January 9, 2012

New Year.... New York.... New New New New

It's a new year and in a week I'm headed to the big apple with my best side.... It will be my first time in the Empire City and I'm looking forward to it of course, have been to all the airports in NY but have never had the time to stay and see what's what.... Nothing really new new new actually, things are humping along as normal, basketball and all that comes with it. Have decided to get back into the ring this summer, bring out the sticks and play again. I have missed it and look very much forward to teeing it up again. We have had out first snow here today, not much, but enough to feel like it's winter. If one has to judge the severity of the winter based on the snow plowing needed then this winter is real mild so far... I know I know I should never speak for soon, but I am really hoping for a continuance of the winter we have had so far.... If that happens, that means an early golf season, which means more time to practice and see what the swing says... Hehehe... funny how one wonders about things that one has actually no control over, the weather, the temp, the love you have for you children, other peoples actions, the love of your child and the love you feel for a soul mate... These things are, and just that, they are and they continue to be and there is very little one can do to change anything.. That is a good thing I think... Can't say how much I am looking forward to getting 'home', it's a far off place that seems more distant for each year that goes by. Maybe when one leaves it, one has it always in there, ones heart of course, but how does the heart change in regards to where it is, who is also there and of course the kids... Nothing is more important. Gotta go.. Bball practice..