September 10, 2009


Here is Leon getting his hands on my telephone, took a nice picture of himself if I dare say so... We were outside a little today and he was hitting some balls around the yard and playing from his "bunker". He likes to dig around in the dirt and explore the backyard. Must be exciting for him, I think about his reality and what his life experience really is from day to day. I of course see the outside of his little world and he is happy, pretty much all the time, he has a good sense of humor and is always giving us hugs and kisses. So in that sense I can judge that he is a happy little boy, but of course I wish I could get in his little head and know what he's thinking. That goes double for Amanda da, being 12 and almost a teenager, whew, uff da.. She is a real special girl, respectful to her family and friends, loving to all esspecially her little brother. But of course I'd really like to know what she's thinking ;-) Tomorrow is 8 years scince 9-11, hmm, things are still unclear to me about this and I wish the powers at be would really do a good investigaion into what happened and the aftermath, I never did buy the commissions report on what actually happened. Things are coming out and the truth will one day come out. Looking forward to see what happens in the PGA playoffs, I think the pga has maybe figured out the point system this year that keeps more people interested. I like the idea of the guys having to play weeks in a row, playing under great press while being challenged by the physical and mental duress from playing 7 weeks in a row... Poor guys da ;-)

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