October 24, 2012

Motivate, Motivation, Motivating

Good words those up in the title. . .

Having those things in ones life is one of, if not the most important, maybe. Without it we have a hard time doing the simple things in ones life. For some it's having it just to get out of bed that is the real battle. . Imagine that, have you ever been there? So down that to just get out of bed is a victory in itself? There are people who never have I am sure, but I will bet my breaches that most people sometime in their life have reached for it and have not found it, and there they'll lie without it. . .

Feeling it flow throughout ones body must be the greatest feelings ever, giving ones whole self to the one thing, pushing the envelope as hard or as far as positively possible.


Send your thoughts out into the universe and wait. The answers are there for everyone's knowledge, I just believe with all I am that most times I just get in my own way. . Things can come without much more than concentrating all of ones life power on that most important thing, that thing that for the most part gives us that ever valuable it. .

October 19, 2012


We have the great pleasure and great opportunity to be with each of our youngest children. For me being with my son is something special, each and every time. It does not matter, it can be five minutes, five days, weeks if it has to be, but I
cherish him, believe I keep telling myself, believe in what is important, him and nothing else. His happiness is something I would give everything for.

My daughter of course is the apple of my eye and always will be, she is my first and she taught me more than anyone, ever. .  .

Love is king.

Being abel to love them is the greatest gift life has ever given me, more than anything, on any level, at anytime, any place. . .

Unbridled love.

October 17, 2012

Two thoughts....

Have been having two thoughts going through my head as of late; first being, is it always the nice guy that finishes last or is it possible that the nice guy can finish first?? My experience is telling me that the first answer to the first question is a resounded yes... The answer to the second; well, I am not sure, can one keep trying to be nice in the face of all the disappointments and seeing that the not nice guy has a way of finishing ahead for some reason or another... What is one to do?? Stop with the being nice?? Turn oneself into something not nice, or outright mean??

How does one stay being nice and still finish first?

I guess the answer to that is just to be better at what ever it is that your doing than everyone else your competing against. Or is that to easy? Would it be possible in the long run anyway? Or is the case of point a mute one because of all the not nice people out there who just try and ruin it for everyone else? I have no real answers here but I am sure thinking about it a lot and have some distinct meanings about the subject, some of which are maybe to bold to print here....

Nice guys do finish last.

Sometimes one has to get 'mean' to get what one wants, one has to be willing to overlook others feelings, see past other people, not notice others who are trying to achieve the same goal, walk all over them, like a king... who's to say that is actually mean? Maybe it's just one being focused on his or her goal, and it's everyone else who does not understand it's not about being nice or not, it's about reaching ones goals, doing what it takes to get there and thinking blindly about it... Is that possible? Not sure myself, many times people who are so focused on one thing get the stamp of being selfish, one sided, arrogant, having no feelings, whatever it might be and I don't really know the answers...

As I get older the questions become maybe a little less in regards to how many they are, but the questions coming to heart are much more deep, serious, meaningful in nature that one has to use more time in considering the outcome or consequence of ones resolve to reach and understanding or meaning.... I am just one man, one soul, one father, one human being and I know that making a difference always starts with oneself and if one can't get that in order, well, then it's hard to think about anything more than oneself...

I remember all my life, not like a movie, from start to finish, but in bits and pieces that come and go in regards to what I am doing, saying or thinking... Having just my own life as a reference point, well, it seems to be enough at times but I really do know that we all need someone else, and I am hoping that for the most part the people I meet and have something with to do, well, I hope they have the ability to be nice and choose to do so each and everyday, a made choice, so easy really, but then again so hard...

October 10, 2012

Getting old, getting tired and getting ready...

Done with two weeks of golf, it's been interesting, have not had the chance to really think to much about it and I know that is something that needs to happen. I have felt to some little degree that I am feeling it, the getting old thing, I get a little more tired of things these days then I can remember from before.... I know that the golf game will come, had 14 greens in regulation yesterday and still walked away with an 82... I three putted 7 times, and missed several 6 footers for a par saves... One good thing that has come from the last couple of weeks is the fact I can honestly say that I have belief in myself more now than ever. Yeah the younger guys are hitting the ball farther, (albeit not that much farther, and when I really connect I'm right there with them, almost..) but I know that my iron game is good and only going to get better with the dedication I am now in stand to give... Wishing for sponsors, at the same time in a sense unwilling to put myself out there for others to have a say in it.

Not to say Im not fully understood with that results normally have to come before real help shows itself, but one could argue the case for all the players who if given the support really needed, would the percentages be different in the case of the haves and have nots? Are all the real successful ones born with the pernverval silver spoon situation?

Matter not, one has to follow the dreams one has to the end of it all or is it not all for nothin if not?

Many questions this night, soon to be at it's end with the hopes for good visions in between places. . . Hoping here in Norway for all that is good. . .

October 5, 2012

Playing, injuries and all the b.s.....

For me playing the game is the most important, not my results, and the nay say people can kiss my gritts... After playing the game for over 30 years, whew that made me feel old writing that and that's cool. Results and scoring come with playing and practicing. Being so lucky, having the opportunity to play the game I love injured or not it does not matter. Being on the field of play, giving my all on each shot regardless of what just happened the shot before and loving each moment of it. . Having a good or bad round is all in ones head, of course playing well is more fun to a large degree but Having a chance to, well that's the big thing isn't it?

Spent the day almost littaterly licking my wounds and getting body and mind ready for new challenges and demands. . Have a start time tomorrow 0930, south course, Himmerland Golf and Spa. We are ruffing it at a nice camping ground 10 min away. .

Feeling like this is all good and that doing this this fall is important for my mental practice this winter. It will be to many months with out playing that's that sad fact. . But fillin the days with positive steps towards the end goal is easy. . .

October 3, 2012

Four to Five equals 84....

That's how I am figuring it, four to five years later plus four to five rounds later and you get a 84. . . Not complaining really, Made eleven pars, five doubles, and two bogeys. Three three putts that gave away many one putt greens. . Had about seven real looks at birds but nothing wanted in today, I know it's going to get there one day, it has too, putting all our eggs in one basket this time around that's for sure. Feels good to know that even with a stretched left pectoral and shoulder muscles I did manage to finish somewhat strong in one way. . What's encouraging for sure is that with age comes something good and I believe for me that even at the age of soon to be 43 we can live out our dreams to that the utmost. .

Going out again tomorrow morning at 0930 here in Ystad, a real nice place and the course to match. . Hoping for a round of par tomorrow. . I know I have it in me, even with injury and lack of course time. . come on big kev think positive. . (one has to cheer oneself here in this world, being your own biggest fan is key) B-)B-)B-)B-)

All or nothing. . Here it goes. .

Laying awake at 0249, can't sleep, not that I've really tried either and that's ok. Big day tomorrow in some ways, others it's just the first step in a future that is uncertain for sure in some ways but in other ways it's stability in the highest... there is little question what we're doing or what the long term success will be either but it's super fun to be in it and living in a sense of hope...

Tee off at 0820, hole number 10, Ystad Golfklubb, Sweden. .

Feeling the sandman coming on now, hope that means I'll be getting about a three hour nap before I get this 42 year old body up, wake up and concentrate for a little over 5 hours and then another nap before some practice...

Drip, drip, drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip. . . its really starting to rain now. . :-):-):-):-):-)