June 29, 2010

Love - No Words Needed

Here's a picture of the American Sign Language sign for love. I have seen this sign, mostly at concerts though, love, love will save the world. Is love such a powerful thing that we don't really know the power of it. I believe that love has the power to heal anything or anybody. Sometimes people talk in a way that would make me think that we can measure it, count it in some manner, put a value on it, but for me, I'd just like to really understand it, and have the enlightenment to use it for the good of myself, my family and friends. Not much really happening here in Norway. No golf to speek of anyway. I was at the doctor today, we talked about the knee, about the fact that I need and operation and that I recieved a letter from the hospital stating that I'm not on the list for people that really need an operation. I explained to my new doctor that I'm not interested in taking the pain killers I've been using the last three months for the rest of my life. He of course understood he said, but he had not recieved a copy of that letter. Ya ya... things are good. I am working on a special project that I'm really excited about, maybe I'll set up another blog in connection to it, but we'll see. Hope this finds all the people who visit me on a regular basis doing good and for all the new visiters, welcome to my world and take contact if you think you'd like to talk, maybe you need some coaching help and are afraid to ask for help, well, I understand that, really I do. Take a chance in life, give yourself a chance and remember the old phrase -"this is the first day of the rest of your life..." a good but old wives saying. Something that holds true for many, forgetting the past and it's ups and downs, not easy that, picking up the pieces of our lives and just taking one day at a time, searching for a way to deal with it all..... Later people, gotta go.......

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