September 22, 2009

Mamma said knock you out....

Have you ever felt this way? I have and do, there are many reasons for this. Most of all it's arrogant people who continue to push their no clue agenda's. The one thing that I have wondered about scince moving here is that with a population of a little over 4,5 mil, which is not even half the size of New York, Chicago, LA, London... Or about the same size as Berlin, Paris.. How and why is this country giving Billions to the UN every year... top 5 almost every year.. where are the G 20 countries on this list? Many of them are behind this little country.... What the hell is going on here, sending billions away when we can't even take care of our own? You'd think the native here would have these numbers on the brain, but no, no... most people here have no clue about the amount given away and the how, when and why's. Almost everyone is living in their own little box, their own reality, not seeing or wanting to see the others around them that are in need of help, right here, right now, at home. In my own little world I can conciously see the above statement clear and precise, I too live my life in my own little box... uff da.. how to come out of that reality? I have no 100% answer, reading, watching alternative news, meditation, read more, and praying is my best medication for the urge to knock some people right out. I can understand the skeptics in regards to most things but when you have the facts and the recipie for change, then the question is in the end... why or why not is it happening? The answer to this is not an easy one and for most people they have no time to investigate the questions that pop into their heads, they are to busy with "life".. Uff a Meg... Time to go offensive here, I have not a worry about the constant back talk, double speak of all the nay'sayers... Let them come, as a man of almost 40 it's time to listen to my Mamma.. LL can tell you more by clicking here...

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