Golf-history-life, liberty & pursuit of happiness...
December 31, 2010
2011 - Strange to think about when I was a boy, having toughts about space travel, Buck Rogers and all that. Interesting and a bit humorous at times, the insights of a childs mind, no matter the age or time table it follows, now or many years ago, the fantasy of all childeren is an amazing thing. Looking forward to a good 2011, if there is one marking, point of time, reference, starting or stopping point, reaching the edge of no return and then pulling yourself back into making one, well, I do think that the years changing actually is something to celebrate and is one of the 'holiday' traditions that I enjoy. If for nothing else it gives us the chance to meet friends and family, talk about the times past and the adventures to come, celebrate the small but important achievments of each and everyone person, especially the youngsters and old. Ja ya... Babbling on.. Good night world, one more day of 2010, never to be seen again, at least in our 'lifetime'... Enjoy it and the rest of time you have left!
December 27, 2010
Little guy, big girl and xmas
The xmas season is still going strong here in Norway. We have something called romjul here. It's the week between xmas and new year. Many people have free during that week, the schools are closed and most people plan to have some vacation time during this week. In winters past I have been working during this week, this year I have the week free and that's ok for me ;-) Basketball season is still going strong, or I should say we are starting up the second half next week. Wondering if my players are getting some good excersise during their time free. Probably some, but not all, that I'm a hundered percent sure of. I guess it's only the ones most dedicated that will put in the 'extra' effort and that is always the way it is, and in my opinion will always be.
Was fun to see Leon this xmas, he understood more of what was going on and had a great time being the 'elv' together with is big sister. Cool to see his excitment about recieving gifts and giving them away. He thought it was almost as fun to watch us others pack open our gifts. Being Pappa, xmas is always about the other in the family. I don't recieve much, and that's ok, I buy what I need through-out the year and I have everything I need anyway. Of course it's always nice to recieve something, but tha always happens and that's nice. Xmas is for the women and children. Maybe there are other men who feel the same, or different for that matter, that's the great thing about it all... life I mean, everyone gets their own experience and learns to live with it. For good or bad, one must learn to deal with what life has to offer us and that's what I'd guess is the most interesting about life too... You just keep trying and doing what you can to survive each and everyday, making it the best one can for his/her's. Xmas has been a time to give to the women and kids, and we accomplished that well this year da... ;-) Gottsta go folks.. Be safe and all that good stuff.
Was fun to see Leon this xmas, he understood more of what was going on and had a great time being the 'elv' together with is big sister. Cool to see his excitment about recieving gifts and giving them away. He thought it was almost as fun to watch us others pack open our gifts. Being Pappa, xmas is always about the other in the family. I don't recieve much, and that's ok, I buy what I need through-out the year and I have everything I need anyway. Of course it's always nice to recieve something, but tha always happens and that's nice. Xmas is for the women and children. Maybe there are other men who feel the same, or different for that matter, that's the great thing about it all... life I mean, everyone gets their own experience and learns to live with it. For good or bad, one must learn to deal with what life has to offer us and that's what I'd guess is the most interesting about life too... You just keep trying and doing what you can to survive each and everyday, making it the best one can for his/her's. Xmas has been a time to give to the women and kids, and we accomplished that well this year da... ;-) Gottsta go folks.. Be safe and all that good stuff.
December 22, 2010
Flowers ;-)
I was so lucky tonight when one of the parents came by the house with some beautiful flowers and a very nice xmas card! That was a real nice thing to do and was a real unexpected gift. I guess the kids on the bball team really do understand how much they mean for me personaly. A special group of guys, and I have to say that every team I've ever coach has had some kids that have been 'special' to me, the way they might have related to all the other players, were they leaders or followers, whatever it might have been. This team has been different yes, but very special in it's own way, no two teams are ever alike and this year the team has a few new faces that are playing important minutes and doing well also. All the teams I've coached the last 20+ years have had their good points and 'bad' ones too. Nothing is ever exactly alike when it comes to team sports, each team lives it's own life, players come and go, start and stop, only to start again later, sometimes with success and others not. Kids make their own choices and that is something they have to live with. Some kids learn that earlier than others, I was one that learned somethings fast, while other things were hard 'learn' or understand. Sometimes only time will tell with teams, and this one, has had a very solid group of players now for two years and the ones that have quit probably regret it somehow, sometimes and that's the hard thing to deal with growing up, making choices and having to live by them. Everyone has that 'karma' to deal with. I honestly wish all my former players, teammates, coaches, trainers, students both bball and golf the very best of xmas and I hope everyone on earth has a safe and healthy 2011. Thanks for driving the gift out Lenny, and thanks for the talk too... Merry Happy Holiday's folks, gotta go take care and be good.
December 20, 2010
Kids, things to make you go hmm..
Having a teen and a three and half year old in the house is interesting sometimes, seeing the differences in age and at the same time the simalarities are also there. It's interesting to have the oldest one going through her stuff and the little guys is doing his own. Nothing is better than seeing the best sides of them both of course, but even the times they are not 'doing' what they should, well, it's not always easy but it has it's charm as well. Working with young people has shown me many different 'kinds' of kids and the behavior that matches. Sometimes it's not easy but if you can mangage to keep your patience and remember that's all part of growing up for the kids and the emotional struggles will go over faster than you and the child will think. Of course there are special situations/kids where no matter how 'good' a parent is, the choice ends up to be difficult and sometimes it's best for the child to get professional help. Ja ja... babbling on here. Gotta run folks.. Take care and be good.
December 17, 2010
W Leaks
This whole w leaks thing is unreal. I mean in a good way actually. Being that the most of the leaks were of a negative nature, which is natural I'd guess, in so much that people who blow the whistle usually don't or wouldn't if everything they were working with was all above the board, if you get my drift. Being interested in things like this, which is a natural I think, but that is just my opinion. I also have the opinion that the info is of true quality and thus scary and unnerving. What kind of govt is actually running things, and how is the military industrial complex influancing the decisions being made and how many people will suffer, over the whole globe... Uff da.. not a good idea to think to much about all this or to often, it's hard to think about what we can do to make a difference to really make a change. Gotta go... Take it easy
December 16, 2010
60 Min
I watched the last 60 min just now, Ben Bernacie the chairman for the fed reserve spinning his web tighter around the truth. Uff da... am not going to get into all that tonight. We must all just make peace with the fact that we do not know what will happen in the long term. Let's all hope that things will end for the betterment of mankind da. THe hoopsters had a good practice and I was horse in my voice at the end of the two hours. Good group of young men who seem to be gelling more and more, we had a good win over a poor team on Sunday and the remaining schedule we have, in my opinion we have a good chance to finish the regular season in a flury of wins. The guys are starting to understand a few key but importnat things and it's fun to see. Nothing is better than seeing young people learning and being excited about it, seeing the joy in their faces when they get something, make a good shot, pass, rebound, steal, charge or whatever. For me basketball was the most important thing in my life between the ages of 7 to almost 30. Funny how things go a little bit in a circle. We have been talking about having a men's team in the bball club, would be fun to lace em up and jog up and down the court. Gubba Hoops vet du... ha ha. The last post about the dollar seemed to get a lot of hits, wonder why that is, are people seeing the writing on the wall? Feeling the change coming, I'd guess it's harder for those in the states. Hmm, wondering what the future holds 'over there'. Better get going here, take care people and be good.
December 13, 2010
World Reserve Currency
The all mighty dollar is on it way out. The world's reserve currency also. This will have huge effects on the world's markets, when it does happen, what you say? When it's replaced by some other currency, then we will see the true effects of the bailout money that was so needed as they said. Who are they? All the banksters and criminals who have created this situation for their own gain. If one does not believe then visit this website and watch the vid This is a site that I visited in the past day and the facts represented there are true, if even very hard to accept and some might even call it criminal. The people who are 'in charge' know what they are doing, and the real endgame. This not more than it is. Read and research on your own, find the truth and then and only then will you see what options you have. They are not many mind you, but we have choices and what we choose in the next few years just might have a huge effect in the future of mankind. Over the top? Just look at all the other things that are happening around the world, created by the 'people in charge' all the killings, wars, poverty, starvation, drug abuse, child abuse, and the list goes on.... Do not think this is a good joke people, the truth is coming and faster than one might assume... Gotta go..
December 11, 2010
Nothing to say?
I actually have nothing to say. How many times has a person felt that way in the course of a life. For whatever reason, your in the state of having nothing to say. There of course can be many reasons to this state of being. You can just about pick any emotion you want and it could in theory make you feel like you had nothing to say. No? Prove it da. Is it a good thing, to have nothing to say? Maybe yes, maybe no? I thinks so. Maybe ones ability not to say something is actually a hinder in his own development as a human being? Is it possible that one never really has anything to really say? Nah, I don't buy that. Having a belief in something and have enthusiam to wanting to share that belief is in it's pure form a good thing, but if the belief is something that is new, unheard of, not wanted, way out there, whatever it is, the belief can be seen as a threat to the norm. Or what? Even though I have nothing to say, I have always questions... is that good? I hope so... gotta go.. take care folks..
December 5, 2010
Civil War - Oregon vs Oregon State
Kinda weird, on the travel channel has had hour after hour of a show called Oregon Discovered or something like that. And tonight is the civil war game, where as I understand it Oregon can play for national championship if they win tonight, da it'll be that I root for the ducks, not that I really do care, but it would be cool for a school from Or to win a national championship at anything, not to mention college football. If they do win they will be playing against the U of Auburn who is crushing my home state U of South Carolina... That would be a great game, U of O vs Auburn.... for the national championship, the Ducks... who would have thought that 15 years ago? Someone must have been. And that's what's so great about sports really, people can actually make a difference for their school or club, one must have a vision for the future, the long term future, how to make the unthinkable come true... GO DUCKS!!!
December 4, 2010
A boy named Porn
That's me and the little guy. ha ha, not to sure why I'm choosing to write about this, but I am almost halfway through a 'book' with the same title as this post. It's interesting, or I should say the process of writing it is interesting. It's my first attempt, or my first real attempt at trying to get it done. Not that I think it's going to be more than a book for my family and maybe for people who have been through some tough things, maybe somehow some person will read it and it will help them in someway. For than anything else I'm doing it for myself, I'm thinking about sending off a copy of the first 7-10 chapters and see if anyone is interesting in paying me to finish it... hahaha Everyone is allowed to dream. Wouldn't that be the life, writer, must be pretty cool to be a sucsessful writer, having millions of people reading your stories, hoping that you could help someone somehow, must be a good 'job'. For me it's like something I have to do, kinda weird in a way actually, feeling compelled to write about things in my life, almost like I'm trying to figure something out or something... Ya ya.. babbling on about it I know.. been working on it for about 9 months or so... Ok, done talking about it. Nothing really happening here, cold in Norway, -14 cellcius and when the wind blows, man that's like bone chillin stuff... you'd die out there in a matter of hours if you didn't have good enough clothes on, sometimes during the winters here I think, people were not ment to live here actually, or at least during this time of the year... bla bla bla I know.. Gotsta go anyway... take care world.
December 1, 2010
30 days and one more year til 2012
NOT sure how of you that are regular visitors to my world really have an opinion on what's called the golbal elite, illumnati, or new world order. Maybe there are some of you who read this that understand what I'm babbling on about, I know I have written somethings about this subject before, mostly on the blog norgelish, but this wikkileaks thing has me really thinking about when we are going to stand up to all this crap. I know for many of the people this is an unwelcome subject, or somekind of conspir. theory of somekind... well, most of the theories that come true in this world are started as a abstract thought process, the idea behind the golbal elite is hundereds of years old and has been planned based on one thing, the base is us, and our inability to see what is actually happening around us, look at the world people, there is something not right with it, what? you might ask, my response to you is that you know... look at what's happening around the world and tell me that you don't... I know for sure that things are moving fast and we don't really have much time to react. Do what you can do and let's try and see the world for what it has become, a place run by the banksters and the military industrial complex, how many wars and dead people is it going to take for us to standup to the powers that be? No one can do it alone but together we can force change and subvert the horrors that await us... gotta run and teach the roundball... sports is the one thing at a lower level that 'they' can't really touch... and for that I'm really happy, even blessed I think, lucky to have the chance to maybe helping some young people along in their lives...
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