November 28, 2011

Ok da....

After many days of thinking and re-thinking things I have decided to keep the blog going, there are some changes happening in the slow and when all is said and done, maybe I'll have more to write about, and yes, it will be about golf and it's not anything anyone can really imagine. Not sure myself really, not that the idea will or will not work, but in the idea of time, how much time will be needed, to reach the goals set, and how the twists and turns of life will affect the adventure of making it happen....

Nothing will happen in life without making it happen....

Under which means do goals achieve themselves?

Goals are people living their dreams.

Giving all to live your dream is it, to be happy...

All it takes is the effort to live it and happiness is there...

Interaction between ones soul and the matrix of life can and does change reality for the one making contact. If living ones dream can be, and I mean if one can just make a change, to make it be, than one would be dumb not to, or what? I am of the opinion that one is dumb not to, and thus life changing, goal setting, dream living can and does happen each and everyday on the globe and why not me, or better said why not you, or even better than that, why not everyone.....??

I know, I know... there are a lot of haters out there, people who for whatever reason, just have to hate, it's not even worth the time to wonder why, it just is and that's that. If one could really understand people like that, well, then society as a whole would weed those who are such out, would it not?? Or is the fact of the matter this, that haters are the ones who have the inner drive for some reason to achieve high goals, high social status, being politicians in a way, both figuratively speacking and in the real reality of life....  One, and if I can be so bold as to say yes, one being me, then I will stop.

Stop. Period. Just stop.

What do I mean you say? Well, by saying stop I mean just that, stop playing the game, stop playing by the norms of society, change the rules to fit yourself better if you have to, but for gosh's sake, just stop. Stop being a debt slave to the banks, stop the buying, stop the wanting, stop the materialism that has a grip around the neck of society, stop it all. Stop all the norms that society has been lied to about for generations, the lies about 'making it' or not, being successful or not, being the right kind or not, all the bs, it stops now.... Just think if everyone understood what the heck I'm writing about here, and just took the time to stop and think about it and then do it...?

Keep dreaming I know.... I will.