Real pretty place evern if it's out in one of the driest places in the world.

Gotta run world, be good to each other and remember we can change the world, each one of us, think positive and love each other....

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