December 22, 2010

Flowers ;-)

I was so lucky tonight when one of the parents came by the house with some beautiful flowers and a very nice xmas card! That was a real nice thing to do and was a real unexpected gift. I guess the kids on the bball team really do understand how much they mean for me personaly. A special group of guys, and I have to say that every team I've ever coach has had some kids that have been 'special' to me, the way they might have related to all the other players, were they leaders or followers, whatever it might have been. This team has been different yes, but very special in it's own way, no two teams are ever alike and this year the team has a few new faces that are playing important minutes and doing well also. All the teams I've coached the last 20+ years have had their good points and 'bad' ones too. Nothing is ever exactly alike when it comes to team sports, each team lives it's own life, players come and go, start and stop, only to start again later, sometimes with success and others not. Kids make their own choices and that is something they have to live with. Some kids learn that earlier than others, I was one that learned somethings fast, while other things were hard 'learn' or understand. Sometimes only time will tell with teams, and this one, has had a very solid group of players now for two years and the ones that have quit probably regret it somehow, sometimes and that's the hard thing to deal with growing up, making choices and having to live by them. Everyone has that 'karma' to deal with. I honestly wish all my former players, teammates, coaches, trainers, students both bball and golf the very best of xmas and I hope everyone on earth has a safe and healthy 2011. Thanks for driving the gift out Lenny, and thanks for the talk too... Merry Happy Holiday's folks, gotta go take care and be good.

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