November 29, 2016


Sometimes one just looks at the sky and thinks wow... with all the tragic happenings around the world that we see night in and night out on the local and international news - we can be humbled by the sight of just one sunset. The ability to take a step back and appreciate the simple things is so important and something I think we all should try and do each day. I know it's not always easy, life can be tough on each of us, things happen for no good reason and sometimes it seems unfair and one can even think 'why me' and all that...but I believe in redemption, forgiveness and understanding that being free to do just those two things are what makes us true and free to ourslevs. 

For me - seeing a sight - a simple one like the sunset above makes me see the wonder of life and what makes it so precious and of such value, each and everyday. One has to see that? Right? I hope that my readers do and accept that as an individual we can't really change world events maybe but we can change our outlook on life and maybe as a whole - if everyone does it - maybe things will fall in the right for all of us... 

Believe in love - forgiveness and redemption for past mistakes and the ones that we all are going to make in the future to come. No one is perfect - that's for sure but when we see something like this sunset we can for a short time see that perfection comes in so many shapes and sizes - that the world can give us so much if we are willlng to see it - accept it into our hearts and believe. I do -  I really do and I'm not sure if it makes me stronger for real but the sunset above is and for me it was just perfect... Have a wonderful day wherever you might find yourself in this world and try to take just a few minutes to take a look around and see - what is perfect around you -even if it's just the sun saying goodbye for one day...💜💜😊😊

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