September 8, 2011

Rain, rain and more rain...

Here we have rain, lots of it... The most in over 110 years 'they' say... It was a whole heck of a lot anyway, flooding in the streets and some people's basements were a it wet... I wonder what that means or if it one could predict what kind of winter one might have in regards to things like that... and if so, would something like this mean that this winter is going to be real tough, or maybe the opposite is true... No one knows I guess for sure. I have just feelings about stuff like that, no real knowledge and no real desire to learn anything about it either, hmm, I wonder what that says about me? Maybe nothing, maybe a whole bunch.. At the same time I write the words I know that I really don't care, or can be bothered to find out.. hehehe. Night shift makes me a little weird I guess.

Basketball season is coming into full swing and I am looking forward to this season a bunch and am hoping for the best for the kids, I hope they stay healthy and improve steady. Ya ya ya... nothing really happening here otherwise, have been spending a good deal of my free time in our hippie corner in our new place. Having a new 'roommate' if one can call it that, I don't even know if we have a name for that in the states? Anyway, it's been nothing short of amazing for me, being able to have the same feelings about so many things is a pleasure I have not had in a long while... not that not agreeing is a negative thing by itself, of course many great things, ideas and the like are made out of people not agreeing, but in this case, right now in my life, just being able to agree on the smallest, stupidest little thing is like so large... I can't really explain it, at least not well enough I guess but I just wonder where it will all end? In total complete happiness? So far so good...

Gotta run back to my J.O.B. and all that good stuff... I will try and post more, gets a little hard to do it everyday now, but I am going to try and prioritize it more if possible... Take care world and be good to each other, think love, peace and all the other things that we all know each other needs...

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