October 17, 2011


Making choices is always there, right in front of our faces, everyday, every minute of each day is a battle of ones inner choices for this that and the other thing...Making the best and or more properly put the best social norm of a choice, one then has to concentrate every time then? When can one know for sure that a choice is one for the best? Or does one need to decide what best is first? How does one come into the choices of what is best or not? Is it a natural thing, does someone teach us from an early age how to make the right or best choices? Or not? I confused as the reader can well figure out for him\herself, but that's ok, being confused about something can be best soemtimes as well... Huh??

Being confused about something I'd guess would make a person think about what might or moght not be best for him or herself at that precise moment... I guess a state of confusion once in a while can and just might bring about what is best int he long run? Maybe, maybe not...

Being at work and the time being 3am and having many thoughts speeding thru my head, not actually all that confused about anything to be honest... I'd like to think that I maybe understand something now after all... or not... hmmm... back to work da

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