December 18, 2011

Bball and Life...

The qualification for the Norwegian National Championship for kids 16 and under was this past weekend and my kids did their very best. Being a group of 13, 14 and 15 year olds made it tough from the get go but I thought we just have a great learning experience no matter the result. I believe that is what happened and that is cool. The kids just impress me more and more with their fight and willingness to work extra hard both in the gym and out. It's something that inspires me to do my best for them and myself. I am looking forward to see the progress of all my players, on both my boys teams... it's a pleasure and blessing to have the young men in my life.

Moving on to life da... I have golf clubs in my house again, or should I say more directly in bed room, living room and just about everywhere else I might be within the four walls... Have been practicing my putting technique and it seems to be getting more comfortable. Being that it has been almost 5 seasons in the closet, the clubs are at least happy to see the light of day... I am hoping for the best, and if my body is willing, I am going to climb back into the ring, see what happens and have fun doing it... Nothing more to say about that... Just a whole hell of alot of work ahead, something I actually am looking forward to and that in itself is a positive thing I'd guess. Gotta run now, but we are getting there...

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