December 27, 2010

Little guy, big girl and xmas

The xmas season is still going strong here in Norway. We have something called romjul here. It's the week between xmas and new year. Many people have free during that week, the schools are closed and most people plan to have some vacation time during this week. In winters past I have been working during this week, this year I have the week free and that's ok for me ;-) Basketball season is still going strong, or I should say we are starting up the second half next week. Wondering if my players are getting some good excersise during their time free. Probably some, but not all, that I'm a hundered percent sure of. I guess it's only the ones most dedicated that will put in the 'extra' effort and that is always the way it is, and in my opinion will always be.

Was fun to see Leon this xmas, he understood more of what was going on and had a great time being the 'elv' together with is big sister. Cool to see his excitment about recieving gifts and giving them away. He thought it was almost as fun to watch us others pack open our gifts. Being Pappa, xmas is always about the other in the family. I don't recieve much, and that's ok, I buy what I need through-out the year and I have everything I need anyway. Of course it's always nice to recieve something, but tha always happens and that's nice. Xmas is for the women and children. Maybe there are other men who feel the same, or different for that matter, that's the great thing about it all... life I mean, everyone gets their own experience and learns to live with it. For good or bad, one must learn to deal with what life has to offer us and that's what I'd guess is the most interesting about life too... You just keep trying and doing what you can to survive each and everyday, making it the best one can for his/her's. Xmas has been a time to give to the women and kids, and we accomplished that well this year da... ;-) Gottsta go folks.. Be safe and all that good stuff.

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