August 15, 2011

Summer, not much of it and now it's over... Bball is next!!

The summer was not more than a couple weeks and if it was much more, then it's not been much.. I have taken a break from posting for the summer, wanting to concentrate on just being and living each and everyday to it's best without thinking about posting, blogging, surfing and all the other things that come along with using the laptop daily. Leon has grown lots in just the past few months, has become a 'big boy' and uses the bathroom like 'everyone else'... hehehe funny little dude. He's not been to much at the golf course this summer, that being a fy fy  for his pappa, but in all real thinking about it, he's too young to really start 'playing' golf for real... His best shots might go 50 meters... Amanda is of course a big girl, going to be a 9th grader this coming year and is looking forward to what comes with that... She also had a great report card this last year... Smart, beautiful and funny, good combo.. It has been real nice to move into a different aprt, being able to spend more time with my two special kids, and it seems like they enjoy the new house much better too..

Personally, things are going great and I have a special person to thank for that, she knows who she is and I am just so lucky to have met someone like you, my soul-mate... We are just starting the journey of living our lives together, making each and everyday a special one for each other, letting the small things of life be the ones that we put in the forefront of our daily thinking... I know you, you know me... Thank you sweetheart :-)

Basketball will be starting up soon, as soon as school starts I assume.... Check out the bball blog for the guys at the right side of the page... take care world and I'm looking forward to posting a bit more now, after taking a summer break from it, it's actually fun again ;-) ;-)

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