December 23, 2009

Snow Bound Boy

The little guy is having his first real winter with snow and all the fun surrounding that. One more day and it's christmas eve and I am looking forward to seeing what his reaction is to the tree, decorations, food, and of course the presents. We will be having a white christmas and that's nice. Where I grew up we never had a white christmas, and that's ok, but with the snow, the 'spirt' of the whole season has the chance to be even better. Golf wise, nada here and I assuming that will be 'par for the course' for the for-see-able future. Still taking the heart meds, and sometime after new-years I'll be having a procedure at the heart clinic in Moss. Once the heart is good, then the knee will be next and after that maybe, just maybe, the desire will come back to play the game again. As of now, I can't really say there is any of that to be found.. Ya da, anyway, for all the folks that read the blog(s), just wishing you all a happy hoilday season!

December 12, 2009

Funny boy

We were out eating dinner the other night and I asked the little guy to give me a big smile and this is what I got... hahahaha, funny boy. Still nothing golf related happening here for me, not even sure what the point of thinking about it either. My heart problem is not getting better and the doctor's and specialists are just saying that it takes time.. bla bla bla. I hope that things will change once I get a meeting with the heart doctor in Moss. Sad to see what has happened to the world's best player, I am surprised that Tiger was not smarter and all that.. I know that we are all human and that everyone makes mistakes, but it seems like he has been making the same mistake over and over and over. It's not like he was caught taking drugs or something, maybe he must have problems that only he can work through. Have read that his wife has bought a place in sweden... ya ya.. the whole thing is just really sad. The hoop team lost a tough game today in overtime. Check the bball blog if your interested. Looking forward to the end of next week, then I'll have a little over two weeks free for x ams break from work. Later.

December 9, 2009


Here she is after two years of braces. The dentist did a great job and I know that she is happy 2! Beautiful smile and girl. Nothing really happening on the golf front, I did play some 'stimulation' golf the other day with big d and his wife Karin, which was a real pleasure and I hope we can do that again sometime. Coaching the hoops is very fun and the kids work so hard to improve that I am so glad I made the coaching move/change. They inspire me to be a better coach as well as 'making it worth my time', to put it another way. You can read about the team on the bball blog located on the right side of this side. Couple weeks and it's christmas. Will be fun to see the little guy and his response to the whole deal.

December 1, 2009

Almost a new year

Dec 1st... Yada git.. One more month and it's 2010. That makes me think about the film, 2010 A Space Oddissy (sp). I remember seeing that film a looong time ago when I was a kid, and remember thinking or wondering if things would ever be like things in that movie. Given that we really have no clue of the state of technology at the highest level, maybe 'they' have the tech to reproduce the things in the film and we common people have no clue. As for golf, nothin really happening here in that regard, I have no clue when or if I'll be able to play next season, still waiting for my heart to get fixed and the knee... maybe by the end of winter I'll be able to develope a plan for that. Now it's family, work, and friends that are #1.

November 23, 2009


Espn america has started showing some college hoop games! I know it has nothing to do with golf but I guess I don't have all that much to write about when it comes to that game as of late. The little guy is still playing everyday and is in need of some new plastic clubs, haha, he's worn them out, funny little guy, so I guess I'll be making a trip to toys r us and buy him what they have there. Nothing more to add really, just another day - another dollar... doin what it takes to make things go 'round ,-)

November 16, 2009

Back to the Graveyard

Back in the swing of things now, no more piggy flu and that means working the graveyard again. Feeling better for each day and the cough is almost gone. Nothing else really to add in regards to the golf da. I have not played in over 14 months and that has to be a new record of somekind. Hoping to play some next season but that will depend on my knee and heart. Have been thinking about asking the heart specialist what he thinks about the possiblity for me to get a pacemaker for my heart.. we'll see what happens in the next weeks da...

November 12, 2009

Playin hoops with a new dew

I took this of the little guy playing hoops with his new dew about the same time we started getting the piggy piggy flu. Amanda, Leon and I have/had it and it's not nice but not the worst flu I have ever had either. Can't remember the last time I had a flu now that I think of it. Now we are all done with the fever and it's just the coughing and runny noses that we all have experienced. The coughing was the absolute worst of the whole ordeal. We (Amanda and I ) had severe pains in our whole upper body because of the strength and constant coughing. But we are feeling a bit better and looking forward to feeling 'normal' again, what ever that is. Anywho, I think he's so cute when he is trying to smile too..

November 7, 2009

No Sleep - No Happy

This is what I look like when going without sleep... Here it is 0300 in the morning and no sleep for me, should be tired but nono. Oh well, just means I'll be sleeping better 'tonight' and that's always nice. Was just in to correct some spelling on the bball blog and thougt I'd just share my sleeplessness... ,-) Been tring to get some zzz's scince arond midnight, nothing special bothering me, and I'm not worried about anything... strange, maybe the night shift working has my body turning on the afterburners after around 0100. Have noticed that, if I get to sleep b4 0100 then I sleep real good, but if I reach the 0100 time slot then I have troubles.. Interesting?? Prob not but maybe so what da ,-) Got a hoops game tomorrow and if we get the w then we will be tied for 1st in our leauge. Good group of kids and I have really been enjoying myself. Seems like the bball club is well organized and I am looking forward to seeing what we can get done come the spring time. Time to count some sheep.

November 3, 2009

Night Shift...

Just woke up from a good 'nights' sleep... was feeling like I was going to get sick but it seems to have gone away..Yippie!! Have another night shift tonight and then it's 8 or 9 days free. Hoops tomorrow and a game on Sat. I am looking forward to Amanda's handball game this sunday, been couple, three weeks scince she played and it's just so much fun to watch her play. Nothing more realy happening, the whole news of the day is this svine-flu stuff.. People are asking one another, 'are you going to take the flu shot?' including myself. I am just saying that 'no, you'd have to put a gun at my head da'... So I guess that's pretty clear how I feel about that. Of course I always follow that up with 'it's an individul choice and no one should tell another what they can or cannot put into their own body'. I'm planning on writing a little on the 'norgelish' blog about this and other political/historical views. This being a blog that is supposed to be about golf but it flows over into family and lots of other topics. Have read on norways most popular websites, on the debate side, people have been mentioning the OPGT, and even myself by name.. a little funny that the better players don't really wake up and become a collective unit. I guess here in this country when it comes to golf anyway, the people in charge really don't want to listen to outsiders, well except for the sweds, and they have been here in the golf industry for a long time and in some sense have established themselves in power posistions that are difficult to change overnight. Anywho, I, in all honesty don't really give a crap about really happens here in regards to all this... I wish them luck, just as long as their business does not interfear with my business.. just like the Godfather movie when he told the new sicialian on the block the same....

October 28, 2009

Reading to little gutt...

Amanda was reading to 'minste' a few days ago, he really likes to cuddle up and read some books. She is real good with her little brother and loves spending time with him no matter what they are doing. Myself I have worked graveyard last night and have tonight as well. Have bball practice tonight and am looking forward to that. The boys have been playing and practicing hard and it's real fun to see them improving. Nothing really more to add, time for me to get up and start my 'day'...

October 22, 2009


The local paper has written a article about this concept, Grasrotandelen.. in short it's a way for people to give money to their sports club of choice when they play the lotto. The article stated that many clubs are struggling to make ends meet because the state has taken away their slot machine money. This Grasrot. thing is supposed to replace that money, but the problem is that the moeny being donated is in many cases not even half of what the clubs recieved b4. The point of me commenting on this is, the local golf club has still not registered themselves to recieve this support. So that would say that they get no support in this regards or in other words, they have lost the slot money and have not done anything to try and resolve that by getting the club at least in the posistion so that people who wanted to give when playing the lotto can... uff a meg for a gaggle of numbskulls. I have little or no understanding in this way of thinking, getting money for the club, without having to do more than registering the club online and put a news letter on the clubs homepage.. I know it's a tough job, and no one wants to do it........ herregud.

Practice, practice, practice . .

Leon is still at it, he's playing all kinds of sports in the house. Golf, basketball, tennis, american football, baseball, ice hockey and whatever else might be on the tube. I have the espn american channel and we get all the american sports and Leon seems to like golf and baseball best.. hahahaha. Have to smile and just take it all in. College hoops starts next month and I am excited to see what happens then. Worked night shift last night, have another graveyard shift tonight and then I have 'free' until next tuesday. Nothing really more happening da.. have seen that Grønmo golf club is looking for a new 'sports boss and head pro'.. have called and left message to hear what the deal is there. I know most of the better players there and if for some weird chance I did end up there maybe it would be good. I am assuming that the club there has someone in their sights, something that is usuall for the golfing business. I have left a message with the leader and will be surprised if I get a telephone back. Getting a golf job closer to Oslo would be good as far as the possiblity to work with even more juniors, but being that I have the baskeball club sports boss job in my sights, I'd have to be reassured that making a move like that would be worth it. Of course working in golf is the thing I would like to do foremost, but as I've stated many times b4, I am skeptical to things now. 15 years in the norwegian golf business has taken it's toll and I would take a job if it was the right one, with the possiblity to make a difference with the junior golfers that choose golf as their main sport would of course be great.

October 18, 2009

Short shots...

Little guy hitting some short shots with his big sister. It's not warm outside as Amanda shows having to wear her bubble jacket but it's been sunny weather for this time of year. I can remember years where we have had lots of rain during the fall. We are lucky this fall - so far anyway. It's only 6-7 months until the temp will be over, what, maybe 10+.... during the night it's cold, talking minus 0 and it's only going to get colder. ,-) Leon thought it was pretty cool to have a real golf flag in his 'training senter'... we actually 'played' a few holes from different area's around the yard. He's starting to understand that we are both supposed to play and take turns. Funny how the kids once they learn something it just kind of sits there. Adult's often have a problem remembering how to do something until they get a 'key word' or phrase and then it's like, 'oh yeah, that's right'. It's also cool to see the hoopsters getting better and learning a bunch while giving full gas. The difference in coaching these kids is like night and day from what I am 'used' to. I remember the kids in the bball club in Halden were also like the Fredrikstad hoopsters, hard workers that understood the meaning of hard work and giving 100% for the whole team. It's strange that some (I would even dare to say, most) golf clubs here in Norway have such a hard time getting the idea of teamwork to actually work through the entire membership of their sports organ. It just seems to me that all the groups in the clubs more or less hold to themselves and the idea of mixing is not a popular one. I miss the feeling of a real good men's group where the team feeling is real and the ego's are left when you close your trunk and pick up your bag and get ready to play golf. Which is going to be an ol sport. I wonder how this is going to change the way things are run here in Norway. I wonder if golf clubs will actually consider their better players athletes who take their sport serious and support them in all facits. I doubt things will change from today's status quo. Sad that I have this feeling, but I can't really understand how to effect change even after working in the business for the last 15 years. I think it comes down to culture, what kind of culture does golf and it's 'sports' clubs have here in Norway. Not much culture really, only a few clubs here have a good culture not to mention even fewer that have a good sports culture in their golf 'sports' club. Just interesting that other sports clubs, football, hockey, handball, ski, basketball, shooting, fishing, hunting..... the whole point of the club is the sport and the playing of it and the people who are best are giving the opportunity to play at the highest level, but in most of the clubs I have either first or second hand knowledge, this is really not a high priority for the people who make the main choices..... yea yea.. bla bla.. same old story when it comes to this topic... depressing actually... BUT the picture of the kids gives me hope that maybe things can be better and more focus on the traditional way of doing things. Tradition, oh yeah, I forgot, can't really find one, well maybe one.......

October 16, 2009

Told you so... I think.

President cup was won again by the us side. I wonder, is the difference in ability between these two groups that much? On papir, of course not, and we just have to look to experience and a team feeling. Even though the us has struggled against the euro team during the ryder cup in recent years I might start believing in their team talk if they win the next in wales. Anyway, it's always nice to say I told you so... I think.

October 11, 2009

Presidents Cup

Have been trying to follow the P Cup. Looks good for the u.s. team leading 12 and a half to 9 and a half. Have not seen hours and hours like I might have a tendency to do when it's the Ryder Cup. I can't really explain it either, last night I chose myself to spend hours cleaning in the garage instead of watching the P Cup. Oh well, my wife is for sure happy that happened da. It would be cool to see a close finish to the cup, but I have this feeling that the u.s. guys are going to win pretty easy. Seems like international guys are just a little gittery or nervous or something, I could be wrong, but it seems like maybe the u.s. guys are just more 'used to it', maybe playing this team style every year is good for their match play games. The european players have the Seve trophy on the off ryder cup years them too... I really like match play, it's sad that we don't really have match play tournaments here in Norway, not that their is so much of them elsewhere around the world either, maybe it has something to do with that it takes so long and the amount of players is limited?? Have not really thought about that subject to much, just thought it was always fun to play match play in high school and college. Have had the Viacrap golf on today, and two times the signal is gone for some length of time, thye give no explanation of why or when it will be back, nothing... uff a uff a uff a meg.... Ahhh there is was, missed the signal from Madrid... there working on it... ya da ya ya... gotta get better service than that? I'm really at the point that I have to laugh at the poor service, I have had the golf channel for many years, scince it started, 2000 or something and it's always been suspect. Done biatching now...

October 6, 2009


2 great kids. Leon is showing Amanda how to putt... She thinks it's cute. Lucky to have such a wonderful daughter, she's so caring and loving towards her little brother. "Minste" is in good form and so goes life. Both kids getting bigger actually right b4 my very eye's. We feel so lucky.

October 3, 2009


Yup. . here's the little guy giving me a big smile! Nothing to add really, things are going good and we are feeling the feet of the fall coming. Getting colder and in a month or so it'll be dark by 1700. Ya,ya... That's the way the cookie crumbles here in Norway, it goes fast from summer to fall, fall to winter and so on.. Nothing more to do than get out the winter clothes and gt the ice scrapper warmed up ;-)

October 1, 2009

Night Shift...

Put in my two nights this week and just woke up. It's going to be hard to get to sleep tonight but that's the way it is da. I have 10 or 11 days free now and I am hoping to make the most of it. Tanja still has vacation and we have a few wishes for the remainder of her vacation. Her and Amanda have been to Tusenfryd today, Norway's biggest ammusment park, lucky Amanda da, we were there earlier this summer and had a good time. Anywho, time to drag my bones out of bed and get downstairs to see what he little guy and 'bestemor' are up to.... Oct 1 today? I'll be pickled pink, it is... Time flys and soon it's a new years...

September 29, 2009

Oslo Pro Golf Tour

Wondering if the people here have the same problem, where's the ball....Have been reading on several websites here in Norway about the situation of norsk golf.... There are many different meanings around and about that's for sure. Have also read several opinions about the substainability of a tour like OPGT and people are writing that they have no belief in a system like the one I came up with. That's ok, I have also my doubts after this season with no tournaments being played because the lack of players. That's my question. Where are all the players? I for one have no idea and maybe there are next to none here in Norway? Maybe they are not willing to pay the money themselves for playing a such tournament? Maybe the clubs are not willing to help them pay for the entry fee? Maybe, maybe, maybe... I will be trying again this next summer and have recieved just positive vibs from the courses that said yes this past season and that they are willing to try and help out next season as well. I had in the begining many people that wanted to jump on the bandwagon and "help", but I must be honest and say that was a big learning experience in itself. The only people who helped were the clubs that said sure to the idea and that have a vision of where professional golf is going here in Norway. I would love to have the possiblity to help improve the situation for my fellow pro's but I am in a situation where I can just do what I can do, myself. I must say - that's really ok too.. I have more or less given the idea of being a club pro up, being treated like crap the last two clubs I have worked at has left such a foul taste in my mouth that I just can't jusity using more of my life trying to accomplish something in the sport of golf at the club level here in Norway. I know that coaching the hoopsters will give me more satisfaction than training a bunch of spoiled daddy's kids. The kids I meet through the hoops are willing to shut up and work their butts off to achieve their goals and I must say it's really refreshing to see that kind of work ethic. Golf I would assume will be more about myself and my own kids in the years to come if not for an act of God or something. I have missed playing the game this season, once my knee is fixed maybe I'll have the time to devote to practice, improving, playing and seeing what happens... The little guy won't let me not play, he's still playing inside every chance he gets and we've been doing some putting at the club... ;-)

September 28, 2009

Tiger and Phil the Thrill

Watching the FedEx Cup this season was real exciting! I thought it was great to see Phil get his mojo going again and make some putts. Tiger on the other hand didn't make more than one putt his final round and it's my opinion that he would run away with all the trophies if he putted above average everytime. It just goes to show how good that man is, can't make a putt and he's still got a chance... Fun, fun, fun. I am looking forward to playing as soon as my knee and heart will allow.. Hoping for a fast recovery with the knee after that gets fixed, no time line as of yet but sooner rather than later I hope.

September 26, 2009


About 30 seconds later he was gone... Funny little guy, he slept for almost an hour and boy did he need it. I watched the Tour Championship last night. Tiger should be leading by a few more than one shot, he missed two putts inside 5 feet last night, two holes in a row and it would be interesting to see the stats on that. I would bet that has never happened or it has been Many years scince the last time. That being said, I do think for the sake of excitment and the overall enjoyment of watching I was 'glad' to see him miss and let the other guys at least think they have a chance. I marvel everytime I see the man play and am very grateful that I can be so blessed to live and see what is most likley the greatest player of all time. I guess everyone who saw big Jack play in his prime thought the same but I am not so sure. I have seen both live and in person, I was so lucky to see Jack the same year he won his last Masters title and that was one for the ages but this young man Tiger.... what does one say...? He's at least now, playing in his own leauge and I can't see one prospect for that anyone, anytime soon is going to make a serious challenge... but it's fun to see all the guys try ;-)

Going, going..........

Leon is alomst out, we had been out at the course putting and here he is after we got home...

September 24, 2009

FedEx Playoffs - Tour Championship

I have to admit that I have enjoyed this Playoff season, the PGA Tour has maybe figured it out and seeing the points system working is fun. The last tournament two weeks ago was exciting and I was caught up in who was going to make the top 30 in the points race. It was sad to see Brent Snedeker four putt the last hole to give Luke Donald a spot but that's the way the cookie crumbles. I would be lying if I said I wasn't most looking forward to seeing Tiger play but of course it's fun to watch all the guys. Anyone of the top five guys win, they walk away with the trophy and 10 mill. If that dosn't get your motor going then I don't know what to tell ya ;-)

September 23, 2009

Lots of questions..... No answers......

Been reading some of the golf websites here in Norway. One of the better players here is leading the q school and by his own words he says it's because he has gone back to his old coach, hmmmm... interesting? Maybe for some but not for this man. I have said all along that these better players here in Norway are taken away from there home clubs way to soon in their development. In this country, where golf is concerened the powers at be have a lot to learn about building and keeping the better players in their continulary progress twords bigger things. Here they choose players from age 10-11 to take part in national and regional gatherings with coaches from the governing body, my lord, 11 years old and already being pointed to as being extra special. Uff a meg.. most of these kids don't even know if they'll be playing golf in 5 years. Burn out is what we call it where I come from, when the governing body does this it puts so much extra pressure on these kids that I wonder if they loose sight that it's a game and has to be played accordingly. I have had the pleasure of working with some good players and I must say that the best ones are the ones that have stuck to what they learned from their club pro and not the wolves in sheeps clothing. These coaches from the governing body need to step in here and think. Use your brains and stop thinking about how to secure your job in the future and do what's best for the kids, leaving them alone would be a good start, let them mature at their home club, play tournaments at their local clubs and for god's sake stop screwing around with the natural talent they already have. I don't and have never understood why the governing body in this country has so many employees and is it possible that all the golf clubs need to be looked after like a 2 year old? I am assuming if the clubs were more or less left to themselves then we'd see a revival of the golfing intrest here in this country. If you leave the big choices to the people sitting in their cozy little offices and not to ones in the field, then you see the results pretty clear and this little country is a great example of what not to do. If the governing body here continues to hire non-golf professionals for their lead posistions then the spiral will continue to grow out of control. I would assume there are actually plenty of qualified individuals here that could help guide the golfing community out of the hole it's in but it's to bad that the governing body here seems to only accept help from it's closest neighbor and in that regard we just get the rejects that can't get a job in their own country. Tough words? Maybe. After living it for the last 13 years, I believe that I have a small idea of the thought processes and decision making that occur and I think it's sad. You have a handful that are making choices that not only affect the game itself but can and often do result in that people with talent just get so sick of the paper pushers that they give up and this includes good players and coaches alike. My 2 cents anyway......

September 22, 2009

Mamma said knock you out....

Have you ever felt this way? I have and do, there are many reasons for this. Most of all it's arrogant people who continue to push their no clue agenda's. The one thing that I have wondered about scince moving here is that with a population of a little over 4,5 mil, which is not even half the size of New York, Chicago, LA, London... Or about the same size as Berlin, Paris.. How and why is this country giving Billions to the UN every year... top 5 almost every year.. where are the G 20 countries on this list? Many of them are behind this little country.... What the hell is going on here, sending billions away when we can't even take care of our own? You'd think the native here would have these numbers on the brain, but no, no... most people here have no clue about the amount given away and the how, when and why's. Almost everyone is living in their own little box, their own reality, not seeing or wanting to see the others around them that are in need of help, right here, right now, at home. In my own little world I can conciously see the above statement clear and precise, I too live my life in my own little box... uff da.. how to come out of that reality? I have no 100% answer, reading, watching alternative news, meditation, read more, and praying is my best medication for the urge to knock some people right out. I can understand the skeptics in regards to most things but when you have the facts and the recipie for change, then the question is in the end... why or why not is it happening? The answer to this is not an easy one and for most people they have no time to investigate the questions that pop into their heads, they are to busy with "life".. Uff a Meg... Time to go offensive here, I have not a worry about the constant back talk, double speak of all the nay'sayers... Let them come, as a man of almost 40 it's time to listen to my Mamma.. LL can tell you more by clicking here...


Uff a meg, uff da.... Was at the doctor's today to take my fifth inr in five weeks, and of course the last reading was to low. So I called the heart section at the hospital and the nurse said that I have to wait another 5 weeks and that I have to continue taking the weekly tests... It costs me 90 kr a week to take the blood test plus the meds.. Uff da.. I was really looking forward to getting the shock treatment (well, truthfully speaking, I am looking forward to the hopeful results of the procedure, not the actual treatment itself) I have been through it once b4 and it's a little scary. So, now I have to not only take these weekly blood tests. I have to play the waiting game all over again.. that's the hardest part of the whole crappy deal. Wondering how and why my heart got the way it is? After all the hoops I've played in my younger years, all the physical activity I have had in my life I would just assume that my heart would be strong. The last time I had the ultra sound on it the heart doctor said the same, my heart is ok, except for the fact it's shaking all the time it's trying to beat and pump blood around my body. I can not understand myself, but I am looking forward to the day that it beats normal again. I am looking very much forward to the day I can work out without wondering and stressing about my heart. For all those who read my stuff and have no heart or other physical problems, I hope you all say your thanks for being "normal and healthy".. believe me it's a real bonus. I have never been one to think "my body is a temple" or anything like that, but maybe I am floating twords this way of thinking. One of my fellow workers at LUB said to me last night that she can see that I've lost some weight, something I can honestly say I have not been trying to do, but I have been eating less latley, more or less because I have lost my desire for food, not because I'm dieting or "trying" to loose weight. Not that it hurts da. ;-) Would be nice to get somewhere around 105 kilo's, but that is a looooooooooooong way off... First things first.

September 20, 2009

Leon making putts...

We were out at the club yesterday putting... the green was really good and it was fun to see the ball roll in the hole from many meters. Leon even made some long putts, he got lucky once and made a 20 footer right on top of mine... Wish I would have had that one on vid.. Oh well, at least I have the memories. Today we were at Tanja's unckle's 80th birthday in Mysen. The party was held at a hunting club lodge or club house.. the party and everything was real nice. It's great for Nuffin to get out and see his family when we have the chance. I know he likes being home with us best but it's only a good thing for him to hold contact with his family in Mysen if you ask me. There was lots of good food and cakes and we ate ourselves full that's for sure. Going on a three night barage of night shifts starting tonight.. I think it's much better to work 2 to 3 days in a row with the night shifts and have 4 to 5 days off in between. My schedule is more or less like that but this week I have worked two single nights spread out over four days.. that's uff da. Anyway, looking forward to coaching the kids this week and I just hope we can get more players to practice on wens. Our games start in a month or so and I am excited for the kids to get some matching...

September 19, 2009

Here we go again...

Have noticed on the golf clubs web-site that they are planning a meeting for the juniors and their parents for next tuesday. The goal for the meeting is to figure out what "they" are doing and what the plan is for the future. I have to wonder, in my two seasons working there it was the same situation after each season, "what are we going to do..??" This is why my daughter has not been taking part in the clubs training, it's ridiculous that these people will use each and ever fall to try and figure it out... again. In my time in the club we had built up a junior group that went from almost 0 to 50 juniors that had participated in practice. Maybe the total of active juniors was between 25 to 30 but we were going in the right direction. So what happened? Let me tell you, I had to travel to the US the last season I worked there, I had family problems that I had to take care of which was unlucky but I did have an assistant pro there at each and every practice. Even though this was open for the clubto know it had no meaning in regards to being pushed out... You can read the earlier posts and see the pictures of the juniors I had been working with during my time as head pro and you can see the dates from the last pictures, sometime in late July. I am not trying to complain, I just think it's real sad to see my local club going in the wrong direction in regards to creating a club/junior plan that involves hiring people that are trying to monopolize the pro offerings in this area. It's my experence that clubs need their own pro, not one that is working at several different clubs at the same time. It reminds of a particular pro that worked here in Norway for a number of years ago, he, before he left the country, had three or four different clubs that he was in charge of and what happened to this person and the clubs he worked at?? Nothing, absolute 0, he ended up taking the money and running... Be careful here golf clubs, when you have these kinds of actors shedding their sheeps outfits and showing their wolves teeth for the first time. A pack of wolves. When you have actors trying to go around the rules and letting people teach that have not taken the schooling, is real dangerous. I for one will not sit by and watch it happen. The PGA of Norway has a job to do here, if playing profesionals are going to start teaching, I for one will be asking (well, maybe not asking) the PGA for a total refund of the 100,000+ kr I used for the education I recieved. What's the point of having the schooling when playing pro's can just go ahead and start teaching??? Anyway, just a little heads up to those who read my stuff, things are moving in the wrong direction here.......

September 16, 2009

Night Shift, Uff Da....??

Here's a picture of Amanda when we were in Palm Springs a couple years ago.. about 0430 at Denny's eating the Grand Slam Breakfast.. She was tired.. Worked a night shift on Monday, an extra one, and I am still feeling the results of it.. Of course after a year of working night shifts at LUB one would think I'd be a pro at turning the day around and get back to a "normal day rythym"... Wrong.. I think the body is never going to be used to it, being a little tired is not the hardest, it's the missing out on the daytime and the sun. I enjoy the solo part of the job and if things work out with the basketball club then I will have even more to keep myself busy during the night. Another approach to looking at the night shift, we have the little guy and it has been a great way for me to earn some money while we are able to keep him home these first two-three years. When he starts in kindergarten then I'll have to see about this night shift working, I do in some ways enjoy the job, the only thing is that I get sooooooo tired and need a bunch of sleep to catch up on the missed hours. Read the other day that when you work night shifts you are creating a sleeping debt that you have to pay back and the only way to do that is by sleeping. Yeah, yeah... Gotta get up and get my day started, have hoops tonight and a new night shift on thursday to friday.

September 14, 2009

Handball Player

Amanda played a handball game yesterday. Rade vs. Skiptvet, they lost 4 - 16 if I remember correct. Now, the following opinons are based on watching a large majority of the girls scince they started playing handball (team handball for you non norsk readers)at the age of 5 or 6. To see the improvement of each girl as an individual and how they play together as a team very fun to follow. Given my coaching experience I also find it hard to sit there and not judge the new coach. She (the coach) is, if I remember right is 18 years old or something. I personlly have not had any kind of conversation with her but she seems engaged in her job and from what I gather from Amamnda she has the trust of the girls, which is a big part of teaching them anything. Amanda played super in the game, she scored 2 tough goals and played goalkeeper for 10 min. The first two games Amanda has played every minute and has had to play some goalkeeper in each game. This last game the girls were unlucky when they only had one referee, there should be two and I don't understand how the handball club complains about things as such. In their first game the girls had played real well and in my opinion had the win taken away from them by inexperienced referee's. Yeah, yeah.. funny how us old coaches see the small things that add up in regards to the total package. In the game yesterday the girls were missing their main goalkeeper (who is real good), middle player (who is real good), plus when Amanda has to play goalkeeper the team loses maybe the one player that can really create her own shot in the offense plan of things. Amanda has made her wishes clear that she wants to come to basketball pratice with me as well and if this becomes an interest for her then I wonder what will happen with the handball in later years. In terms of that I am not so sure if the kids of today are aware that basketball can give or open doors to possibilities to scholorships in the US for college prospects. Team handball is a very popular girls and women's sport here in Europe and the chance for Amanda to play that at a high level for many years to come is of course 100% up to her. I heard something kind of funny while watching the game yesterday, Amanda had just scored her second goal, a real tough and good shot with the defence players hanging all over her, someone man in the stands said "oye, oye, that girl has the body for this game.." and of course this man didn't know that I was her pappa but I just had to smile and think to myself that yep, that's my little (or now maybe not so little) girl. Ha ha ha... Amanda, like I have always told you, you will ALWAYS be my little gull klump. Anyway, I must admit that seeing these girls play is real fun and I look forward to watching every game that I can. The hoop games will be starting in a month or so, and I am not sure what weekend day that most of these games are on.. I hope saturdays because Amanda's handball games are all on sunday's... Maybe I should talk to the new coach and say that if she wants some help or advice of somekind, that I'd be more than happy to give her my help. Not that I'm a handball expert or anything, but after seeing these girls play for the past 7 years, I'm pretty sure this old coach as an idea or two. ;-)

September 10, 2009


Here is Leon getting his hands on my telephone, took a nice picture of himself if I dare say so... We were outside a little today and he was hitting some balls around the yard and playing from his "bunker". He likes to dig around in the dirt and explore the backyard. Must be exciting for him, I think about his reality and what his life experience really is from day to day. I of course see the outside of his little world and he is happy, pretty much all the time, he has a good sense of humor and is always giving us hugs and kisses. So in that sense I can judge that he is a happy little boy, but of course I wish I could get in his little head and know what he's thinking. That goes double for Amanda da, being 12 and almost a teenager, whew, uff da.. She is a real special girl, respectful to her family and friends, loving to all esspecially her little brother. But of course I'd really like to know what she's thinking ;-) Tomorrow is 8 years scince 9-11, hmm, things are still unclear to me about this and I wish the powers at be would really do a good investigaion into what happened and the aftermath, I never did buy the commissions report on what actually happened. Things are coming out and the truth will one day come out. Looking forward to see what happens in the PGA playoffs, I think the pga has maybe figured out the point system this year that keeps more people interested. I like the idea of the guys having to play weeks in a row, playing under great press while being challenged by the physical and mental duress from playing 7 weeks in a row... Poor guys da ;-)

Hoops again...

Have had first training with the boys tonight, a little disapointing that there were only 6 this time, after the 10 we had on Monday. Seems like a nice group of young men (we have one girl on the team, but she is just one of the guys ;-)anyway, we had a good practice tonight, there are many players that need to improve their individual skill level so that the whole team will be better served. Shooting is the one common skill that the players I have coached here in Norway need the most help with. If a player wants to get the most out of his real ability he has to learn how to shoot the ball. Even more so for the players I have worked with here in Norway because they are not for the most part even close to being over 2+ meters, which means eventually they have to shoot it, from yes, the outside. Most and by that I mean almost all the real good athletes play soccer or team handball, ice hockey, or the popular innebandy?? Floor Hockey... Oh well, I have coached long enough to know that we have to get the kids at a young age no matter what the sport. Just like the picture of Leon, his first putt ever (on grass da;-)he does not play floor hockey, he plays indoor golf with plastic clubs and balls... Funny guy. Anywho... Went off on another tanget there.. I think the basketball club has a good idea with their free basketball schools, I have observed many times the long term potential in using ideas as such. Most people will give anything a chance once if they get it for free, it's just getting them to come back time and time again and investing a small piece of themselves in the club/sport that is the key. I believe it has mostly to do with making it challenging but always trying to remember that it should be fun. Trying to get better at basketball, football, handball, golf, whatever sport you choose the overall goal in my opinion should be to get better while having fun at the same time taking on the challenge of improving, seriously. It's these kinds of players I love to coach, players that understand the fine line between the hard work it takes to improve and always remembering that pushing yourself to your limits SHOULD be fun even if there are many times that it's tough, hard work and tiring. Maybe thats the great thing about us humans, we love the challenge of improving ourselves, beating ourselves up both physicaly and mentaly and for the most part understanding that it's just a game anyway :-)

August 27, 2009

Leon building his bunker. .

He just loves playing from his bunker, to next year we are going to build a real bunker and a small green for the little golf nutt. Funny guy, he says grass instead of golf and just loves being outside. We were out at the course last weekend and putted for a good long while. Received an interesting email yesterday, Fredrikstad Basketball club is looking for a new coach. A little weird in that the day before I said to Tanja that we should put up a basketball goal outside the house. The bball club wants to meet this next week and I have invited them to come to Saltnes to have a chat, so, we'll see what happens. Other happenings are that I am waiting for my INR to be stable for three more weeks so that I can receive the electro shock treatment to try and get my heart to beat with sinus rythm again. The last time I had that procedure my heart went back to beating normal for almost 10 months. My knee is still there... I am waiting to take that asap after my heart is beating normal again. Other than those things there is not much else happening, life, as it always has, goes on full steam ahead. Looks like summer is more or less over, here comes fall/host, and then winter. I sad to say have not played golf once this season, my knee will not allow it, I have lived with pain in that knee for over 20 years, hmm, that's a long time... I can feel that I'm getting older :-) It will be great to get that knee to the point that I have no pain and can enjoy being active again, it's not advantagous to have so much pain when you want to enjoy the act of being active no matter what your activity of choice is. I have said B4 that I have received many messages in regards to expanding my posts to include my thoughts about different topics... I can try and make a better effort. Gotta run and take care of the little grass player...

August 22, 2009


This was in the largest norweigian newspaper... I know that most people don't want to accept it but....

July 17, 2009

Leon killed the cat. . . .

Ooooops da. Even the cats want to get in on the action and this time it went real wrong. Nah, of course this is a joke but in the same breath I wish I could warn the dumbies to watch out for the flying golf balls coming about head high for them. Leon is getting the hang of it anyway. I HAVE to try and remember that I have a digital video camera, now I'm the dumbie huh?

July 13, 2009

Our lives.

Amanda and Leon on his new slide. This is my reason for everything . The only thing missing is my wife and me. Lucky we have a few of those as well.

July 5, 2009

Leon hypnotised by the idiot box

Big brother has him now. Ha ha ha or not? I find it amazing that a little guy can be so indulged in something like the make you stupid contraption. He does watch some tv everyday, but we try and keep it to the "very" little kid shows. He like this show called The Dreamgarden. He calls the show "Makka Pakka" after one of the aliens on the show. A cute show something like telle tubbies for those of us that remember that. Even with Amanda I notice that she gets totally out of it when she watches for example the Disney channel, which is ok, but when she wants to watch some bull crap show about Paris Hiltons new best friend, then I draw the line and have said I'd rather throw the whole tv in the ocean instead of letting her watch that kind of mind control, brainwashing, total crap. I think she understands after a long and hefty discussion on the idea of having a role model and what kind of person she really looks up to... smart girl. The more patient I am the better it goes. Anyway, had some guys over this friday and we had a real nice time. The golf tour event was cancelled due to lack of players, we hope that the event at Kjekstad will be better. Si la vi...

July 1, 2009

Oslo Pro Golf Tour

Ya da, ya da..... Don't know what to say actually. This is just some thoughts regarding the Oslo Pro Golf Tour, maybe I have underestimated the golf players interest in playing for money and getting tournament experience. I have sent emails, called, and written letters to all the major media outlets hear in Norway and I have only recieved help from one place and that is, thanks Asbjorn and all the other media people that I have been in contact with, screw you. I have no clue what the deal here is in this country. If the players and all who are interested in golf don't understand that this is the FIRST time EVER in the history of Norweigian golf that a private person has been "allowed" to have a professional tour. This should have been front page news, but it's not, and the only reason I can think of is that the overall understanding of the golf world and how to produce better players is lacking in serious degree's. Whew... that was a bit... good to get it out. Anyway, I still have hope, even though the support from above is not there, that the support of the players will eventualy come. If not.. it's over and out.

June 22, 2009

Amanda makes a new friend

Here's Amanda playing with a neighbor bunny, we hope that it has a home somewhere close. It was eating grass and carrots out of Amanda's hand and seemed pretty tame, so it for almost certain is not wild. We have german hares' here in this part of Norway but I don't think this one is, his little bunny feet would be bigger I would assume. Amanda has her last day of school this tuesday and is excited to have the summer months free. She has also stated that she wants to play some golf this summer, I of course hope this is true!!

Leon gets 1st Ping set!

Here's the little guy with his new Ping putter! His Godfather Mark gave him a new set of moxi ping clubs, a putter, 9 iron and hybird. I've seen Leon happy everyday but this day was something special. While Mark, Leon and myself were putting we saw Leon make three or four putts in a row of about 10 feet. Mark and I were standig there with our mouths hanging open. I have not had a chance to play any golf yet this season but have "PUTTA" a lot with Leon. I am hoping to set up a little practice and playing rutine starting sometime this week. Have a few tournaments coming up and I am hoping to play that means practice and playing!! Looking forward to feeling the grass under my spikes, the smell of the course, and the sound of good golf shots.

June 15, 2009

Rade J - 12 were 2-1-1

Amanda's handball team played well this weekend, it was fun to watch them and see the progress of the group as a whole. There are maybe around eight girls that have played together now for about six years scince they started back in their first grade year. Being that I have many years experience coaching, I have made an effort to not be so vocal about my thoughts as far as the playing strategy and the like. I have had to regulate myself by sitting a little further away from the group of parents because I am always making comments and don't want the other parents to be affected by my opinions. I know from experience that being a coach for a team like this can be a thankless job really. I have just given Amanda's coach(who is quiting)my support for the most part by trying not to give advice or ideas. I know how difficult it can be. Next year the girls will have a coach which is not either a parent or some other relative, which I know will be better for the girls. In my experience these girls are reaching the age where it's not just fun to be part of the team anymore, where winning and losing start to mean something and I believe the girls will start to realize this from next year on. This group might actually have some real talents and I just hope that the club (Rade Il) understands that and takes good care of the girls and gives them the chance to see what they can do.....

June 13, 2009

Amanda at hand ball cup

Here she is sleeping with the team at Bo. Tomorrow it's three games and Summerland! Amanda and I drove up to Summerland in a little over three and a half hours taking a "back" way, will not be taking the "back" way home because it took almost an hour longer and was much more "up the mountain. down the mountain".... This picture was taken on Friday when we got there and Amanda slept here while I was camping out in the Chevy. The campground we stayed in was nice and all the facilities were good. I'll put in a picture of the "hotel a la suburban" a little later.

June 8, 2009


Here we have it, I looked up in the ski today in the back of the house and there they were. Chemtrails. G-damn it. I have seen these in other places but never here in Saltnes. I took this and watched the damn thing widen out and float down twords the planet knowing that it is not "regular" cloud. The ski was pretty clear about an hour before this picture and there were many of these strips being laid out. For those of you that have no clue about what I am talking about, just google chemtrails and start your own discovery. This is not a hoax or that I've lost it, read up people and then wake up. "They" are spraying us with a real nice mix of chemicals and alloys. NO JOKE!!

May 10, 2009

Flash Back to AVCC

Here's Amanda putting at Antelope Valley CC in Palmdale CA. This was takin a little over a year ago. She has been out to the club here in Norway a couple of times to practice a little. She has not been bugging me to play or anything, something she of course could do without be being bothered at all. She hit the ball ok when we were at the driving range and I think if she wanted to could be pretty good. I myself have hit maybe three buckets of balls this season, have not practiced the short game except "PUTTA!!" with the little guy. We will most likley be out putting again today. He was at the club yesterday for over two hours just putting... "PUUUUUTTA!"

May 1, 2009

He's back at it.. ;-)

The little guy was putting today for about two hours. Several times I asked him if we should put together at the same hole and he looked at me and said "no,no".. Funny guy. He actually had a little blister on his little hand from putting so much. I got to get him a little putter that is not so heavy.

April 29, 2009

3 Goof Balls

Bestemor, Amanda, and Leon having some fun with my telephone.

Back in Business??

Am feeling better now, have almost no pain in my stomach and can now travel safely away from the house and or bathroom to put it more precisely. The rest of the family is feeling better as well, Amanda had some pain in her stomach tonight when she was going to sleep. She developed symptoms a couple days after me so I hope her pain will be over in a day or so. To her credit she has only been home from school one day this week. She is a tough one. Will be having the first private lesson of the season tomorrow. Looking forward to seeing some of my "regular" students in the days and weeks to come. Might be a season filled with more time for private lessons than in years past. That would be ok for me, will miss teaching the jr's that I have had the last years, but it seems like the situation is beyond me. Amanda stated to me today that she is interested in practicing with the jr girls group at the club. I thought this was a great thing for her to admit, she has after all created a little network amongst these girls. Will be a little different to "just" be a regular pappa watching the girls trying to get better at their social practices. Will be interesting for me to look from the outside in and see what how the last 20 years of teaching golf will conjure up different thoughts I'm sure. I reassured her that I will of course be helping her just us two and of course I will be looking out for her and the other girls best interest as "just" a regular pappa. She looked at me like I was a real idiot.. "like duh??? of course you will, dummy!!" Funny girl.

April 27, 2009

"Swine Flu???"

This swine flu stuff looks a little scary. Our whole family have been sick with some kind of stomach sickness. Leon had it first, then Tanja, me and lastly Amanda. Looks like everyone is getting better everyday. As is typical I have had the worst of it... ;-) I've been in bed almost three days trying to stay close to the bathroom. Feeling a bit better and was actually able to hold down my three pieces of cinnamon toast I ate about an hour ago. First "meal" that I've been able to hold down in the last three days. Some of my friends have said, "oh, great for you da.. you'll maybe lose some weight".. hahaha real funny guys. Seriously though, feeling better and am hoping to be fit for fight in a couple days. No, but in all seriousness, this swine flu looks like what we call "shock and awe" again. If one looks into the state of affairs in Mexico in the last years all know that the country is headed towards upheaval and quite possibly revolution. In the last weeks it's been getting worse and worse, and then comes this "never seen before" flu virus. Many reports state that this is a combo of avian flu, swine flu and a "regular" human strand combined into one. Hmmm, now Mexico is more or less in a state of martial law and that's just what the government there "needs". Scary business. The United Nations is stating this can become a world wide pandemic. Once again this reminds me of "shock and awe" strategy, which the nwo uses to keep the sheepeople in order. Look into Baxter and what happened with their recalled vaccinations that were sent to 18 different countries outside the US. Baxter sent vaccines tainted with the avian flu virus. This is fact that never comes into main stream media. Please do your own research and follow the trends of Big Brother. I am not trying to scare anyone, my personal belief is this is a scare tactic, you can see on different Norwegian news websites that this swine flu scare is the number one reported news. Having to wear masks at Gardemoen, stay away from places where many people congregate, and all the typical fear mongering. Mexico is in serious trouble and this is another test run for the powers at be. Not just for Mexico and their people but for the whole of the civilized world. I'm not saying the "swine flu" epidemic is not real or people are not getting sick and even dying, but I have a hard time believing the end of days mambo jumbo. Not to say the nwo is not working hard to suppress and make people used to the idea of martial law and the like, but people are waking up at alarming rates and that's great!! Take care everyone and thanks again for checking in with my site.

April 23, 2009

Here's the little guy doing what he likes best... "Putta!!" Was funny seeing him walking around the green and saying "putta!" in a little bit of a loud voice I have to say. I was laughing and was not the only one either ;-) He just wanted to "putta!" the whole time except when he tried to run out on the driving range. Funny little man.

April 22, 2009

Amanda - Handball

Here's Amanda at handball practice, she seems really to enjoy the game and has many friends from school that play. She says she's really looking forward to playing golf this summer and I of course like to hear that. She's now twelve and maybe her coordination and strength will help her make better and more consistent ball contact. But... of course she needs to play much more to get "good", which she herself might not be even be at all interested in?? Kids at this age switch there meanings and interest in things a little..................... ;-)

April 13, 2009

Master Re-Cap -09

Angel does it! Was one of the best Masters I can remember for years. The sunday pairing of Phil and Tiger was cool to follow. Thought maybe one of those guys might actually do it, but I must say that I was really pulling for Kenny and it was a little sad to see him falter down the playoff holes. His swing with those last two approach shots were not good, understandable I guess, the pressure must be huge and he's only had one real chance before yesterday at the PGA where he lost to Mark Brooks in a playoff. I was really hoping he would hit that par putt on the 72 hole. Great tournament, just sad to see it end.... looking forward to next year!

April 12, 2009

Leon invents "Street Golf"

He played all the way down the street today and around the corner, the ball of course rolls a bit on the pavement but he's not only hitting them straight either. He thinks it's fun to go down in the ditch and try and hit it out. Seems to me like he just thinks it's cool... No influence by the rest of the family either..... ;-)

April 9, 2009

Masters Widget

Look at that Stance

The little guy is all bout the fundamentals...hahaha. He's got a handle on the most. Putted for about an hour, strange that he didn't want to stop and he didn't want to share the hole he was putting at. He'd pick up my ball and toss it towards another hole and point like, "hey, use your own hole".. was killing myself laughing.

Leon's first putt....

We took a chance and made a dash for the putting green, was a little windy and cold on the fingers. Leon was real excited and his first putt he picked up the ball which was about 6 feet away and put it about 4 inches from the hole and tapped it in. Hole in one. Funny boy. He's got the idea.

April 3, 2009

Lillegutt and Birdie

L Here is Leon cuddling with one of his best friends Birdie. He is lucky to have a cat that is calm and patient as Birdie. The other one, Birdies brother Bogey is running from Leon at first sight. Funny how two cats can be so very different.

April 1, 2009

Happy Birthday Amanda!

Here you have the "ladies" out on town all dressed up and ready to take Pizzaninni by storm. They had a fun time scaring all the people along the waterfront, they even got claps and whistles and thought it was maybe a little embarrassing. Amanda turns 12 tomorrow and I must say that the time has just flown by, I remember taking her to kindergarten like it was yesterday but I'm sure almost all parents think the time just flies by. Happy Birthday my sweetheart!

Looking forward to Shorts!!

You bet I'm looking forward to shorts and warm weather! Have a good bud over in Myrtle Beach and I am jealous to say the least. The snow has melted a bit the last couple of days, maybe I was wrong in thinking that it was going to be 5 to 6 weeks in the waiting... Positive that it's melting and the forcast is for spring to be just around the corner. Yippie!! Actually took the clubs in from the garage a couple days ago... they have been punished enough.

March 30, 2009


How many weeks until we can feel the grass under our feet? I'm guessing around 5 to 6 weeks if we don't get anymore snow. This time last year there were several golf courses open. I guess global warming is not happening, or what? No that's right they call it global climate change now. Right. One minute it's global warming and the next it's just climate change. Read up about the sun. Yes, the sun. It has cycles too and that's what's causing this so called climate change. The sun is just not as active as it has been and we see around the world that temps are lower than they have been for many years. It's all about the sun. Humans have little to no effect. I find it amazing how many people are sold on this co2, humans are the cause for all the "problems" we have with the climate. Do some fact checking of your own about global climate temp and you'll find out more about the agenda of the "sky is falling" co-horts. I know this has nothing to do with golf per-say but I do know if the sun was more active then I'd be out there hitting some shots on the grass, which grows because of the sun, which gives life to all things. Oh, yeah google c02 emmisions and find out where the most co2 comes from... Is it not strange that they are taxing the very thing that comes out of each and everyone's mouth? Never understood that, the more co2 there is the more things grow which produces more oxygen and so on and so forth. Have you heard they are considering a farting tax for farm stock? Lot's to follow :-)

Thanks for the support!

Just want to thank the individuals who have contacted me in regards to the happenings at Onsoy. I have nothing new to add and will be talking to "my people" and see what the course of action will be. It has also crossed my mind not to "hang dirty laundry" on this site either so this will most likey be the only post in regards to that situation. I am really just saying thanks for the support! Positive posts with some fun info sounds like a good start!

Tiger does it Again.

Tiger Woods just made maybe his best comeback ever at Arnie's place, Bay Hill. He started the day 5 shots back, won by one shot birding the 18th and shot a 3 under 67. Having some knee issues myself I find it inspiring to see him after his reconstuctive surgery playing at a level that can be described only as greatness. We are all lucky to be able to witness his talent.