September 24, 2011

Being with...

Being with... What does this entail? How much of being with is a good thing and how much is a possible bad thing? I cannot understand parents that can't seem to understand what it means to have the chance to be with and take every minute for what it is, precious.... Have heard of the situation where the one parent always does one thing that always affects the being with if the other... I can't understand this way of thinking, does it not matter the feelings of the one sitting and waiting? The one who in many ways does not have a choice but to be with under the circumstances given by another... is this moral or not?  How to deal with another's inability to see this clear and with compassion for all is beyond me in so many ways....

Babbling I know but, this is something I have thought alot about the past day's and have been struggling to see the light through the dark thoughts I have for people like this, or I should say the kind of people who are like this, or even the people who just don't know better or don't really give a damn... It's all about being with... 100% and doing ones best to give love, peace, harmony, direction, caring and all the other goodness that comes with really being with... always. Is it easy?? I think so, but if one works at it maybe one can improve and even change things for the better and become more with, being with...

Gotta go for now, I have to go and be with for real... ;-)

September 17, 2011

Open Gym, Music, Playing Hard, Quitting....

The bballers are starting to understand the importance of it, seeing the gelling effect it does has, the chances for getting better at the same time the player has the chance to prove is metal against some of his better friends.... What kind of long term effect does a setting like open gym have on a player, team, club....? The answers to this question is of course easy, but of course like all things it needs to nurtured and taken care of, not let to grow uncontrolled, making sure it is a safe place of youngsters and older players alike... It's super cool to see the players I've helped through the years come to a such setting and just play for the love of the game, the music they listen to, the social affect cannot be measured through just one or two seasons... this must be something that becomes a part of the club's system for keeping and recruiting players of all ages... Having a place to come each week to meet their friends, to play the game they love and just be... I know for myself open gym was an important part of my growing up...

The transition in going from being full time golf pro to bball coach, social worker has been interesting and very rewarding actually.. I know I have written about this subject before and will not 'punish' the reader with a full summation of the real feeling deep behind the opinions I have about the subject.... Short and sweet the point is the bballers really want to work hard, be the best they can and are willing to put in the hours of practice needed to be to reach ones potential both on and off the court... The youngsters I have worked with the past 20+ years in both golf and bball have been super for the most part, they have all been good kids for the most but the difference in the two is the actual love they have for their sport and what they are willing to do to reach their goals... Basketball wins, hands down... I guess it really does have something to do with the team side of balling and not in the golf?

Gotta go, my daughter just got here!!! Peace, love and all that's good....

September 16, 2011

Basketball Coaching Sample...

For those of your interested here is a sample of my basketball blogs that I write for my two teams that I coach here in my hometown of Fredrikstad:

Hoopsters: Really good work tonight..Getting in a real good practice in that small gym is a credit to you all and your ability to focus, compete and cheer each other on... Just so you guys know, when we get the gym at Seirsborg done, it will be a little bigger than the small gym we have to use at Glemmen every other week. Next week we have the big area and will make the most out of it... Just like you all did tonight. I must say fellas, you all make coming to practice so much fun and seeing the long term progress of each one of you is of course real cool! And another thing I know to be true, this group of young men, that is you dudes are fighters, friends, competitors, fans of each other and like I wrote to Mo from Skiptvet we are a family, one that takes care of each other, through thick and thin... Right guys?? Hehehe I know the answer already and that's one of the reasons it's o fun to ask the question.. ;-)

Keep working hard guys, keep your thinking caps on during practice, I know I can say a lot of info in a short amount of time, and you all should be safe to raise your hand and ask if you don't understand... Please do that guys, or should I say keep doing it!  Seeing you all starting to have a better grasp of the idea's behind a good man to man defense, understanding is maybe over half the battle guys... and then the way you all competed during the 3 on 3 drill was just so cool to watch... ALL of you played your hearts out and a special shout to Mo from Hvaler, Ebay and Si Ming... those guys won 7 games in a row with exceptional effort on defense and running the floor... good work all!!

Hope to see so many of you as possible at open gym tomorrow night, come and play, get a run in dudes, come and battle against your teammates, club-mates and possible guest players from other clubs.... For those of you I don't see tomorrow, have a good weekend and remember to eat and drink the good stuff, listen to the bosses at home and do your school work to the best of your ability...

Coach Kev

As stated, I have two teams, this blog is for the oldest team, the one I've been coaching the past three seasons, young men now, born in 94/95. The reason I posted their blog post as a sample is because I know these young men best and I guess I might think I write a little more natural for them... who knows and I hope those of you that are interested will follow along for the fun of it... 

Gotta run folks... tired after a long evening of coaching and am looking forward to chillin a bit before beddy bye... ;-)

September 14, 2011

Websites.... goodness and life....

Googled my name the other night... Looks like someone is using it for something I don't like or approve of... I am not sure for the course of action as of yet, but I will be trying to see what can be done... unreal... I can't think there are to many men in this world with my name... oh well, I didn't choose it, and of course I have thought many times about changing it too... My kids have and that is a good thing. It has cost me, this name of mine, people are cruel mostly, laughing at it, making jokes about it, for the most part not even thinking about how it has been to live with, my whole life... I guess the only thing about it that can be possible, is the fact that people never seem to forget it... maybe that can be a negative thing sometimes?? Duh.. yadagit.. 

Anyway, other than that, things are good here in the world of oil and high taxes... Nah, we have it good here in Norway... With a population of just under 5 million, these people have done some really good things with their little country... no doubt about that. I just have some questions that I am sure will never be answered to my satisfaction and to be honest I am ok with that... sometimes one has to just let things be, let life go on, let things happen the way they were supposed to, in other words, get out of your own way, step aside and let life lead you... Believe in life, believe in the goodness of what life represents and the fact that it is good, no one can look at life and say it's not good... times in it can be tough, but the overall meaning behind the word is just goodness.... so, be good people, think about love, life and the pursuit of happiness... Get out of your own way once in awhile and try and feel life moving ahead, flying ahead is more like it, and we can if we want to, just hang on for dear life and enjoy it... all of it ;-)

September 8, 2011

Rain, rain and more rain...

Here we have rain, lots of it... The most in over 110 years 'they' say... It was a whole heck of a lot anyway, flooding in the streets and some people's basements were a it wet... I wonder what that means or if it one could predict what kind of winter one might have in regards to things like that... and if so, would something like this mean that this winter is going to be real tough, or maybe the opposite is true... No one knows I guess for sure. I have just feelings about stuff like that, no real knowledge and no real desire to learn anything about it either, hmm, I wonder what that says about me? Maybe nothing, maybe a whole bunch.. At the same time I write the words I know that I really don't care, or can be bothered to find out.. hehehe. Night shift makes me a little weird I guess.

Basketball season is coming into full swing and I am looking forward to this season a bunch and am hoping for the best for the kids, I hope they stay healthy and improve steady. Ya ya ya... nothing really happening here otherwise, have been spending a good deal of my free time in our hippie corner in our new place. Having a new 'roommate' if one can call it that, I don't even know if we have a name for that in the states? Anyway, it's been nothing short of amazing for me, being able to have the same feelings about so many things is a pleasure I have not had in a long while... not that not agreeing is a negative thing by itself, of course many great things, ideas and the like are made out of people not agreeing, but in this case, right now in my life, just being able to agree on the smallest, stupidest little thing is like so large... I can't really explain it, at least not well enough I guess but I just wonder where it will all end? In total complete happiness? So far so good...

Gotta run back to my J.O.B. and all that good stuff... I will try and post more, gets a little hard to do it everyday now, but I am going to try and prioritize it more if possible... Take care world and be good to each other, think love, peace and all the other things that we all know each other needs...

September 1, 2011

Stevie Wonder... Graveyard shifts....

Pushing another night into the dawn.... Having my man Stevie with me is pretty cool, gotta love Spotify and the cordless internet. ;-) Been busy with life, basketball, work, kids... you all know? I know you do, and just that makes it a little easier. Life is very good and with each day I learn more and more about how I think this thing called life works, how the in's and out's of things function and then all of a sudden you realize that you don't have a clue really but that's what is so damn cool about life huh...?

Norway is getting colder and the rain is here to stay it seems... Well, at least until the temp gets cold enough, then it snows and snows and snows and snows.... Hehehe, no but seriously it can really get cold here and the fall winter seasons can be brutal for a guy used to growing up more or less close to the ocean and much warmer temps... One would think that I'd have gotten used to the weather over here after 16 years, but I can't say that I really have... bla bla bla bla... I know...

Gotta get back to work anyway, but maybe I'll have the time to post a bit more here now..

For those who are interested in basketball, click on the basketball coaching button on the menu area on the right hand side, check out the two teams I am coaching this season and the club I coach/work for.

Take care everyone, think good thoughts and flood the world with love and positive vibes!! If we all do our part then we can change the world... one person at a time, and maybe it just starts with us, each one of us, one at a time... bla bla bla... hehehe... gotta run...