Golf-history-life, liberty & pursuit of happiness...
January 29, 2011
College Hoops and Tiger
Looking forward to spending my day watching college hoops and the tiger. He's back playing at Torey Pines in San Diego. I know I wrote a little about this last time... Hope he gets on the winning track this week, and blows everyone away. Have a bunch of college games I need to get through, got to love digital tv and the recording possiblities. Not to sure what the other people in my life think though.. Maybe a bit much? Probably, but hey it's my job and I use that one every chance I get. ;-) Not to sure how many games I have saved up, but it's a couple, haha. No seriously.. if possible, the M State vs Michagen was a great game, it was the first time the Wolveriens beat M state in either bball or football since 2007. Big win, and real entertaining. Bla bla bla I know. Nothing really happening here otherwise... Norway is covered with snow and ice, lucky for me, I work inside and have no real need to go out unless it's with the little guy or big girl da. Funny to think about all the years that have gone by so fast, funny might be the wrong word, interesting maybe is better and a learning experience to say it mild. Learning to speak fluent norwegian was a long but kind of fun experience, and nowadays it's more natural to speak it and I do think in it for a large degree. Ya ya.. enough? Gotta go anyway.. Later world and be good to each other, peace, love and light to all...
January 27, 2011
Loose nerves can be better..
Been holding myself in a little more relaxed frame of mind the last days, I have not really had a choice, my back had been giving me fits for the past week plus, a pinched nerve is, or has always been the problem with my back, from the one foot landing on a fadeaway jumper... ya ya.. it's feeling much better, and I'm hoping it stays that way, I have not had a problem with it for at least 5 years. Blame it on the ice I guess. I did fall and almost slide under the burban a couple days before it started... Yippie!! Got to love the ice a few inches thick covering almost the entire parking places.. Golf wise.. the only real news that Tiger is back playing at Torrey Pines in Cali. Always been a huge fan and still am, what the guys does in his personal life is his bus and until he does something personal towards me, then I guess I shouldn't be throwing stones.. Cool that he's back and I hope he kicks everyones ass.
January 22, 2011
Bob Hope
Bob Hope, one of the big helpers of golf. He did do a lot of good when it comes to bringing golf to the people. Golf is in some ways still a snobby sport, but lucky for most of us though, we are not so snobby ;-) I think it's pretty fun to watch tis tournament and the Pebble Beach Pro-Am. The thing about the Hope is that it's played over 5 days and if I remember correct Pebble is not. I've been to palm springs a number of times through my life and it is one most popular places to visit and play golf, but I must add that palm springs has nothing on Myrtle Beach though, I'd say the beach is a much better place to travel with the whole family, while palm springs is, well, not as easy for people with kids. In MB one has the beach, and oh what a beach it is... Ya ya.. Interesting post again? Sometimes I wonder why I have this strange need to write and share my thoughts, worries, joys, frustrations, I guess everything, it is about me and my life I guess.. I know that most people who 'surf' their way here are searching for something ' a little different' than what I have to offer. Maybe I should put in a donation button with pay pal or something? Ha ha .. makes me laugh when I think of all the people searching something else, they open my site and I wonder what goes through their head? I know that I'm probably the only one to really give a shit about it anyway... And that's 100% ok with me. Having many friends is for me a thing that I think is overrated, maybe I'm not a good friend, maybe it's hard to like me, maybe I'm just me and am not so concerned in 'making' new or good friends - I believe that those relationships just happen and if someone is supposed to me a good and long friend, then those things just happen. Some would say that having and keeping friends is work, some say hard work, some say it's work that they enjoy, for me, if having or keeping a friend is 'work' in any degree, well, then I guess I can do without it or them. I hope that being my friend is not work in anyway, I just hope that I'm there for the people I consider my friends, and it's never work to have them either. My good friends are like family and that being said, besides my own little family I have, my friends are the only family I've ever really had. My parents tried, but were, well, not good in many ways and that is a subject for my book anyway.. Speacking of that, I've been a bit lazy with that the last couple weeks and need to get with the program. Deadlines and all. ;-)
January 20, 2011
Why is it everytime I watch Duke play I always root against them? Are they just that good? Is it because they are the best almost every year? Is it out of respect for Coach K? They have always had players I've liked, Singler this year comes from Oregon, where I spent about 20 years of my life and Kevin Love is also from Portland, Oregon, so, they are developing talent in that part of the u s still ;-) Yuck, yuck...
Nothing really happening here in Norway. I need to pay some simple bills to the states this week, it's not tat I put it off, I really to just forget and when I do remember it's usuually late at night here, which means it is closed there. Ya, ya... no biggie I guess.. Going to have to do it this week though, or within a week I should say. This week is almost over, duh. We have many minus degrees here and because we had a few days with pluss degrees the roads are, in places, real slippery. I can remember the firest years I lived here, I had some problems driving in the ice and snow. Now 16 years later, I am more comfortable yes, but I still don't like it.. I get more nervous in those conditions and it makes me drive slower. That would be the biggest or best advice, take your time and it should go ok. Bla bla bla... I know.. Cool to see the PGA season is up and going, they are playing in one of my favorite places in the states, Palm Springs, California... Real pretty place evern if it's out in one of the driest places in the world.
Gotta run world, be good to each other and remember we can change the world, each one of us, think positive and love each other....
Nothing really happening here in Norway. I need to pay some simple bills to the states this week, it's not tat I put it off, I really to just forget and when I do remember it's usuually late at night here, which means it is closed there. Ya, ya... no biggie I guess.. Going to have to do it this week though, or within a week I should say. This week is almost over, duh. We have many minus degrees here and because we had a few days with pluss degrees the roads are, in places, real slippery. I can remember the firest years I lived here, I had some problems driving in the ice and snow. Now 16 years later, I am more comfortable yes, but I still don't like it.. I get more nervous in those conditions and it makes me drive slower. That would be the biggest or best advice, take your time and it should go ok. Bla bla bla... I know.. Cool to see the PGA season is up and going, they are playing in one of my favorite places in the states, Palm Springs, California... Real pretty place evern if it's out in one of the driest places in the world.
Gotta run world, be good to each other and remember we can change the world, each one of us, think positive and love each other....
Sample of Basketball Blog for my High School team....
I like the picture so much that I thought maybe it would be cool to post it here as well, then I thought maybe some of the new readers would maybe like to have a look at that side of my little life over here. It is very enjoyable to work with these kids, sometimes you have situations that are tough, things that can be a little uncomfortable for everyone, but that is part of the deal being a high school basketball coach - and that dosn't mattter where in the world you live. Sometimes the hard thing to do is be honest and stand up for what you believe to be true and right. I guess it's like this for me, I give the kids everything I can, I am 100% honest with them, tell them what I think, with thought to what is best for that kid as a person, my vehicle is basketball, my teaching area's have been somewhat wide in their varation and difficulty. I know that the kids know all this, I bear my soul to my players, allow myself, with the opportunity to share my stories, teach through what is actually a long thought out process, which is common for us who are coaches.. we want to help the kids almost until it hurts, you wish you could do more for them all, help them more to be better ballers, people and all that good stuff... ya ya.. here's the last post I left for the team, a little background - we had a good team talk tonight at practice, I did most of the talking, which is not to hard to imagne if you know me though :-)
Hoopsters: Remember what we talked about today guys, being our gang, 'our family' and giving each other the important info, share the responsibility for getting the info to all and making sure that we all listen to each other's info, suggestions, wants, needs, desires, thoughts... when it comes to basketball, team work, things of importance in reagards to being the best student/athelete, please know that you can talk to me, I know I have said it many times before and I know I will talk about these things again.... Mabye those kinds of things are like the fundementals in hoops? One can never get enough practice on them. Maybe for some of you the need is not that great to hear those things, and that's ok too, consider yourselves lucky if you are there/ I was not there when I was 15 and I'm not sure if I'm there as 40, and I'm not even sure that we ever get 'there' either ;-) Good practice tonight fellas, seems like you all were in a focused state and that is always positive for learning/trying new things. Everyone at least seemed to try and cut through the zone and look for openings, remember guys, this is going to take a while to get good at and you all are going to make mistakes and I HAVE to correct them, so get your thinking caps on be focused 100% or else you all know what happens and then I know I have everyones attention. If everyone is going to learn, then there must be an enviroment condusive to learning, ikke sant gutter? See ya'll on Friday!! Coach Kev
The link to the bball team is on the right side of the webpage -------------------------------------------->
Hoopsters: Remember what we talked about today guys, being our gang, 'our family' and giving each other the important info, share the responsibility for getting the info to all and making sure that we all listen to each other's info, suggestions, wants, needs, desires, thoughts... when it comes to basketball, team work, things of importance in reagards to being the best student/athelete, please know that you can talk to me, I know I have said it many times before and I know I will talk about these things again.... Mabye those kinds of things are like the fundementals in hoops? One can never get enough practice on them. Maybe for some of you the need is not that great to hear those things, and that's ok too, consider yourselves lucky if you are there/ I was not there when I was 15 and I'm not sure if I'm there as 40, and I'm not even sure that we ever get 'there' either ;-) Good practice tonight fellas, seems like you all were in a focused state and that is always positive for learning/trying new things. Everyone at least seemed to try and cut through the zone and look for openings, remember guys, this is going to take a while to get good at and you all are going to make mistakes and I HAVE to correct them, so get your thinking caps on be focused 100% or else you all know what happens and then I know I have everyones attention. If everyone is going to learn, then there must be an enviroment condusive to learning, ikke sant gutter? See ya'll on Friday!! Coach Kev
The link to the bball team is on the right side of the webpage -------------------------------------------->
January 19, 2011
The Human Back
My back is hurting, it's that pinched nerve in my lower back, I don't think it's anything else like a slipped disc or anything. I remember when I was playing hoops at Linfield College and it was just during open gym, my second year there and I went up for a fade away and landed on one leg, and pang, it happened, pinched nerve. I went to the kiropraker and get it cracked, but I remember I was on the sofa and walking real slow for a few days. Once in a very seldom while I'll have the thing act up and it is painful, when I was playing a lot of professional golf and was practicing quite a bit, at the same time working a 50 + hour work week, I remember having to be careful with it, making sure to lift things correctly and all that. I have not lifted anything real heavy and I can't really put my finger on it. It seems like I have more pain in my neck (also a golf injury, which is common among active players) and of course I have the knee and hip issues... Shatola, maybe like Tanja says, "just send me the the butchers" like a big horse or something. I know I will feel much better when the hip and knee get better, I do favor my left leg quite a bit, and now that I've been thinking active about it, I realise how much it really is. Hmm just a bunch of positive things out if my finger tips today.. Crying like a bitch.... That's supposed to be funny, really it is, so if I offended some new visitor, sorry... ;-0
Take care world, be good to each other, think peace, love and harmony with everyone and everything.... It is important that we all are active in thinking these positive thoughts as well, turn the global vibe to all the good stuff...
Take care world, be good to each other, think peace, love and harmony with everyone and everything.... It is important that we all are active in thinking these positive thoughts as well, turn the global vibe to all the good stuff...
January 17, 2011
Big Monday
Got to love it. Big Monday on espn. Bball and lots of it. Not a couple games, but four in a row... I have the night off and have a natta v tomorrow, going to fall asleep on the couch tonight maybe and that would be ok. Looks like uconn is going to beat villanova in a great game excitment wise, but the overall game was a mix of good and bad. . . Bad shooting night and a bit of turnovers. Tie ball game with 22 seconds to go.. Kemba Walker hit the winning runner on the right side of the lane... great college player, wonder how he'll transfer to the nba? Yea, yea... bored? Maybe a bit, but in a good way ;-) Gotta love it, here we go with Kansas St vs Missouri.. should be another Big Monday game! Nothing else happening? Not really, just doing what I do vet du. Feeling a bit tired actually... not a good sign for seeing all the games... and I don't know what's up with my period button? Maybe I'm stuttering or something? Who knows? Well.. take care world, be good to each other, peace, love and all that good stuff, ikke sant?
January 16, 2011
Post Thinking...
It's always interesting to me how my mind works, after a game like the bball guys had tonight, lost by two points in a hard battle. They deserved to win just as much as the team that won, for me, I'll get some of my best ideas hours after as I go through the game sheet and stats. For me it seems to work like that anyway. The guys have to learn some basic skills still. Things that tough losses teach, sometimes that is often the best medicine to build on for them, as temmates and as individuals. Over half the team is made up of kids that have not played oragnized ball before and this season is either their first or second. The second year guys are having a better learning curve than maybe the real new guys, the more experienced players are having to learn how to lead, be a person that not only can talk the talk, but can walk the walk. They are getting there and it's fun to be part of. Not much else happening golf wise here in Norway for me. I hope the prognoses for my knee and hip will be good, and that I will be able to play some this summer, but then I'm going to be really lucky. One never knows. I've been lucky me too, have saved a bunch of college games from the past couple days and now I'm going to enjoy more bball!! One might think I'd get sick of it, reasonable that, but no no.. Never do, and I hope I never do... BGW (Be good world)...
January 13, 2011
Nothing really to say. . ?
I find myself at the point when I feel like Ihave nothing to say, is it possible, something I wish, or does it just happen? Wanting to sit and write something, but the brain is not helping and there you just sit. It's interesting, is it not? No? Mabye yes, maybe no. I'm feeling the night shift now, have slept all day and woke up around 1945.. Have one more shift and then some time off. Always good with some 'free time' in the lives we humans lead, I assume many people who have the day to day grind of working 5 days a week, 8 hours a day can in someway appreciate their 'free time' more than others who for whatever reason don't have to work as much or five days a week? Here in Norway, people have many days 'free' in the course of a year, they have it built into their social system that people should not work for than 37 hours a week. If you do, then you have the right for overtime, but, of course when I worked with the golf, running my shop, doing the lessons, junior training, cafe, and all the other small duties a head pro has, I worked a whole years hours in 6 months... which made the whole thing not worth it in the end. Slaving away for a few kroner more, and having to continue to work through the winter as well.... no no no.. enough was enough and yippie for that. I guess I did have a little to say afterall, many times it's just to start writing and things will come to ya.. bla bla bla.. I know.. Gotta run, be good world..
January 11, 2011
Almost Ducks...
Watched the BCS National Championship last night - Auburn vs Oregon - 22-19 was the final in overtime to Auburn. Was a good game, Oregon had many chances in the red zone and just didn't get the job done, now whether it's coaching, players or a what it always comes down to, a good combo of both and the Ducks didn't have it for the whole game. Any game that end in overtime is exciting and this game was no exception I add, but for some reason it was a let down, not because the Ducks lost, I have no emotional investment in the Ducks or anything like that, but I hope and thought it would hav ebeen real cool for them to win da. It's been a long time coming for any D 1 school in the state of Oregon to play a national champ game, less college football. The U of Portland womens soccer team is one of, or at least was when I lived in Portland, one of the best programs in the us. Ya ya ya... Enough about football.. watched a bit of the first event of the season for the pga tour, was fun to see the guys hitting and rolling the ball again. Starting to miss it? Maybe a little and that's jsut a good sign I think. Hoping for a fast(er) experience with the social health care here, I am not complaining at all, I have been really lucky since I came here, and have nothing to complain about, it's just a fact that it takes a little time beacuse there are always people that need help, and those of us that can wait or don't have 'life and death problems', we, we end up waiting sometimes and if one gets their head around the wole concept, then I guess it's right. People can choose to go to private practiceners, it cost a lot and I choose to not. Why pay for something, that, if you didn't, the end result would be or is, just as good as if you did? Anyone have an answer?
January 10, 2011
Catching up....
Had the wonderful experience last night in talking to one of my best friends, who I have not talked to for maybe something like 10 years. Thanks be to facebook and the system they have built. Wondering where it might all end, not my experience or conversation and the results of that mind you, but the whole facebook thing, just a little sidetrack from me but they are trying to 'own' the web. Saw it on 60 min. Who knows what will happen with that. The one thing I do know is that I'm going to try and stay in touch 'this time around' which is made mcuh easier with things like facebook. Weird to hear my friends voice after so long, but for me at least it was like we never missed a beat, felt as normal and as good as it did all those years ago. We both have our families, work, hobbies, you know, the whole ball of wax, but I guess that goes to show you that some friendships are meant to last. After moving to over here I have experienced the longing for my friendships and culture of my homeland, but luck being on my side, maybe this will be a chance to really start a-new. One never knows what life is going to bring, what chances taking will bring about positive happenings and which will, well, to find a better way to say it, I guess I can't, the ones that don't. I guess that's really the way of life maybe, the yin and yang, dark and light, but I can't help thinking about all the grey too. Maybe that's what I've been missing all this time, the grey of life, the things that one might be able to choose the final color of 'it'.... Bla bla bla I know, I know... Gotta Run anyway.. Take care world and be good to each other.
January 9, 2011
Nfl and why... #2
I've just got too... I know there are many other things in life that are much more important and maybe in another place and time I'd have to do it and well, maybe there wouldn't even be a National Football Leauge. It's the Playoffs and it's win or go home. Always fun to watch those kinds of games, no matter what the sport almost, can't really think of any I wouldn't watch, except for those sports I've never heard of or don't understand of course. I know it's a violent game, lots of injuries, both in real time and in the long term, but I can't seem to get my head around that they are grown men who choose to and that for me, makes it not just alright, but entertainment at it's best... we'll maybe not it's best da, but it's alot of fun and for me living where I do, it's extra cool, because we don't have anything like it here.. Nothing new golf wise, was at the doctor again for my knee and we are trying to get the ball really rolling so that I can get it fixed asap. Maybe it will happen this time, I am counting on it of course, what else can I do? Pay for it myself? What the heck do I pay taxes for? Lucky for me I'm a patcient person, a bad speller yes, but pretty easy going, at determent to myself sometimes... Was nice to chat with a long lost friend last night and if your reading this, thanks for the chat my good friend and I will call you asap. Later world... Go Eagles!!
January 7, 2011
Birds and Fish?
Uff da, it's probably not a good sign when thousands of birds and fish just die in Ark and Lu... here in scandinavia our neighbors, the swedes just reported something very very similar to what happened in the states, but funny enough (or maybe not so funny da) is that the birds in all places just all of a sudden just died, not a disease or sickness of anykind. Hmmm. That gets me thinking about all the crazy things that actually happen on the planet each and everyday, and how the mainstream media chooses to be lap dogs to the powers and ingnore the suffering. Maybe most people don't want to think about it, will choose to live like an osterich with their head in the sand, and that I can understand in a small way, it's like the movie the Matrix where you want Nemo to take the red pill, but maybe the blue one is right for some? Bla bla bla, I know..
We got lots of snow here in my part of Norway, in inches it was probably about 10-15, and there is more on the way.. Lucky for us that the county's have a pretty good system of snow plows, dump trucks, farmers with their tracktors and just about everyone has a snow plow of their own to take the driveway... Maybe a good idea? ;-) Gotta run and lets hope they find out what killed all the birds and fish da..
We got lots of snow here in my part of Norway, in inches it was probably about 10-15, and there is more on the way.. Lucky for us that the county's have a pretty good system of snow plows, dump trucks, farmers with their tracktors and just about everyone has a snow plow of their own to take the driveway... Maybe a good idea? ;-) Gotta run and lets hope they find out what killed all the birds and fish da..
January 4, 2011
Working the Night Shift and Being Scary
Back in business with night shifts and being scary. Came to work and found that one youth was in a bad state and that I'd be helping out in that section, it's kinda funny, this one youth always says that I'm scary, everytime this kids says that, 'your scary'... It makes me smile in a way, and I just say back that 'ya, your right, I am scary, so you better do as I say'. And I always smile a big smile when I say that and I usually get a response of smiling back. I wonder what it's like for the youth in that situation? Are they really scared and how does that translate into their therapy? I don't really think that the kid is so scared but I think that is the way he/she breaks the ice when they see me, but one can never be sure I guess. It's alright to be back in business I guess, I have enjoyed me 2+ weeks xmas vacation this year and all that. Going to be fun to see the bball fellas' tomorrow night at practice, I wonder how good of shape the team is and how much conditioning they are going to need to get back in shape? I can remember when I played active, that the first few practices after xmas were always some of the toughest of the season, so, I guess it will be the same for them... Babbling on I know.. I guess that's what having a blog is all about da.. Take care and be good..
January 2, 2011
Bowl Games
It's been fun watching some of the american football bowl games in the us now. I have not seen the rose bowl in at least 10 years and it was cool to see the TCU Hornfrogs win against Wisconsin. TCU is a school with about 9000 students and U of W has at least double that if not more. One win for the little guys the coaches and players were saying in the post game comments. This made me think about or wishing for a year for the little guys, where the little people can take back a bit of their personal responsibility for helping society forward in the 'right' direction. Be good world...
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