Life is, well, it goes on doesn't it?
Goes on, each minute, each hour, each day, each week and that's a good thing.
Space and time change nothing, life moves on no matter what space you take up
or what time it is. People have to move forward and live life, try and find happiness
in the things that each has in their life. Nothing will ever change that. Even when we
are gone from this place, life, it will go on and space and time will be something
no one can know for sure, a heaven a hell or whatever.. I believe most in the karma
of this life, trying ones best, failing sometimes yes, but really trying to make the best
out of the situation one finds themselves in. Try and be happy, give love and affection
to those who deserve it and just be an honest person.. When people stand and tell you
lies, call you this and that.... Worry most about your character, that's the real you...your
reputation is what people think about you and that very much likely has nothing to with
the reality of who you really are. Be true to yourself, be giving, even when you know
your good heart is being stringed, and just remember that karma is watching somehow
and sleep good at night.
Once in a while you get a curve ball and you have to have patience with it, with karma, it will
work in the way it always has, uncontrolled by us, maybe except in what we do and
say. Maybe even what we don't do and say. Maybe what we even think? Who knows
the truth? Maybe it works in ways we don't understand and maybe just maybe it's not
for us to understand. Maybe we will never know in this state of being, maybe we have
to go on to the next phase of the human being? Maybe and maybe not...
We all are here to do what we are here to do. How we find the do, that it might come to us,
that it might be pre destiny, planned ahead...who can really know, except that we, each of
us can change our own destiny, we can make choices that will change the course of history
not only for ourselves but the ones around us... it changes the universe in a sense, fate, love
and maybe even our souls. We just can't know for sure...
Gotta go.. well, not go but something...... ;-)