June 8, 2011


Has it come? Feels like it, wearing shorts and tank tops... in my mind nothing is better than being able to take off some layers and let the sun hit my skin... Not that I'm a big sun worshiper or anything, but sun in some senses is good for the body and soul?? Right? I guess one can argue just about any side of any issue nowadays, but I have to just admit my human feelings... and that is that warmth and sun = good.  :-)

Been nice the last weeks here in the north europe, nothing is better than a good norwegian summer, really, the the landscape is beautiful and it has some very nice beaches, golf courses and other 'things' to do outside... But the overall beauty of a nice norwegian summer is something one just has to experience I guess, and the thing is, they are sometimes so far and in between that even living here for the past 17 years or so... well, I've had maybe 6 or seven really good warm summers.. Hope people... keep the good thoughts pouring in da :-)

Golf wise? Nada... hehe.. really sad in a way, but the knee would never let me to compete for real again, until the operation is done, and the thing assessed proper, maybe, just maybe, I'll be able to train myself into such alright shape that the knee won't be so bad to deal with for the next ten to fifteen years.... then it's probably going to be a full change job on it... bla bla bla bla I know... gotta go da.. be good world, peace and love to the masses da...

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