February 6, 2013

With you...

I am with you... even if doubt creeps in and the thoughts shift to things that are in the world of the future, the unknown, that place that we all think about from time to time and it's always there. I am with you the whole time, in your heart, mind and soul. Each time you start feeling like it's to much, that life is hard and without fairness. I am with you. When the lows are real low. I am with you. I know it's hard, but play the movie of good thoughts and see the smiles and feel the laughter that has happened, times that you have lived and enjoyed with all your being... There are many, probably more than you can even remember, but it's all there, on your data between the ears..

I am with you... When you find that place, where you see the world as it is, the wonderment of existence that it can be. No one is beyond the touch of love, included you and I know it's true. Without the love you've had the continuance of it would probably seem mute, but you are there now, fighting for it and for what, if done right, will give you all the keys to not only self love and trust, but with the ones around you who also love you..

I am with you... While you wait. While you feel, using space and time the way you need it... I am with you there, here and everywhere. Nothing will ever change that. Somethings are just. They are, period. I am very happy for that, to have that love to hold on to, to know that I am with you in mind and spirit. Knowing that it will be worth all things... I remember, which means I am with you and you with me...