December 17, 2010

W Leaks

This whole w leaks thing is unreal. I mean in a good way actually. Being that the most of the leaks were of a negative nature, which is natural I'd guess, in so much that people who blow the whistle usually don't or wouldn't if everything they were working with was all above the board, if you get my drift. Being interested in things like this, which is a natural I think, but that is just my opinion. I also have the opinion that the info is of true quality and thus scary and unnerving. What kind of govt is actually running things, and how is the military industrial complex influancing the decisions being made and how many people will suffer, over the whole globe... Uff da.. not a good idea to think to much about all this or to often, it's hard to think about what we can do to make a difference to really make a change. Gotta go... Take it easy

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